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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Im not sure if "past sacrifices" is a leg one could stand on before a PEB or arbitration .Yes he held his own considering as parker said the room was 80% managers
Past sacrifice is only good in sound bites. Brian Parker likes making noise, and he is good at it, but he isnt too smart. He couldnt comprehend how going for the wage only had killed our leverage.
At least weez admitted that much.
Oh boy, I see the IAM propaganda machine has really cranked up here and on fb. Impressive. Predictable but laughably impressive!!! 🙂🙂🙂
Love how all the Management suck asses cheered Doug Parker when he gave a Rah Rah speech and put down the Unions.

Brian Parker stood his ground though. I probably would have gotten fired.
Every time I watch ones of those I see the eye rolling, whispering, shrugs and people getting up and walking out when the Union starts talking. The day will come when every one of those "rah rah" jobs will be automated...I will laugh.
If you are knocking Sister Kelly you are a piece of work, she made that all on her own and how she feels.

You cried about the IAM not doing anything and you post this?

Why don’t you just kiss Doug’s ring and polish his shoes.

I`m not knocking her at all. A well spoken and well thought out piece. I just think its too bad the IAM did not see fit to offer that level of support to the TWU members from the outset.
You all blew your load way too early, your protests accomplished nothing, heck the last TUL one was pathetic and like CB said. IAM members showed up.

Funny how the fighting machinists come out swinging when the ponzi scheme pension and goldilocks medical are at risk. Kudos for cranking up the machine. Unfortunately the IAM is too late to the fight.
Parker did say they will put out a more comprehensive proposal/contract.We shall see the scope language i think there are exaggerations on both sides.This should put that to rest. On the other hand there os likely going to be a grey area that will leave more questions

That was Robert Isom who said that and if I was Brian I would have repeated it 3 times just to have so we’re all clear.
You all blew your load way too early, your protests accomplished nothing, heck the last TUL one was pathetic and like CB said. IAM members showed up.
You are just a rock thrower.
you are just a caterer. All you do is show up and talk down to the people who are actually members. Ya know, the ones who actually have skin in the game, not just the ‘my baby mama works there so it affects me’ crowd.
Parker did say they will put out a more comprehensive proposal/contract.We shall see the scope language i think there are exaggerations on both sides.This should put that to rest. On the other hand there os likely going to be a grey area that will leave more questions
If and when the company submits a proposal, then the union should let the membership vote. If it's that bad as the union says, it will be voted down.
Trust the membership!
You have no idea of whom I am and what I do, go back to WN forums and how you financed your raises by betraying the American Workforce and didn’t bring in one iota or scope after seven years of negotiations.

Typical, you can’t debate nor refute so you try to attack, insult and belittle.

Pot meet kettle
If and when the company submits a proposal, then the union should let the membership vote. If it's that bad as the union says, it will be voted down.
Trust the membership!
I agree, i hope the weez doesnt put up that picture of samuelsen again.If they dont let us vote Parker is right the association is negotiating for the union
you are just a caterer. All you do is show up and talk down to the people who are actually members. Ya know, the ones who actually have skin in the game, not just the ‘my baby mama works there so it affects me’ crowd.


If and when the company submits a proposal, then the union should let the membership vote. If it's that bad as the union says, it will be voted down.
Trust the membership!

Amen. Isn’t that what being in a union is all about?

Wrong it doesn’t force a vote on a final offer. AMFA never voted on their final offer, they struck and NW imposed.

Time to change your signature, you aren’t an IAM Member anymore.

Neither are you.
You have no idea of whom I am and what I do, go back to WN forums and how you financed your raises by betraying the American Workforce and didn’t bring in one iota or scope after seven years of negotiations.

Typical, you can’t debate nor refute so you try to attack, insult and belittle.
Why dont you be more civil, you may last longer.Somebody im.sure has their finger on the report button.You might even be useful as we go forward
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