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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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According to Mr. Szwed, they wan't Cargo and mail as well. (" What does that mean; the work we do today may not be ours going forward under a new agreement. That work includes but not limited to watering aircraft, lav service, mail, deicing and cargo.")

I didn't think LAA or LUS did mail today. As for Cargo, I know LAA protected it in their five hub stations MIA, DFW, LAX, ORD, JFK and I have seen nothing in the Jetnet updates about mail or Cargo. I believe CB or someone else on the negotiating committee (not Executive Committee) was specifically asked about Cargo and was told they have not asked for it.
Now, I would love to see AA's "wants" and see if it has indeed changed it's position.

And of course this is the Association wording (update).
American’s proposal will eliminate 2,500 AMT jobs, not include facilities maintenance work protections and allows the outsourcing of almost any fleet service work.
On one of the company upadates they stated that they would keep cargo and mail in the HUBS AS IT IS TODAY. IAM has Cargo work in LAS LAX and PHX .. that means Las lax and Phx which are not hubs would lose it.
On one of the company upadates they stated that they would keep cargo and mail in the HUBS AS IT IS TODAY. IAM has Cargo work in LAS LAX and PHX .. that means Las lax and Phx which are not hubs would lose it.
We have had this discussion before Racer, LAX is a LAA hub, we will not be losing Cargo there. This Contract is not all about IAM.
Some say you’re CB, I don’t buy it. I would ask him. He has stated not only are they going to keep Cargo, they are looking to expand it. They meaning our negotiators.
You and I can speculate, argue, disagree or whatever Racer. I have no problem with you or your professional way of disagreeing. It’s appreciated. Ultimately we will see and vote...
imo it just doesn't make sense to contract out the servicing and negotiating of your contract with a 3rd party, whether the organization is the iam, twu, amfa, ibt. AMP insources the job.

Ok, thanks for your opinion, however over the years here at LAA you might as well have said 3rd Party negotiators as the company continued to use professionals and the TWU kept replacing people due to elections from the International to the Locals. On top of that, the Air Transport Division at the TWU International had no power at the Convention with the Ground Transport Division controlling the Convention.
I do not wish bad on anybody. My point is that the IAM is being allowed to dictate negotiations, stall, what have you with less than 30% of the numbers. I do not blame you for wanting to keep your cheap insurance either. I would too in your shoes. My point is that the TWU agreed to this mess that does not give the majority the power and in fact gives it to the minority. I also know you were under a BK contract for a while but we've been under one for over fifteen years! We're frustrated and honestly I find it insulting that you are trying to make me look like a problem. You have everything you want and we have nothing. You are content to wait while we see our career coming to an end with no hope of a decent retirement. You also didn't support the TWU on any picketing action. So now we're supposed to support each other now since you see that your medical is under attack? So we've had to deal with crap for over fifteen years and you say we should shut up and deal with it for as long as it takes to get the IAM to agree to a medical plan? Oh and I guess you'll be expecting to get paid for giving up your cheap medical too right? While we have paid the higher premiums all along and you've been taking home more pay than us while working one less week per year? I'm not taking a bullet for anyone who was acting like a sheep while we were picketing and also kissing Parker's ass in town halls. Go ahead and judge me if you want but you're the one who looks selfish to me. We know that we cannot depend on the IAM to do anything to help us. How dare you preach to me about unity. Does the word Hypocrite mean anything to you? You're either with us or against us and when you don't show up for picketing events you have proven you're against us.

You crack me up OldGuy. So what you are saying is that the TWU has kept you under a BK agreement for 15 years and now you want us to bail you out of it. And no I think we ALL are the problem here. The IAM for not supporting you guys with the picketing, the TWU for keeping you guys under you BK agreement and not getting you any more than you have prior to the merger. The finger pointing with both our groups. All the things you want are not the fault of the IAM or it's members that you do not have them. And actually, the Negotiating Committees are evenly split, so to say that the minority is dictating the negotiations is false and you know it. My union protected my seniority, and protected me from a NC that would have grabbed the first few pieces of silver that parker offered them, instead of pushing for the gold pieces. I'm sorry I couldn't picket with you, and honestly I don't know if I could have taken the time off work. So if you want to be angry at me for not picketing go ahead. My responsibilities are 6 and 12, they will always come first. Not you or a picket line will come before them. But either way, this is exactly what the company wants. US fighting with each other.
Yea but you said 2 weeks? So does that mean we hold you to that? There will be a TA for Fleet coming out in 2 weeks?

Now on the opposite end as far as kicking the can down the road now you really have lost your marbles.

First I think you said you only have the Single medical Plan anyway as I recall. But any way you cut it even if we got a TA tomorrow by the time it’s all put together and we vote you’re already well into having another year of your medical advantage anyway.

So now instead you’re actually losing thousands of Dollars that you could be earning that you’re not.

But again this is all prefaced on the fact that you keep saying that Fleet is done and all these updates are nothing but pure BS for Fleet.
two weeks. ive been saying that for quite a while. Im trying to get that spread systemwide. About two weeks.
Some say you’re CB, I don’t buy it. I would ask him. He has stated not only are they going to keep Cargo, they are looking to expand it. They meaning our negotiators.
hats what seems odd. Everything was kept including catering except lavs. Now this.
Some say you’re CB, I don’t buy it. I would ask him. He has stated not only are they going to keep Cargo, they are looking to expand it. They meaning our negotiators.
That is true. I said in the company update is where the company stated their intention.
You and I can speculate, argue, disagree or whatever Racer. I have no problem with you or your professional way of disagreeing. It’s appreciated. Ultimately we will see and vote...
I’m just stating what the company put out. BTW....you are correct, I’m NOT CB.
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