Professional ? Your an idiot.ridiculous. Stop the insanity. Didn't you realize that the company would use this crap in a district court? I'm glad it did because I want you and other IAM Officers to be more professional. This company isn't going to sit across a table from your handlers when you and other negotiation committee members are talking smack about destroying our company. Would you sit across from someone who talked to you that way? NOPE. In the meantime, 32,000 human beings go without pay raises and benefit increases because you and other $155,000 salary IAM Officers are being unprofessional. STOP IT!
Stop this madness! Move on some issues. The company proposal is industry leading as is, but if you kooks stop the madness, you should be able to finish the work and get some improvements like a medical cap, and maybe IAH and RSW, and a bit more wage. Stop threatening a healthy company, move off of some ridiculous issues and we will have a deal. Stop putting dues ahead of me and others you are representing. You gotta get off your high horse and do better math. You aren't going to get 20 more stations, for 63 total. NOT HAPPENING! Stop thinking about those 2,500 additional members but focus on the ones you already are paid to represent. Scrap the whole 20 more station crap and you might get IAH and RSW. You might get a cap on medical. We might get a wage bump.
That's about it. Otherwise, you guys did amazingly good on the other 40 items which all were improved upon.