i don't know either way, but i see the argument. FT is not incentivized by the company and i feel the union needs to be more vocal about FT shifts - quality/AM/week-ends.
too many PTers with 7 years have weekends on good AM shifts and work a few CS and they are better off than FTers with 30 years.
CremaDiLimone I know you don't want to hear this but I am going to hit you with some blunt honesty.
If I were given the option to work part time I would take it and stay part time for the rest of my time at American Airlines. I would of course like to be classified as full time (I'll touch on that later) but I would CS off half my hours and work the equivalent of part time.
The reason I would not go full time is because what I did at American Airlines (TUL or TULE) was not marketable outside of the Airline business. Whereas my current vocation I have several options in different industries and in different cities. Another factor is I don't have seniority limiting my options as far as choosing where to live.
The benefits of working part time are of course the fact I still have access to a full benefits package and flight benefits and I have sort of an insurance policy against layoff from my other job (that was the bit I said I would touch on later). If my primary job were to lay me off, fire me, or go out of business I could simply work my full time hours at American Airlines until I found another job in my primary vocation. That's an insurance policy that pays you.
🙂 Also in my case even working topped out as a FSC would be a loss for me per hour, so that is a consideration.
Doesn't a part time job that offers you a living wage with full benefits and the ability to convert to full time at your leisure sound like a good deal?
My advice, leverage that option and try to find you something else that makes you more money but stay on for the health/retirement/flight benefits.
Again I know you didn't want to hear that but I want you to see the reality of the other side of the coin. If those shops at TULE allowed people to CS I would be back at TULE in another classification right now giving away half my hours.
Like I said....... it's a good deal.
That being said what is the UNION supposed to do? Work to deny benefits to part time employees? Get rid of the CS policy? The company wants part time so of course they engineer it so that there is an incentive.