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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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In my opinion, the company will drag out our current negotiations until after the midterm elections in November. They will assess their position after that point, and if the GOP holds onto the current majorities, it will be MORE leverage for the company. With GOP oversight, the prospect of the NRTA will rattle labor, and delay Section 6 negotiations, as the company simply stalls, and waits for a more favorable regulatory environment....

We only have a few months to prove if I'm right, or wrong...


They won't need regulatory to be more favorable. By December 2019, the Fleet group will be over $2 an hour behind UA. That will cause enough pressure.
And this is another reason the ASSociation is a failure. Why should one work group be held hostage by another's issues in obtaining a TA?

The fleet group should NOT be stalled because of the MX group! And vice versa!
Yes.... you're being held hostage by the IAM, but we're going to split the ransom with you!
Doesn't matter what we want, it's what the Company wants. We can compromise with each other but it is the Company that needs to accept those measures you suggest and as of now, they don't seem possibilities.
Again, from opinions on this forum alone, it appears the IAM will not accept ANY increase in medical.
Again, from opinions on this forum alone, it appears the IAM will not accept ANY increase in medical.
Probably not true. Can't speak for all, but would be understanding of a rate increase to provide the excellent coverage we have. I don't want to pay double/ triple for WORSE coverage
And this is another reason the ASSociation is a failure. Why should one work group be held hostage by another's issues in obtaining a TA?

The fleet group should NOT be stalled because of the MX group! And vice versa!
What don’t people get?? We are all ONE group now.
At least Tim is being honest. It's all aboout the medical for LUS people and scope for TWU people!
That’s not 100% accurate either. Fleet stands to possibly lose over 1,000 jobs by the company position on fleet scope
Ok, here is my tie breaking proposal since LUS Medical and LAA Scope are the two biggest issues.......

Two questions...One for LUS and one for LAA....

LUS folks.......Would you be willing to split the LUS medical cost with the LAA medical cost....Say you go up $200 a month and LAA goes down $200 a month?

LAA folks.......Would you accept less than 15% outsourcing increase to, say 7.5%??????? OR just accept the 15% outsourcing in exchange for the cheaper medical?
So you are proposing concessionary language when the company is making record profits?
They won't need regulatory to be more favorable. By December 2019, the Fleet group will be over $2 an hour behind UA. That will cause enough pressure.

And if it gets to that date who will you be painting as the villain, the Company or the Association?

Well maybe after you’ve sat in the same room with those IAM guys they might convince you who you should side with? Maybe?
So you are proposing concessionary language when the company is making record profits?
Not proposing, but accepting reality...Do you sincerely believe we are going to get EVERYTHING we want with giving ANYTHING in return?

As far as record profits, well nothing is forever.
What don’t people get?? We are all ONE group now.

That’s not 100% accurate either. Fleet stands to possibly lose over 1,000 jobs by the company position on fleet scope

We are NOT one group yet.....That is not true.....
What don’t people get?? We are all ONE group now.
My bet is they "get it" -- However, they prefer to perpetuate the us" and them" narrative.
It's part of the divide and conquer strategy tought in every corporate management class.
It's apparent which side they are on...

And if it gets to that date who will you be painting as the villain, the Company or the Association?
The Asscotiation of course! Everything that has happened to Fleet in the rigged BK laws is the all crooked unions fault!

Just ask Nelson...

Industry update fellas:
AS Mechanics have rejected their JCBA offer from the co.
UPS, I am being told and not yet confirmed, they have an agreement as well. It may only be at the AIP level at this point, so I would still expect some time before T/A, IF they even get there.
Anyone else know more info please share...
In my opinion, the company will drag out our current negotiations until after the midterm elections in November. They will assess their position after that point, and if the GOP holds onto the current majorities, it will be MORE leverage for the company. With GOP oversight, the prospect of the NRTA will rattle labor, and delay Section 6 negotiations, as the company simply stalls, and waits for a more favorable regulatory environment....

We only have a few months to prove if I'm right, or wrong...

I usually skip your posts I wish I didn't read this one.You think too much
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