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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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So if i picket again for YOUR medical are you brethren going to bother showing up? Or just sit back and anchor the rowing boat?
Our medical? Chief ill tell you what if the iam had been a "true" partner and actually showed support from the beginning instead of letting us do the picketing, we would have had the chance at the medical. You at the iam clearly showed the division by NOT supporting us. A clear miscalculation by the iam leadership. The company cleared placed the wedge where that poor decision was made. Now you want me to wait till a mediator forces a vote? No dont think so.

NO ONE can force you to vote on something. Only Congress can impose a Contract on you and it’s something that’s NEVER been done before.

This is the USA still.
How about we go picket again for their medical the iam can stay home drink beer and watch the stooges on tv marching in circles....
Our medical? Chief ill tell you what if the iam had been a "true" partner and actually showed support from the beginning instead of letting us do the picketing, we would have had the chance at the medical. You at the iam clearly showed the division by NOT supporting us. A clear miscalculation by the iam leadership. The company cleared placed the wedge where that poor decision was made. Now you want me to wait till a mediator forces a vote? No dont think so.
Mediator force a vote??? Can’t happen
Our medical? Chief ill tell you what if the iam had been a "true" partner and actually showed support from the beginning instead of letting us do the picketing, we would have had the chance at the medical. You at the iam clearly showed the division by NOT supporting us. A clear miscalculation by the iam leadership. The company cleared placed the wedge where that poor decision was made. Now you want me to wait till a mediator forces a vote? No dont think so.
I’m just wondering......do you know what you were picketing for?
Misspoken. They can strongly suggest a vote to gauge the memberships feeling. If not put us on ice. Nope not an option.
Motivation for what? Lose their Medical, lose their pension.
Your words: I’d say that is the inference....
The error that was made from the beginning is none of us being advised what the issues the other side had. We didn't get together and try to reach a consensus of what was important and what was going to be the priorities. We didn't start this process by understanding each other's issues and formulating a process moving forward.

It was basically, let's get the best of all the language and not much thought put into what would happen when that goal wasn't achievable. Going into the process without a roadmap is something that slowed the process

So you believe getting together sometime between May 2013 and May 2015 wouldn't have been more beneficial than getting together for first time 6 weeks AFTER being certified and spending 5 months putting things together?

Seems to me there was an additional 24 months or so that could have been used to better prepare merging two CBA's that carried language for 60 or 70 years of collective bargaining. We have two vastly different cultures and there needed to be more time than 5 months allotted to better prepare.

That's especially true considering we were supposed to be ready to negotiate 30 days after certification, not 6 months.
So you believe getting together sometime between May 2013 and May 2015 wouldn't have been more beneficial than getting together for first time 6 weeks AFTER being certified and spending 5 months putting things together?

Seems to me there was an additional 24 months or so that could have been used to better prepare merging two CBA's that carried language for 60 or 70 years of collective bargaining. We have two vastly different cultures and there needed to be more time than 5 months allotted to better prepare.

That's especially true considering we were supposed to be ready to negotiate 30 days after certification, not 6 months.
So you believe getting together sometime between May 2013 and May 2015 wouldn't have been more beneficial than getting together for first time 6 weeks AFTER being certified and spending 5 months putting things together?

Seems to me there was an additional 24 months or so that could have been used to better prepare merging two CBA's that carried language for 60 or 70 years of collective bargaining. We have two vastly different cultures and there needed to be more time than 5 months allotted to better prepare.

That's especially true considering we were supposed to be ready to negotiate 30 days after certification, not 6 months.

bro·ken rec·ord
  1. used, especially in similes, to refer to a person's constant and annoying repetition of a particular statement or opinion.
    "at the risk of sounding like a broken record, let me repeat: it will be difficult to do well without attending classes regularly"
I’m just wondering......do you know what you were picketing for?
He knows what we were picketing for . We on the twu side were picketing to get out of a bk contract. You on the iam side got a contract before negotiations started. You guys in the iam didn’t start complaining till you saw where you were going to loose your insurance and pennision for a bigger dip in the 401k . You guys could careless about the twu side.
So if i picket again for YOUR medical are you brethren going to bother showing up? Or just sit back and anchor the rowing boat?
Just curious? So you are admitting that your picketing had nothing to do with our medical? Why not?
Just curious? So you are admitting that your picketing had nothing to do with our medical? Why not?
Nope thats your battle not ours. Seems like we are in this fight alone as it is. Since the iam never showed up. We are just here to shore uo your position.
Here’s the part that some strange TWU people on this board can’t seem to wrap their head around.

“”Disappointingly, American failed to keep their word and deliver a counter on Scope. Instead, the company again insisted on cuts to Association members’ healthcare; a proposal equivalent to a “bankruptcy healthcare” plan in a time of extraordinary profits. No discussions were held on other important economic issues“”

Our AA Medical cost was pushed on us through Bankruptcy and by the Court. The reality was prior to the Bankruptcy we were paying 18% of the total cost and the BK pushed a rise on that to 21%. I’m not sure what the percentage was that we paid prior to the 2003 cuts but I’ll bet it was less than 18% even?

Some of you have made this a contest of cutting off your own noses to spite your faces against the IAM. We’ve been arguing pretty much that we want everything back even before 03 “”””BUT”””” we’re ok paying stupid Medical costs????? What!!!!!!! Huh? WTF? Seriously?

BTW the Creditors wanted us to live under a 5 year Bankruptcy term cost savings concessions. In September that 5 years is over. So what does that mean to you?
Nope thats your battle not ours. Seems like we are in this fight alone as it is. Since the iam never showed up. We are just here to shore uo your position.
Maybe you just answered your own question on why we didn’t show up.
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