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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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According to Mr. Szwed, they wan't Cargo and mail as well. (" What does that mean; the work we do today may not be ours going forward under a new agreement. That work includes but not limited to watering aircraft, lav service, mail, deicing and cargo.")

I didn't think LAA or LUS did mail today. As for Cargo, I know LAA protected it in their five hub stations MIA, DFW, LAX, ORD, JFK and I have seen nothing in the Jetnet updates about mail or Cargo. I believe CB or someone else on the negotiating committee (not Executive Committee) was specifically asked about Cargo and was told they have not asked for it.
Now, I would love to see AA's "wants" and see if it has indeed changed it's position.

And of course this is the Association wording (update).
American’s proposal will eliminate 2,500 AMT jobs, not include facilities maintenance work protections and allows the outsourcing of almost any fleet service work.
Tim any time you and I are on the same page I almost become frightened to death that maybe I too am losing my marbles.

But we’re on the same page.

According to the Company advertisers they wanted Catering and Deicing only in select non East Coast cities. Suddenly according to the last Association update they claim (I guess) that the Company has modified their position and want language that gives them the ability to take nearly ALL of our work?

I’m not saying those Rats for the Company couldn’t have done a shifty180, but if they have we need more information than the last basically pathetic update that gives us nothing but lip service.

TWU/IAM Association Leaders. I won’t speak for Maintenance since it’s pretty apparent how some of them are feeling but I can tell you from all the Social Media sites I visit Fleet Service/Agents have grown completely apathetic. And it’s your absolutely horrible updates that are part of the cause.
weez, how much does customer service make? I dont remember customer service getting the delta bump like us and the Flight Attendants but maybe they did??

As far as our talks, i think the members should know about where we are, prior to any long extended section 6 talks.
The association update had a positive subject line since it suggest that an agreement is close.

However, if everyone bended as much as they will and its now a game of tic tac toe then I believe additional risk will creep up. Im not saying im right but my gut tells me that the Trump economy will start trending down soon. If so, additional pressures on the fares may reduce a company offer.
I know this is selfish but lus really doesnt mind.

Why would you wish this on the LUS folks? We worked under a BK agreement for a long time also. Now that we are not, somehow it's our fault you guys are? We are in this together and always have been. I want us ALL to have the very best of both CBA's. But statements like yours above proves that some of you AAer's really want to see your fellow brothers and sisters harmed just so you can get yours. Makes me sad really. That you think it's ok to harm others just so you can attempt to prove a point, and get some sort of mutated satisfaction, just to say, "how do you like it?" We were under a BK contract for a while also. And yes, IT SUCKED! Your attempt to prove your point however just proves that your BK agreement is no fault of ours. We had ZERO to do with your BK contract, yet you still seem to think somehow it's our fault? Why is that. Why do you think we owe you anything? You do not owe us anything, never have. I honestly can't believe the sense of entitlement you have. It just boggles my mind.
I do not wish bad on anybody. My point is that the IAM is being allowed to dictate negotiations, stall, what have you with less than 30% of the numbers. I do not blame you for wanting to keep your cheap insurance either. I would too in your shoes. My point is that the TWU agreed to this mess that does not give the majority the power and in fact gives it to the minority. I also know you were under a BK contract for a while but we've been under one for over fifteen years! We're frustrated and honestly I find it insulting that you are trying to make me look like a problem. You have everything you want and we have nothing. You are content to wait while we see our career coming to an end with no hope of a decent retirement. You also didn't support the TWU on any picketing action. So now we're supposed to support each other now since you see that your medical is under attack? So we've had to deal with crap for over fifteen years and you say we should shut up and deal with it for as long as it takes to get the IAM to agree to a medical plan? Oh and I guess you'll be expecting to get paid for giving up your cheap medical too right? While we have paid the higher premiums all along and you've been taking home more pay than us while working one less week per year? I'm not taking a bullet for anyone who was acting like a sheep while we were picketing and also kissing Parker's ass in town halls. Go ahead and judge me if you want but you're the one who looks selfish to me. We know that we cannot depend on the IAM to do anything to help us. How dare you preach to me about unity. Does the word Hypocrite mean anything to you? You're either with us or against us and when you don't show up for picketing events you have proven you're against us.
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We are trying to secure better wages, retirement, scope and insurance for all. You would think we would all stick together on these. Geez, unbelievable.

P. Rez
So please explain why you IAM warriors ignored us when we were picketing? You have shown by lack of actions that you do not support us.
weez, how much does customer service make? I dont remember customer service getting the delta bump like us and the Flight Attendants but maybe they did??

As far as our talks, i think the members should know about where we are, prior to any long extended section 6 talks.
The association update had a positive subject line since it suggest that an agreement is close.

However, if everyone bended as much as they will and its now a game of tic tac toe then I believe additional risk will creep up. Im not saying im right but my gut tells me that the Trump economy will start trending down soon. If so, additional pressures on the fares may reduce a company offer.
I know this is selfish but lus really doesnt mind.

They received their bump directly in the timing of their agreement.


Flight Attendants were given catch up bumps.

Tim one minute you claim that we are not going into Section 6 and this will be done in two weeks and then you’re saying prepare for Section 6. Then you’re back to exclaiming that the last update was positive and suggest this again is almost over, but in the same writing then you suggest that the Economy will soon start tanking and we will be offered less.

Back and forth, back and forth? Do you understand now why I keep calling you Sybil?

It’s getting so bad you’re now back and forth in the same writing.
So please explain why you IAM warriors ignored us when we were picketing? You have shown by lack of actions that you do not support us.
You are not supposed to point that out. Its not like when the iam leadership decided to stay home INSTEAD of being actual partners in the association.... its not like they showed the company where to place the wedge. Now instead of staying home and eating steak burgers when the first holiday they had and we didnt they coukd have voiced some support. Instead they asked for fries with the steak burger. Could have actually showed solidarity, the leadership chose not to. Now you want support? Dont think so.
Whether you know it or not You are making the point of the medical being worth fighting for. And that the other gains are worth it also.
Wrong. I want us ALL TO EAT STEAK
Yeah we all want to eat steak but we LAA people are not even eating hamburger. We also want support from the IAM which we have not seen at all.
Check out what someone wrote on the 514 FB page. And this guy supposedly went to a College for Business Administration there in Oklahoma? This is why observers think we’re a bunch of flaming morons sometimes.

“The Association should determine the date we should have had a contract ratified by. Then every meeting with the company from this point forward, calculate how much money in back pay the company owes us for not giving us the industry leading contract they promised.

For example: If we are losing $1000/month the next meeting with the company should include a $24,000 back pay date of signing
Then if it takes another month the next time we meet with the company the minimum proposal would be $25,000.

This would do 3 things:
1. Put pressure on the company to give us what we deserve
2. Increase the overall value of the total compensation when the contract is signed.
3. Set us up for back pay to be part of the negotiations if we have to enter into arbitration.”
It is natural for any group to want equal standing. The IAM did a good job taking care of their members with this arrangement, the TWU did not. The company has used it to their advantage which is to be expected. Can't blame the IAM or their members for any of it. At the same time you can't think the TWU people are going to sit around and not be disturbed. The real recipient of the anger should be the TWU for making some very very bad business decisions. Then you see the mechanics get a card drive going and the TWU should not be surprised. Some of the bad business from the TWU was so obvious I wondered who is running this show, Bozo the clown? At any rate I myself am glad for the LUS guys having a good deal. I'm not very high on what the LUS mgmt is doing at DFW. Not impressed with mgmt. They get rid of good people and that's a mistake.
Very good post! I do blame the TWU and not the IAM. The IAM took care of their people in this merge and the TWU screwed us (As usual). That is not the IAM's fault. I'm just tired of the holier than though attitude and the lessons on unity from a group that sat out the only actions we tried to take. All they had to do was go and carry a damn sign and they refused.
Yeah we all want to eat steak but we LAA people are not even eating hamburger. We also want support from the IAM which we have not seen at all.

According to Buck you are making a BASE pay of $108,000

Can we please stop over exaggerating on the food talk. You’re not exactly some kind of pauper living and eating in the dirt for Christ sake.
Negotiations update

***** SCOPE, SCOPE and SCOPE*****

The name of the game is SCOPE. It was a very disappointing session with the company as they want to take the ownership of work away from the TWU. What does that mean; the work we do today may not be ours going forward under a new agreement. That work includes but not limited to watering aircraft, lav service, mail, deicing and cargo. The message in Title II is not any better. There will be no growth and they too may not own the work. When the work goes away, we go away. It is not hard to understand.

It is time to fight. “Let’s watch out for each other, in union there is strength.” That strength comes from the membership being engaged. We are the union. We are going into our sixth month since the transition at the hall. We would like to thank everyone for your support and understanding. “512 Strong” isn’t just a saying, it is who we are.

Be Safe

Mike Szwed

VP TWU Local 512
i think the update should present parkers scope proposal. If there is much contracting out then...it wont be good for management with furious coworkers.
Operationally our rankings are pretty low already.We missed like twice as many bags as DL and they carried more passengers.A lot of this could be attributed to the Weez trying to figure out his new phone
According to Mr. Szwed, they wan't Cargo and mail as well. (" What does that mean; the work we do today may not be ours going forward under a new agreement. That work includes but not limited to watering aircraft, lav service, mail, deicing and cargo.")

I didn't think LAA or LUS did mail today. As for Cargo, I know LAA protected it in their five hub stations MIA, DFW, LAX, ORD, JFK and I have seen nothing in the Jetnet updates about mail or Cargo. I believe CB or someone else on the negotiating committee (not Executive Committee) was specifically asked about Cargo and was told they have not asked for it.
Now, I would love to see AA's "wants" and see if it has indeed changed it's position.

And of course this is the Association wording (update).
American’s proposal will eliminate 2,500 AMT jobs, not include facilities maintenance work protections and allows the outsourcing of almost any fleet service work.
They received their bump directly in the timing of their agreement.


Flight Attendants were given catch up bumps.

Tim one minute you claim that we are not going into Section 6 and this will be done in two weeks and then you’re saying prepare for Section 6. Then you’re back to exclaiming that the last update was positive and suggest this again is almost over, but in the same writing then you suggest that the Economy will soon start tanking and we will be offered less.

Back and forth, back and forth? Do you understand now why I keep calling you Sybil?

It’s getting so bad you’re now back and forth in the same writing.
Mx is different, and it trumps anything said about fleet. As long as the can is kicked, it will be a wonderful surprise for me.
Mx is different, and it trumps anything said about fleet. As long as the can is kicked, it will be a wonderful surprise for me.

Yea but you said 2 weeks? So does that mean we hold you to that? There will be a TA for Fleet coming out in 2 weeks?

Now on the opposite end as far as kicking the can down the road now you really have lost your marbles.

First I think you said you only have the Single medical Plan anyway as I recall. But any way you cut it even if we got a TA tomorrow by the time it’s all put together and we vote you’re already well into having another year of your medical advantage anyway.

So now instead you’re actually losing thousands of Dollars that you could be earning that you’re not.

But again this is all prefaced on the fact that you keep saying that Fleet is done and all these updates are nothing but pure BS for Fleet.
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