That is one way to look at it.
The other way is that if AA were to drop the lawsuit after enhancing the offer, management might feel they are inviting job actions by the Pilots and Flight Attendants. The last thing management needs is for illegal disruption of service to passengers to become the new norm as a means to collective bargaining gains.
i don't argue, but i don't believe the pilots and FAs view the assoc's experiences as any type of road map for them.
the pilots still remember 1999...we understand that the company has put delta's profit sharing formula on the table. it's a great starter for smooth talks, as opposed to us.
i don't buy into a grand conspiracy that the assoc. pulled strings to muck up the operation. we all want a thriving company.
some examples that the airline cited - AMTs bullying or threatening other AMTs. what did the company do about that/them?? didn't the judge ask?
it's as if the company wanted some bloodletting to occur, to scream bloody murder that the AMTs did it at the behest of the assoc.
- as a side note, the iam people are angry about their insurance, while others want a deal so they can leave.
i expect the TWU part of the assoc. to fight for twu core issues. the stuff & more (for all) that the iam people got in 2014, but seem to either not care or forget the laa assoc. members are still being compensated in some aspects from the 2011 bk nonsense.
i love the back story of former america west ramp people earning $9/hr and now earn $33+ if a lead. love it, but, maybe this is what is turning this whole merger story sour for many laa members.