Categorically disagree with pretty much every point here Weez, where ever you got it. DWH works what is on our ramp with our folks. When DFW management pawns off a RON/OTS is one thing. DFW assigning AMTs to DWH to do "line" work is another thing all together. It would impact everything at DWH. OT, shifts/days off, job assignments and aircraft movement. After all to hear some of 591s E-board tell it, a big part of this scope fight. Is to preserve those very things. I guess its good enough for the "line" but not the base guys huh?
It does seem like DFW would have enough hangar/ramp space. But then again the OH guys at DWH should not be involved with moving aircraft to/from the terminal which is line mechanic work area. I’m guessing DWH might not be concerned with taking away OT from the DFW move crew.
But of course DWH hangar and ramp space is not the property of the OH mechs at DWH. The space is rented by AA from DFW and the OH mechs at DWH are paid to work on aircraft assigned to by AA management. If that space was the unions/locals space to decide what and who worked it, then the AFW guys should have been given the option to work at DWH rather then bounced around the system.
In typical Texas fashion AFW DWH DFW mechanics from these stations have been screwing each other over for shifts, days off and OT. So naturally they are not to blame, it’s GPs fault. But he kept getting voted into office, but now he’s in the international, so prediction is, he will be the newest boogieman to Texas mechanics to blame someone other then their own greed.
Hog are you a union rep by any chance?