American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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This statement is absolute proof that this Association is dysfunctional, a complete farce, and needs to be eliminated.

The members are suppose to be the Union and American Airlines Management presented that proposal to the members
It's only in this un-voted on abomination of unionism, that the dues payers cannot even be members of the Union
SO who is the UNION when it comes to this Association? Who is it that the company did not propose the comprehensive proposal to?

We have been duped, our rights under the railway labor act to have the Union of our choice has been violated, and your all knowing post is absolute proof of just how far from real Unionism the POS Association really is.

What amazes me is you appear to be a defender of such a complete abomination, and the stupid members sit back and take it when Federal Law gives the members the right to run this abomination off the property.

Talk about sever battered wife syndrome and accepting unnecessary abuse....Good Grief
Just reads through this thread, membership begging for information, membership begging for control of the situation that has been out of control since the NMB Certification. And all it takes is sign cards, turn them in, and vote to regain control.

Sick MF'ers
Cry Babies without a clue, or else cowardice weak fools

What it sounds like is we are getting less than the proposal because of the illegal job action instigated by the screaming bus driver with a bullhorn, and the excuse narrative is going to be that those items which we lost were never really proposed. Lying, cheating, corrupt industrial union asswipes

if this company had half a brain they would bankrupt this union with the fines for the so called job action and run them off the property.

But the company must figure they are better off having a company union on the property that will do what they are told

700/weez/anti worker,
I guess your brain is completely fried now.
Nobody is interested in proving you a liar for the 490th time. You are fully deluded and I remember telling John C that it was a good thing you were booted out of the Local to save the Local from a trusteeship.
At any rate, carry on about the dopey association. And not sure why your hate against amfa is such a focus when your Association will owe alot more.
More lies from the non-member
Well I suspect there are no meetings today since this is a government holiday.
I think I figured out why Parker may want a deal, state of the airline is on Oct 24th and he wants to be able to tell all that a deal has been made with the group to bring up the stock price by glossing over the poor operations .
My thoughts
You don’t know me and none of what he says about me is truthful at all. Go troll someone else. You are a fraud unionist anyhow. You have been assimilated to the CULTure.
Utterly utterly predictable.
As you are with the constant lies you portray.

But hey; when's the next time you'll unwittingly farm out your own class/craft?
Gee another liar like Tim, last time I checked, last Thursday when I was out there Stock Clerks are still there.

Guess you don’t care about credibility when you blatantly lie.
I have nothing to do with you anymore if you want be just like Tim.

“ARLINGTON, Va. -- A federal bankruptcy judge yesterday threw out US Airways' contracts with its 8,800-member machinists union, putting the troubled carrier one step closer to emerging from its second bankruptcy in two years.”

Is abrogation too big of a word for you to understand?
And there's the Post-Gazette article, right on cue. You can set your watch to this stuff.

At any rate, since you've been reduced to basically posting screen grabs, can you tell us why you posted Sidney's FB message? Do you agree with him?
I would be interested in any post explaining how these personal attack battles between forum members serves any purpose of value? Everyone has and is entitled to their opinions. If anyone wishes to persuade another towards their opinions, I am convinced that personal attacks just makes your opponent more dogmatic and more dug in. Maybe explaining your personal opinions instead of personally attacking another would make this thread worth reading and more people would read and participate. Just a thought
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