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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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On October 31st, the company offered their last best offer and demanded a membership vote.
Association offered to bring to membership if lawsuit was dropped.
Company refused to drop lawsuit because rewarding the illegal behavior would send the wrong message to F/A's and Pilots regarding illegal activity.
Union said no deal and talks broke off for the day.
On November 1st, Steve Johnson VP of Labor Relations informed Association that company was taking back the gains made over the last few weeks of negotiations to revert company last table position and that the last best offer was contingent upon a membership vote.
Sito was taking his minions out the door and company told Association they would get back with them after company completed Pilot and F/A negotiations.

We are in Limbo waiting for Association to pull heads out their asses
On October 31st, the company offered their last best offer and demanded a membership vote.
Association offered to bring to membership if lawsuit was dropped.
Company refused to drop lawsuit because rewarding the illegal behavior would send the wrong message to F/A's and Pilots regarding illegal activity.
Union said no deal and talks broke off for the day.
On November 1st, Steve Johnson VP of Labor Relations informed Association that company was taking back the gains made over the last few weeks of negotiations to revert company last table position and that the last best offer was contingent upon a membership vote.
Sito was taking his minions out the door and company told Association they would get back with them after company completed Pilot and F/A negotiations.

We are in Limbo waiting for Association to pull heads out their asses

Sounds plausible.
Could be they're both right.

There could be an agreement, contingent on the legal issues going away.

So yes, there could be a deal being reviewed as part of the "next steps" announced by the Association, but it could also be true that it hasn't been consummated because of the possible contingency tied with it.
And you could be a jerk off.
On October 31st, the company offered their last best offer and demanded a membership vote.
Association offered to bring to membership if lawsuit was dropped.
Company refused to drop lawsuit because rewarding the illegal behavior would send the wrong message to F/A's and Pilots regarding illegal activity.
Union said no deal and talks broke off for the day.
On November 1st, Steve Johnson VP of Labor Relations informed Association that company was taking back the gains made over the last few weeks of negotiations to revert company last table position and that the last best offer was contingent upon a membership vote.
Sito was taking his minions out the door and company told Association they would get back with them after company completed Pilot and F/A negotiations.

We are in Limbo waiting for Association to pull heads out their asses

Well this does sound about right and if true we need to hear this from them.
It also means at least another year before we have any deal unless they bring back the offer to us.
These SOBs have cost us big time
Well this does sound about right and if true we need to hear this from them.
It also means at least another year before we have any deal unless they bring back the offer to us.
These SOBs have cost us big time

The longer they hold out, the more expensive it will get. Waiting won't make things any better.

The airline only has to start removing things, and the NMB will lift the gag order to make those things known to the Members.

When the legal stuff starts making it's way through the courts, the fine will need to be bartered for a permanent Permanent Injunction and a contract vote. By that time, the proposals will be worse than today.

If they send anything out for a vote, then they'll be able to do a straight up vote of the fine to go away for a permanent Permanent Injunction.
I think they agree to push away the Court case because they want to deal with it as a separate issue.

The airline leverage, now, is for the proposals to start going backwards which doesn't allow the Association to just kick the can down the road.
Unlike the association which will download the bill to the membership. Like the cowards they are
On October 31st, the company offered their last best offer and demanded a membership vote.
Association offered to bring to membership if lawsuit was dropped.
Company refused to drop lawsuit because rewarding the illegal behavior would send the wrong message to F/A's and Pilots regarding illegal activity.
Union said no deal and talks broke off for the day.
On November 1st, Steve Johnson VP of Labor Relations informed Association that company was taking back the gains made over the last few weeks of negotiations to revert company last table position and that the last best offer was contingent upon a membership vote.
Sito was taking his minions out the door and company told Association they would get back with them after company completed Pilot and F/A negotiations.

We are in Limbo waiting for Association to pull heads out their asses

And Sito smiled and said.... "I GOT MINE!"

The SOLUTION to the problem is and always has been for the Mechanic and Related group to sign cards, call for an NMB election, and vote to obtain a Union that only represents the Mechanic and Related group.

It is the Union Constitution that is the contract between Union Leaders and Union Members as to how the Union functions day in and day out and what the membership's rights are within the Union. When the Union Constitution places all vested power and authority with the leadership, then you have secret negotiations, deal cuttings letters of agreement with management, and zero accountability when there is no recall of officers or direct election of officers.

The professional AMT's of the old and the new American Airlines seem incapable of uniting together in support of change.
This Association's Constitution is the worst Constitution in the entire Organized Labor of the United States. We have been forced into an Association
that we never supported or wanted, The divisions between Line vs Overhaul, and LAA vs LUS needs to stop. WE need to come to mutual consensus as Professionals and obtain a Union Constitution that puts the AMT's in charge of their own destiny.

Complaining, attacking each other, and apathy will destroy any chance at a better future.

I strongly suggest that American Airlines professional AMT's take a similar path that the AA Pilots and the AA Flight Attendants united behind years ago.
Start a Card Drive for an Independent Union putting a Union Constitution in place that will eliminate most if not all of the disastrous outcomes of the past!

Nobody is going to fix this for us. It is up to each of us to put forth a little effort to force a change!!!!
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The SOLUTION to the problem is and always has been for the Mechanic and Related group to sign cards, call for an NMB election, and vote to obtain a Union that only represents the Mechanic and Related group.

It is the Union Constitution that is the contract between Union Leaders and Union Members as to how the Union functions day in and day out and what the membership's rights are within the Union. When the Union Constitution places all vested power and authority with the leadership, then you have secret negotiations, deal cuttings letters of agreement with management, and zero accountability when there is no recall of officers or direct election of officers.

The professional AMT's of the old and the new American Airlines seem incapable of uniting together in support of change.
This Association's Constitution is the worst Constitution in the entire Organized Labor of the United States. We have been forced into an Association
that we never supported or wanted, The divisions between Line vs Overhaul, and LAA vs LUS needs to stop. WE need to come to mutual consensus as Professionals and obtain a Union Constitution that puts the AMT's in charge of their own destiny.

Complaining, attacking each other, and apathy will destroy any chance at a better future.

I strongly suggest that American Airlines professional AMT's take a similar path that the AA Pilots and the AA Flight Attendants united behind years ago.
Start a Card Drive for an Independent Union putting a Union Constitution in place that will eliminate most if not all of the disastrous outcomes of the past!

Nobody is going to fix this for us. It is up to each of us to put forth a little effort to force a change!!!!
But, but, but we are so close to a contract. Not a good time. We will have to start over. I've heard them all but the hard truth is just where we currently are in negotiations. What's the next excuse not to sign cards?
Company refused to drop lawsuit because rewarding the illegal behavior would send the wrong message to F/A's and Pilots regarding illegal activity.

so, you believe there was a coordinated job action....developed by and sanctioned by the assoc.?

the company decided that disciplining/firing rogue AMTs supposedly bullying other AMTs about OT and field trips wouldn't serve the grand purpose.

the company didn't pull that lever. they pulled another lever.

if true that the company started walking back enhancements after oct. 31, then the company chose to use the court decision as a big stick to punish me and my assoc. co-workers.

the company has decided that their proposals are a reward for so-called illegal behavior and not the hard work, the competent work that they claim we do??

the company is tripping over itself with it's own BS. they don't want to compensate us and they want to eliminate jobs, plain and simple. they want it all.

that was clear from the start, even more clearer today.
There is no TA.

Love the rumors one says there is a TA, another says no TA.
And the thing is nobody has a real answer except the executive committee and they aren’t talking.
Don’t we all just love this BS

I spoke with my sources, and they swear they have briefly reviewed the 150-page hard copy of the T.A. in question. I will ask if they could provide some pictures of the more important pages if they get another opportunity to handle the document, and maybe I could upload them. I would question the story myself, if I didn't know these people so well.
I spoke with my sources, and they swear they have briefly reviewed the 150-page hard copy of the T.A. in question. I will ask if they could provide some pictures of the more important pages if they get another opportunity to handle the document, and maybe I could upload them. I would question the story myself, if I didn't know these people so well.
For whom is this mystery TA for, Maintenance, Stores, Fleet?
I spoke with my sources, and they swear they have briefly reviewed the 150-page hard copy of the T.A. in question. I will ask if they could provide some pictures of the more important pages if they get another opportunity to handle the document, and maybe I could upload them. I would question the story myself, if I didn't know these people so well.
TA means their is an agreement to vote on, so where is it? Why wasn’t it announced? The NCs were not summoned to vote on it.
And then why did the EC and the company hold informal talks last week?
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