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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Nope thats your battle not ours. Seems like we are in this fight alone as it is. Since the iam never showed up. We are just here to shore uo your position.
he honestly didnt know because he wasnt out there picketing with you. I know what you are saying since i was out there with you guys instead of standing down. Quite arrogant for a lus guy to think you all were out there for lus health care.
he honestly didnt know because he wasnt out there picketing with you. I know what you are saying since i was out there with you guys instead of standing down. Quite arrogant for a lus guy to think you all were out there for lus health care.
So we did have IAM members out there??
Great job Tim!
Here’s the part that some strange TWU people on this board can’t seem to wrap their head around.

“”Disappointingly, American failed to keep their word and deliver a counter on Scope. Instead, the company again insisted on cuts to Association members’ healthcare; a proposal equivalent to a “bankruptcy healthcare” plan in a time of extraordinary profits. No discussions were held on other important economic issues“”

Our AA Medical cost was pushed on us through Bankruptcy and by the Court. The reality was prior to the Bankruptcy we were paying 18% of the total cost and the BK pushed a rise on that to 21%. I’m not sure what the percentage was that we paid prior to the 2003 cuts but I’ll bet it was less than 18% even?

Some of you have made this a contest of cutting off your own noses to spite your faces against the IAM. We’ve been arguing pretty much that we want everything back even before 03 “”””BUT”””” we’re ok paying stupid Medical costs????? What!!!!!!! Huh? WTF? Seriously?

BTW the Creditors wanted us to live under a 5 year Bankruptcy term cost savings concessions. In September that 5 years is over. So what does that mean to you?
Put it out for a vote and let's see what happens. And W, that's not a request for the termination of LUS Medical as you and Spit seem to assume.
Put it out for a vote and let's see what happens. And W, that's not a request for the termination of LUS Medical as you and Spit seem to assume.

I agree 100%. As soon as our Negotiators get full acceptable proposals from the Company and the Executive Committee agrees to pass them on to the Negotiating Committees and those committees agree by majority to send them out to us for a vote, they should do that as expeditiously as possible.
I agree 100%. As soon as our Negotiators get full acceptable proposals from the Company and the Executive Committee agrees to pass them on to the Negotiating Committees and those committees agree by majority to send them out to us for a vote, they should do that as expeditiously as possible.
Glad you confirmed that you would be against Alex and Sito putting out an offer, for a vote, that was not TA'd.

At least we agree on that.
Which leaves us bitter, and no choice but the nuclear option. Todays update did not help at all. Im being held back by your medical.
Where was the iam leadership when on my day off walking in circles banging a twu sign, not an iam or association sign. Where was the iam leadership for my fight? Sorry fellas your fights not mine. If from the begining, what ever beginning you clowns decide on the iam was a true partner in the association instead of a fair weather partner i would sympathize with you and your medical.

I hope everyone on the TWU side realizes that the MAJOR reason we are no closer to an agreement is because of LUS medical.......The LUS minority is in control with their minority vote YET 50% NC power..
SO guess what, boys and girls, there will be NO contract anytime soon...SO for all those TWU supporters of the LUS medical issue, keep this in mind....Before you know it, we will be picking 2019 medical while the LUS side gets another year of cheaper medical while we will be paying more, and with less holidays and holiday pay..While the IAM people just sit back and laugh their collective asses off with their minority numbers but equal negotiating power.

If anyone does not believe unions are more socialist than democratic, then this ASSociation should serve as a great case study!

Understand this clearly.....The company does not appear willing to move off this issue and neither does the IAM side.....

So the TWU, once again, gets screwed...

It never ends!
As for your Right to Work, it has nothing to do with American Airlines or my employment. This has been a problem for a long time.

Dude, are you serious?

You admittedly work for AA in a represented workgroup -- This means that your entire career is governed by the Railway Labor Act. The National Right to Work legislation that the Trump GOP is working on, will weaken, and eventually eliminate this law altogether.

This pending legislation could very well be the reason the company is in no hurry for a JCBA, and prefers a lengthy Section 6...

If you think you are not affected, I suggest you do some research.

you can start here...


I hope everyone on the TWU side realizes that the MAJOR reason we are no closer to an agreement is because of LUS medical.......The LUS minority is in control with their minority vote YET 50% NC power..
SO guess what, boys and girls, there will be NO contract anytime soon...SO for all those TWU supporters of the LUS medical issue, keep this in mind....Before you know it, we will be picking 2019 medical while the LUS side gets another year of cheaper medical while we will be paying more, and with less holidays and holiday pay..While the IAM people just sit back and laugh their collective asses off with their minority numbers but equal negotiating power.

If anyone does not believe unions are more socialist than democratic, then this ASSociation should serve as a great case study!

Understand this clearly.....The company does not appear willing to move off this issue and neither does the IAM side.....

So the TWU, once again, gets screwed...

It never ends!

Alright Metal let’s say that the IAM side relents on their Medical, are you prepared to relent on your Scope growing to a 50% outsourcing ratio?

You have tons of time in the Company so I’m guessing again you don’t care?

I mean honestly let’s see. Neither of those issues will dramatically affect me either so I guess I should also be screaming for something to vote on too right?

“Instead, “We commit that no less than 50% of all aircraft overhaul work done for the airline will be performed by TWU-IAM members,” wrote Kerry Philipovitch, senior vice president and Dave Seymour, senior vice president for integrated operations, in a letter to employees. They also committed to retain engine work, auxiliary power work and some component work.”

“American’s outsourcing share is at the low end. Among the five largest carriers, Southwest outsources 52% of its maintenance; United outsources 51%; Alaska outsources 49%; Delta outsources 43% and American outsources 33%, the report said.”

Alright Metal let’s say that the IAM side relents on their Medical, are you prepared to relent on your Scope growing to a 50% outsourcing ratio?

You have tons of time in the Company so I’m guessing again you don’t care?

I mean honestly let’s see. Neither of those issues will dramatically affect me either so I guess I should also be screaming for something to vote on too right?

Don't be scared to vote, just vote no like you said everyone you talked to would do. No wait, you said it would pass, and if a little green was added it would pass overwhelmingly. But wait, you're not happy with it so let's not vote, But wait, if it would pass, that means the majority wants to vote...damn W, you have me confused.
Don't be scared to vote, just vote no like you said everyone you talked to would do. No wait, you said it would pass, and if a little green was added it would pass overwhelmingly. But wait, you're not happy with it so let's undo not vote, But wait, if it would pass, that means the majority wants to vote...damn W, you have me confused.

What part of if they don’t even have a full comprehensive proposal to vote on do you not understand? Why again is this so incredibly difficult for you?

It sounds to me as if you would like to vote NOW on the Company’s Jetnet Bullet points? Ok fine if you want to understand NO, I don’t want to vote on “Bullet Points”

I want to vote when the Negotiators see everything in writing and decide that they think it’s ready for my decision.

Again is this really that difficult for you to understand?

And BTW no I’m STILL not in any rush. (ME)
What is the current contractual amount of mainline flights to be considered for insourcing?
What part of if they don’t even have a full comprehensive proposal to vote on do you not understand? Why again is this so incredibly difficult for you?

It sounds to me as if you would like to vote NOW on the Company’s Jetnet Bullet points? Ok fine if you want to understand NO, I don’t want to vote on “Bullet Points”

I want to vote when the Negotiators see everything in writing and decide that they think it’s ready for my decision.

Again is this really that difficult for you to understand?

And BTW no I’m STILL not in any rush. (ME)
So your scared it may pass, correct. You are afraid the majority may pass it.
Just admit it. If it's voted down, great we continue to section 6. Handcuffing the majority is what Sito and puppet Garcia are doing, with your blessings of course....don't be scared.
I hope everyone on the TWU side realizes that the MAJOR reason we are no closer to an agreement is because of LUS medical.......The LUS minority is in control with their minority vote YET 50% NC power..
SO guess what, boys and girls, there will be NO contract anytime soon...SO for all those TWU supporters of the LUS medical issue, keep this in mind....Before you know it, we will be picking 2019 medical while the LUS side gets another year of cheaper medical while we will be paying more, and with less holidays and holiday pay..While the IAM people just sit back and laugh their collective asses off with their minority numbers but equal negotiating power.

If anyone does not believe unions are more socialist than democratic, then this ASSociation should serve as a great case study!

Understand this clearly.....The company does not appear willing to move off this issue and neither does the IAM side.....

So the TWU, once again, gets screwed...

It never ends!

That's actually not accurate. The biggest issue for the TWU at the moment is Scope, which affects many more TWU Members than it would for the IAM.
That's actually not accurate. The biggest issue for the TWU at the moment is Scope, which affects many more TWU Members than it would for the IAM.
He would be correct if he were speaking of Fleet.
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