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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Racer is delusional and wants to push the IAM healthcare. The AA plan is still extremely good by today’s standards for working Americans.

As for why someone may get a $30k bill...balance billing.

It’s becoming increasingly common that people go to an in-network facility but are treated by out of network providers. Anesthesiologists and EMS providers have long played games (because in their case it’s not advantageous to contract with health plans), but people go to an in network hospital ER and are operated by an out of network surgeon. Other possibility is Services not covered by insurance or perhaps an out of network emergency where the claim gets paid at in-network rates but because the provider isn’t contracted with your insurance goes after patient for difference.

These are major consumer affairs for health care that need to be addressed. But those of us who work and have insurance need to pay for those that skate by and are either uninsured and have no assets so their bills get written off or the 1/4 of our population on Medicaid who pay nothing and providers get reimbursed a fraction of the cost to treat these patients.

I was talking with a member the other day. Sadly his son needed a heart operation. The cost was $300,000.00. If he had the least expensive of the LAA 80% plans he would be on the hook for $60,000!!!
Thankfully, his total out of pocket with the LUS medical was $3,000!!

BS. Willful misinformation at best. My family has run up some pretty impressive hospital Bill's. Once we meet our deductible and max out of pocket. The company picks up 100%.
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Quite honestly, I don't need to look at that, I know what I have and what the options are. I have decent healthcare...and under my plan, I will never be stuck with a $60,000 bill.
Quite honestly, I don't need to look at that, I know what I have and what the options are. I have decent healthcare...and under my plan, I will never be stuck with a $60,000 bill.

We have “decent” Healthcare if you compare to the average Corporate subsidized Healthcare plans being offered in the US. But we don’t have great Healthcare or great costs that we pay.

“The countries that have the best scores in the Prosperity Index, and therefore rank as the world's healthiest, are generally big, developed economies with large amounts of resources.

While Britain just about makes the top of the list, the United States misses out, ranking just 30th overall in the world for the standard of its healthcare services.”

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Money talks.......TWU will pass it
Money always talks, and the guys talk big in the breakrooms and on line, but then the ballot comes to their house, and they say yes. I believe SWA has the numbers, I don't know to many people that would turn down 35 k to well over 60 k signing bonus, plus a raise, and keep your scope.
After looking at what WeAAs sent and getting a p m from CB, I re read my post.
My apologies to all. I never intend to willfully misinform.
After looking at what WeAAs sent and getting a p m from CB, I re read my post.
My apologies to all. I never intend to willfully misinform.
You will be forgiven if you tell me who in the hell marked your comment in question a "Winner". Just kidding Racer, none of my business other than it would confirm my suspicions.
BS. Willful misinformation at best. My family has run up some pretty impressive hospital Bill's. Once we meet our deductible and max out of pocket. The company picks up 100%.
Racer is most likely CB. After I set him straight by the DOL, he apparantly created an altar handle.
Whatever, racer and cb say the exact same things, the exact same way.
Don’t know about any A, B city’s contact language just mainline departure scope language

Cost is always a factor in negotiating scope.The list was a way to protect the city’s that fell below the new mainline departure scope language..
Did I mention SCOPE

I’m sorry I meant Class 1 And Class 2 cities. Class 2 being below 35 weekly departures on an annual basis. Besides what I read in the SCOPE Article are there any other differences say between pay and benefits for an agent in Class 2 opposed to Class 1?


I’m expecting the same language for us at least to a degree that you have. I don’t expect the Company to open a city under the 35 metric but we should have the same language to reopen 35 and above and maintain those below even if in worst case it could be lost through future attrition.
After looking at what WeAAs sent and getting a p m from CB, I re read my post.
My apologies to all. I never intend to willfully misinform.

I don’t believe you meant to willfully misinform and as a matter of fact from reading what Josh wrote above I also personally know individuals who were sent outrageous bills by Healthcare providers after undergoing serious medical procedures.

After getting on the phone with our insurance administrator and much pushing and pulling those individuals found out they weren’t responsible for those charges but it can be confusing.

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I don’t believe you meant to willfully misinform and as a matter of fact from reading what Josh wrote above I also personally know individuals who were sent outrageous bills by Healthcare providers after undergoing serious medical procedures.

After getting on the phone with our insurance administrator and much pushing and pulling those individuals found out they weren’t responsible for those charges but it can be confusing.

I have found BCBS extremely easy to work with. I can honestly say that any issues I have had or questioned, I have been able to resolve it to my liking 100% of the time.
I have found BCBS extremely easy to work with. I can honestly say that any issues I have had or questioned, I have been able to resolve it to my liking 100% of the time.

That’s excellent. But still doesn’t mean that IAM Members should be excited and want to pay more in monthly contributions and higher deductibles so they can get a free Diabetes screening and a lollipop or something like that.
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