That is true. Unfortunately the associations ability to defend it self is equivalent to its ability to negotiate.again it doesn’t really matter what we think at the end of the day. It was ruled that way so that’s the way it is
That is true. Unfortunately the associations ability to defend it self is equivalent to its ability to negotiate.again it doesn’t really matter what we think at the end of the day. It was ruled that way so that’s the way it is
Yup.And we have accept and deal with it.We were dealt these cards
Absolutely no proof whatsoever. Not from you, TWU or Phoenix. You have your theories, Phoenix has his “sources” and TWU writes a column trying to stir and mobilize the AMT’s...all of which is fine and dandy. But not one of you have anything to prove one word...but I guess it’s “plausible”.
Exactly. Have you looked at bag numbers lately? Is that a job action? If the numbers are bad just lower the hurdle there bobby.
Not our concern.Suppose that the Mechanic and Related obtain new representation, what happens to the other Title Groups?
I was just told by my source that the ASS and the company are meeting in Washington tomorrow for 2 days and that the ass has agreed to bring this thing to a vote. Guess we will find out soon enough if my source is correct
Yeah, you're right!?!? The loss of revenue, cancelled flights and bad PR are just annoyances. 😵
Guess we’ll find out soon enoughYou'll have a story if the Negotiating Committee flies to DC, as well.
No clue Buck...selfish or not, I have five years left and will bide my time. Getting out after 43 years, I'll let the "others" worry about that.Suppose that the Mechanic and Related obtain new representation, what happens to the other Title Groups?
Then I stand corrected. I did thought it came from the AMFA.Actually the AMP Constitution is based off the APA Pilots Constitution and is a better structure than the AMFA Constitution in that it provides for more National Representation from Local level. The AMFA Constitution allows the NEC to be infiltrated by Industrial Union Apologist and that's why AMFA lost United Airlines to the IBT
He's an absolute moron. That's what happened.You are harming the very people you claim to want to lift up.
What happened to you?
Yes. He really is so easy...Hook, line and sinker.
So easy. LOL. 🙂
Hey dummy. There was no job action at SWA. Get a clue dude...Don't even have to go that far. The SWA/AMFA contract was lifted as a beacon of how a job action can work in the union's favor.