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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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the early out is still good until jan 2022 if the company forks over the extra cash and agrees to the preferred path. If the company doesn't agree then my pension is cut 39%. Either way, the company will have to recoup this unexpected cost and we TWU/IAM will have to pay.

The only way out of this madness is to vote this company union out. That may be a tough thing to do but it is worth a shot to replace it.
Just watched the Union Reps question and comments to Doug at the SotA on Jetnet. It is clear the union is not negotiating at all. It is a give us everything we want line by line or else its "Concessionary". You guys and gals have been sold out by an organization that only cares about protecting its own power and influence and nothing about the workers it is supposed to be representing. No deal will be reached as long as current union leadership is so entrenched and uncompromising.
Just watched the Union Reps question and comments to Doug at the SotA on Jetnet. It is clear the union is not negotiating at all. It is a give us everything we want line by line or else its "Concessionary". You guys and gals have been sold out by an organization that only cares about protecting its own power and influence and nothing about the workers it is supposed to be representing. No deal will be reached as long as current union leadership is so entrenched and uncompromising.
Doug seems to say that and also insinuates that the NMB is looking at it that way as well.
Upnaway It takes a pretty foolish person to believe everything Doug says given his track record. You just made yourself look like a tool.
I am not paying any attention to what Doug is saying just what the Union rep is saying and it is beyond obvious he doesn't want to negotiate a deal. I bet you $100 if the proposal was put to a vote it would win overwhelmingly, because it would be the industry best by a long shot. What the IAM is demanding would make AA's MX cost almost double the nearest airline and that's never going to happen.
Just watched the Union Reps question and comments to Doug at the SotA on Jetnet. It is clear the union is not negotiating at all. It is a give us everything we want line by line or else its "Concessionary". You guys and gals have been sold out by an organization that only cares about protecting its own power and influence and nothing about the workers it is supposed to be representing. No deal will be reached as long as current union leadership is so entrenched and uncompromising.

Give me ONE instance where the company has "NEGOTIATED" anything!
All they do is POST to the membership.
These are supposed to be NEGOTIATIONS!
So ur willing to vote on a so called company proposal (if there truly is one) in which if someone is fired retired or transfer out is not replaced? If the scope is given to the stooges running this airline with the when n where directed? Ur willing to give up everything just for a pos contract? If it were voted in youd be first to cry that the mgmt idiots are violating contract when they close up shop.

I would like a jcba but not a chitty crappy one that those worthless mgmt clowns put out on jetnet esp given drunken old parker statements whereas he say we deserve industry leading contracts
the early out is still good until jan 2022 if the company forks over the extra cash and agrees to the preferred path. If the company doesn't agree then my pension is cut 39%. Either way, the company will have to recoup this unexpected cost and we TWU/IAM will have to pay.

The only way out of this madness is to vote this company union out. That may be a tough thing to do but it is worth a shot to replace it.

I have been lurking for a few months, but I felt compelled to reply to the train wreck, better known as the IAMNPF. Not surprising, Tim, that both of us (along with others) have been citing the unsustainable path based upon the narrowing ratio of pension obligations and pension assets valuation. The video now reports it is only 89% funded (Yellow Zone), which means the assurances of everything being well hasn't aged well. The decision to voluntarily go into the "Red Zone" would be akin to a company filing bankruptcy before all the cash is gone (as was the case with AA, DL, UA, NW airlines), in order to re-organize and abrogate its financial obligations. Unfortunately, it means the employees will be hit the hardest.

I have stated many times that I have been surprised the pension issue hasn't been a bigger issue for the Association during the negotiations, and only in the past year or so, did it become public at it to be a sticking point. With absence of the combined Association in the IAMNPF would a dead man walking, so to give employees the option to keep a 401K or the pension I found to be incredulous.

In the past you make mention, and I did not get the details, regarding AA future financial liabilities in the event of the IAMNPF under some Federal law or ruling? Did I understand that correctly? Now the IAMNPF video just casually tosses out AA would need to fund an additional "surcharge" to keep this turd afloat? Potentially tens of millions of dollars? I think the Company will fight like Hell now to eliminate the pension from the future JCBA, much to the dismay of the IAMNPF trustees who wanted a quick resolution with a JCBA but the situation had become critical not to act and take it into the Red Zone to re-organize.

Honestly, at this point, if I could get anything from the IAMNPF as a lump-sum, I would take it and re-invest elsewhere as I see a shell of former promises to future retirees.
I would like a jcba but not a chitty crappy one that those worthless mgmt clowns put out on jetnet esp given drunken old parker statements whereas he say we deserve industry leading contracts

For the record, I don't see Parker around much longer. 17 years as Chairman/CEO of a company which has foundered and fallen behind against the two other legacy competitors, and it may be time to use the "I-Want-To-Spend-More-Time-With-My-Family" trope.
Give me ONE instance where the company has "NEGOTIATED" anything!
All they do is POST to the membership.
These are supposed to be NEGOTIATIONS!

The company has changed and improved their offers every step along the way. What has the union compromised or given in on?
The company has changed and improved their offers every step along the way. What has the union compromised or given in on?

In fairness, it is difficult when the company says, "Let's cut" (on scope and medical coverage) while making billions of dollars, then complain the union isn't negotiating something between zero cuts and Management proposals. The union wants larger than zero, and now deemed to be "uncompromising"?
For the record, I don't see Parker around much longer. 17 years as Chairman/CEO of a company which has foundered and fallen behind against the two other legacy competitors, and it may be time to use the "I-Want-To-Spend-More-Time-With-My-Family" trope.
I sure hope ur right bro but who knows what'll occur. Or if he goes who would succeed him .Thats a huge unknown
The company has changed and improved their offers every step along the way. What has the union compromised or given in on?

We won't know the answer to your question until a negotiated contract is TA'd since the NC doesn't negotiate publicly, like the company. "NEGOTIATE" is a verb. All the company does is "POST"........a different verb! The two don't work well together!
Freezing of the iamnpf and switching to a 401k is not concessionary. The fund is in the red zone, why would any employee want to continue in the fund!? If the company does a 5% 401k with a match up to 9%- I’d take that any day over the iamnpf. The union should educate people to at least take advantage of the match, if nothing else.
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