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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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The IAM nor the TWU have never accepted the proffer of Arbitration in the airlines. The non-member who can’t cant vote is fear mongering once again.
they never accepted in the railways either. Your boy Sito accepted after a rejection because the nmb told them its goin to be ice.
iam mesphistoses us all. charlie brown came on this board pridefully boasting they did and what they had to do. F the Iam. Nice elections and nice 150k raise and golden pension. Nice unlimited part time united contract. Nelson is the problem. fyou trumka , fi you am, biggest phoney labor leaders ever. better vote for the contract.
dfw gen am I wrong? Are you telling me that the people I described are not on this board?

Are you telling me that you haven’t read people here criticize those who started the A and B scale and sold other people out for buyouts way back only for themselves to say the Company is going to do whatever it wants anyway today and that the Association is costing them money?

C’mon man seriously. Tell me what is the difference between those people then and this group now?

lot of difference. ill tell you what if i was a stores clerk (where i started) or a fleet service clerk i would be very happy with what i make right now. you have yourself on this board said you couldn't make this elsewhere. and both jobs do have a responsibility to the flying public. so you are compensated as you are. aircraft maintenance on the other hand has a whole lot more responsibility that lasts a lot longer, when we sign something off it stays there forever or until its reworked. we have the hassle of constantly changing gpm, manuals, work cards etc that we have to decipher not to mention flight crews, management and the ever threat of the presence of the faa. pay wise im ok with what we have and what is anticipated. what im not ok with is the lack of benefits and the association i.e. the iam telling us to be patient and wait. we have waited long enough. it galls me to no end that we cant have any confidence in what the association says and or management. its all just noise and bullshit from both.
its real easy to advise everyone patient when you have all the benefits we lack
But you went through your bankruptcy before the merger also. So what’s the difference? And Like I said on a earlier post. Why is the blame not at the company. The IAM and association is trying to get you the things your talking about. But as of right now. We have to give up thousands of jobs to get that. Is that the Association’s fault?

Shouldn't that be a decision made by the members, ie a vote on the current proposal. Why is it that a few select union rep's with different agenda's get to decide our fate. I personally have never complained about past contracts that have been voted in, it was the majority that decided. Now we have the "few" deciding for the "many". If we get to vote and it get's rejected I fully accept that, but having no voice is frustrating and unacceptable.
Wrong, the IAM at LUS has plant maintenance at the hangars in base maintenance and certain line hangars and hubs, which is the equivalent of facilities. And GSE is at the hubs, focus stations and other cities.
I was speaking of the terminals and im at LGA a focus city our GSE was outsourced before the merger otherwise i stand corrected
The TWU ATD cares nothing about you. They are unelected make twice what you make and have guaranteed pensions company cars and positive space travel. They will never fight to better your pay and benefits. The only way to get rid of them is to vote yes for another union. Lets have an IAM card drive and rid ourselves of the worthless TWU. They do one thing well substandard concessionary bargaining. The twu is a business and the ones up top are worse than the AA execs because they don't have shareholders to answer to. Wake up vote them out
Does anyone have an answer to this question.

If we voted the iam in right now and got out of the ASS would we get all the benefits that the IAM has now. If the answer to that question is yes then what are we waiting for.
lot of difference. ill tell you what if i was a stores clerk (where i started) or a fleet service clerk i would be very happy with what i make right now. you have yourself on this board said you couldn't make this elsewhere. and both jobs do have a responsibility to the flying public. so you are compensated as you are. aircraft maintenance on the other hand has a whole lot more responsibility that lasts a lot longer, when we sign something off it stays there forever or until its reworked. we have the hassle of constantly changing gpm, manuals, work cards etc that we have to decipher not to mention flight crews, management and the ever threat of the presence of the faa. pay wise im ok with what we have and what is anticipated. what im not ok with is the lack of benefits and the association i.e. the iam telling us to be patient and wait. we have waited long enough. it galls me to no end that we cant have any confidence in what the association says and or management. its all just noise and bullshit from both.

But you keep chastising the IAM for what they have today when they were in their own standalone talks completely to us being oblivious of it and the ONLY way that they can have any hand in getting us some of those things would be if they gave back what they just kept in 2014.

Despite the lack of participation in our protests and putting that to the side for the moment as being your motivation of a lack of sympathy for them, how could they get us those items they have right now otherwise? (In Maintenance they don’t have anywhere near as many jobs as we have BTW)

Did you listen to the Parker/Peterson Podcast?

And Fleet has its own hassles on things too I can tell you that but of course there is no comparison.

BTW we don’t even know what the Company wants regarding Stores which I just listened to their Podcast the other day on the Local 591 Website. The Company probably wants to get rid of that Department lock stock and barrel too.

I learned something too that might give those TWU haters a reason to chuck rocks at Stores. Listening to the Podcast I learned (No I didn’t know this) that Stores was the first Group to organize with the TWU back in 1945 (Followed by Maintenance and Fleet)

I LOVE learning History.
its real easy to advise everyone patient when you have all the benefits we lack

gen c’mon man. They don’t have ALL the Benefits we lack. Some of their Scope language is pretty bad in Fleet, I think we both get the same Vacations?, we both have the same Flight Benefits, I’m POSITIVE you’d rather have your 401K Match over their IAMPF, and some even say that our Medical insurance in some areas is better than theirs?

Have you ever read their Maintenance Contract? (I haven’t)
Does anyone have an answer to this question.

If we voted the iam in right now and got out of the ASS would we get all the benefits that the IAM has now. If the answer to that question is yes then what are we waiting for.

No. You would still be under your TWU Contract that the IAM would then need to service until you got your first Contract with them.

IAM Card Drive coming next? LMFAO.
CWA/IBT LUS had scope were the Company may operate up to two (2) daily mainline jet departures in Express stations.
Concessionary bargaining allowed theCompany to operate up to two (5) daily mainline jet departures in Express stations

PBI is not on the 30 city list to be outsourced with attrition
What's the language in the current CBA in reference to the stations that have Zero Mainline flights, but are staffed by ML employees?
  • July 16, 2015
  • Historic female first for NJT Presidential Emergency Board
Written by Frank N. Wilner, Capitol Hill Contributing Editor

In a historic first, and in a rail industry whose labor and management leadership ranks long have been dominated by Caucasian males, the first all-female Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) in the 78-year history of PEBs has been created to investigate and make recommendations in a collective bargaining dispute involving New Jersey Transit (NJT) and 16 of its rail labor unions.

PEBs are a tool of the Railway Labor Act (RLA), which is intended to facilitate prompt and orderly settlements of collective bargaining disputes in the railroad and airline industries. (Labor-management disputes in other private sector industries are governed by the National Labor Relations Act, while federal employee labor-management disputes are governed by the Civil Service Reform Act.)

Each of the three women named by President Obama July 15 to PEB No. 248—Elizabeth C. Wesman who will serve as chairperson, Barbara Deinhardt and Ann Kenis—has previous railroad PEB experience. Wesman and Deinhardt served on PEB No. 247, which in late 2014 made recommendations in a collective bargaining dispute involving Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA); Kenis served on PEB No. 246 in mid-2014 that also involved SEPTA.

Since the first PEB was created in 1937, this 248th PEB is the first to be composed entirely of women. Just 18 of those 248 PEBs, or only 7%, have had at least one woman, and fewer than 3% of arbitrators named to PEBs since 1937 have been women. Of the 374 arbitrators on the NMB’s arbitration list—from which PEB members typically are selected by the White House—just 21% are women.

Even the NMB has a history of male dominance. While the NMB’s three current Senate-confirmed members include one woman, and while there have been as many as two women serving at one time in the recent past, it was not until 1983 that the first female (Helen Witt) was nominated by the White House (President Reagan) and confirmed by the Senate to serve on the NMB since its creation in 1934. Since June, for the first time in the 81-year history of the NMB, the majority (eight) of the agency’s 15 mediators are female, with three serving as senior mediators.

PEB No. 248 has until Aug. 14 to make non-binding settlement recommendations in the so-far intractable collective bargaining (wages, benefits and work rules) dispute involving NJT and its 16 various-craft rail labor organizations that have been coordinating their bargaining as a single coalition.

If a voluntary settlement does not emerge within 30 days following recommendations to be made by PEB No. 248, a public hearing conducted by the NMB is required. And should a settlement still not be reached, a second PEB likely would be named under special commuter-rail procedures specified by the RLA. In total, 240 days can pass from the July 15 creation of the first PEB until any party to the dispute is eligible to seek self-help (a strike by one or more of the unions involved, or a lockout by the commuter railroad).

The RLA, which has exceptional success in preventing work stoppages among freight railroads and Amtrak, similarly has demonstrated exceptional success in keeping the nation’s eight interstate commuter railroads operating—Chicago Metra, Long Island Rail Road, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Metro North Railroad, NJT, Northeast Illinois Regional Transportation Authority, Port Authority Trans Hudson and SEPTA. (Intrastate commuter railroads, such as Los Angeles Metrolink, are not subject to RLA procedures.)

How successful is the RLA and its PEB procedures? Almost 99% of all collective bargaining disputes submitted to the NMB have been settled without a work stoppage. There has never been an Amtrak work stoppage, and there has not been a single day lost to a freight rail work stoppage since 1996.

As for commuter rail collective bargaining disputes, NMB Mediator John M. Livengood, who maintains a non-agency webpage devoted to RLA history, says that since creation of special commuter rail provisions in 1981 by Congress, there have been 16 disputes leading to a first PEB, with 14 involving creation of a second PEB. Only twice has there been a commuter rail work stoppage following the second PEB, and both on LIRR—an 11-day strike in 1987, and a two-day strike in 1994. On SEPTA in early 2014, there was a one-day strike prior to President Obama appointing the first PEB.

Interestingly, of 49 PEBs created since 1982, 31 have involved commuter railroads.

Since 1981, there has been a separate congressionally created PEB process under the RLA for commuter rail bargaining impasses that includes a public hearing if there is no settlement following the first PEB, and the possibility of a second PEB. Unlike the first PEB, which makes non-binding recommendations, the second PEB chooses one of the parties’ last best offers as a recommended settlement. That choice can be the entire offer of one of the parties, or a selection of individual issues from each of the final offers. (Amtrak collective bargaining disputes are handled in the same manner under the RLA as freight railroad bargaining disputes.)

As with freight railroad and Amtrak collective bargaining disputes that go to a PEB, the parties are free to use self-help (strike or lockout) after the PEB process runs its course, but unlike with freight railroads, the RLA provides that a party resorting to self-help in a commuter rail collective bargaining dispute is subject to specific financial penalties.

For labor, if it rejects the second PEB’s choice of a settlement and strikes, the penalty is loss of unemployment benefits otherwise provided to striking workers under provisions of the RLA and paid under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. For the commuter railroad, if it rejects the second PEB’s choice of a settlement that results in a strike or lockout, the penalty is a prohibition on the commuter railroad receiving any financial assistance from other railroads under an industry strike insurance plan.

As with a freight rail dispute, once self-help is invoked, only Congress has authority to end the dispute through legislation that typically imposes the final recommendations of a PEB. Congress does not always act quickly, however, as was evidenced by an 11-day strike on LIRR in 1987 prior to congressional intervention.

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