Tim Nelson
look, we need weez to stay on our wagon. He blows up fb and here with views that benefit lus. Kudos to Lehive for offering the fll future gig, although 700 may have also worked it out. Not saying weez was a big twu fish lehive bagged but he has been used as the "trojan horse"for the iam to pacify and rope a dope twu members.Looks like poor Weez hitched himself to wrong wagon
I especially liked how he calmed the masses down by declaring that he gets things firsthand and that a deal would be had quickly (early 2017), then he teamed up with Gary Peterson to declare a TA by Christmas.
And every time someone questions him, he says the longer we wait, the more money we will get. Then he says if we would have signed in '16, we would have missed all the Delta raises. Its the classic "Bait and Switch" and I aint mad at him. If I were TWU id be pissed at him.
When i met him, he voluntarily showed me all the calls he received that day alone, and i listened to some recordings. I can say 100% that he is a conduit with alex and many others.
I respect NYer for being honest with his membership, and I can appre ciate him holding Sito and Alex accountable but im on the iam sideline with Weez.