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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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This Forums Page has now been overrun with just those individuals that you talked about.

You probably haven’t been reading every day but these people are mainly LAA AMT’s who have over 30 years now and are ready to start the process of checking out and some are waiting for the package so have zero concern if anyone is waiting to come in the door behind them.

The hypocrisy though is in the fact that they still slam the people who sold them out 30 years ago but here they are ready with no qualms to do it to the next generation.

I really love people.

Again with the guilt trips. This lame union has never been able to save headcount. Like the naive trusting drones we have believing the TWU - that if we gave up pay and benefits last time we could maintain headcount. That lasted less than a year as heads were chopped anyway. Now they expect to save future headcount? How much has it collectively cost us already - millions? We are all here to make as much as possible, with the best benefits we can get. Over 33 years now, and I have only seen one decent contract, and even that was negotiated by the AMFA at NWA - we got it by proxy. That only lasted about 1 year. We have these untouchable union leaders needlessly prolonging negotiations for a pipe dream that they don't have to work under.

Now we have the union leaders telling us crap like: "hey the guys want to get on day shift" etc.. Are you kidding me? Even I have never heard that one. Who pulled that one out of their azz? In 10 years probably 80% of the M&R will have retired, day shift will be wide open.

Still slam? We pointed it out to their faces. Here is what I was told: "you knew what you were getting into when you hired on!". Which btw was not true! There was no internet back then. There was no insurance for 1 year, there were no flight benefits for one year - plus you had to pay, and dress nice. Here I was on a 12 year pay progression working next to guys on a 9 year top out, some on a 5 year, and even a few that had a 2 year top out.

At least now a future job candidate can get all the info they could possibly want. If AA thinks they can attract new talent with crappy pay and benefits, that's their problem.
Whatever you say.. Lol

It’s not what I say, it’s a fact. Even others here have said it.

At least now a future job candidate can get all the info they could possibly want. If AA thinks they can attract new talent with crappy pay and benefits, that's their problem.

Probably the reason they want to have the ability to outsource as much as possible in the future.

So what they do have (or want) to bring in house they will be able to attract and retain.

And I wasn’t trying to guilt you into anything. I’ve got around 10 years or so left myself. When I’m ready to go if they throw a few little goodies my way I may give in to my Human nature too.

I think I’ll be honest about it though?
It looks to me like the IAMNPF participants are going to be alright after all. The Company will probably leave IAM LUS Members in the Plan now and the TWU LAA peeps will have the nice 401K Contribution/Match.

No. You would still be under your TWU Contract that the IAM would then need to service until you got your first Contract with them.

IAM Card Drive coming next? LMFAO.
Cold day in hell before there would be an IAM card drive
But you keep chastising the IAM for what they have today when they were in their own standalone talks completely to us being oblivious of it and the ONLY way that they can have any hand in getting us some of those things would be if they gave back what they just kept in 2014.

Despite the lack of participation in our protests and putting that to the side for the moment as being your motivation of a lack of sympathy for them, how could they get us those items they have right now otherwise? (In Maintenance they don’t have anywhere near as many jobs as we have BTW)

Did you listen to the Parker/Peterson Podcast?

And Fleet has its own hassles on things too I can tell you that but of course there is no comparison.

BTW we don’t even know what the Company wants regarding Stores which I just listened to their Podcast the other day on the Local 591 Website. The Company probably wants to get rid of that Department lock stock and barrel too.

I learned something too that might give those TWU haters a reason to chuck rocks at Stores. Listening to the Podcast I learned (No I didn’t know this) that Stores was the first Group to organize with the TWU back in 1945 (Followed by Maintenance and Fleet)

I LOVE learning History.
Dont kid yourself thei 2014 contract was a payoff for their support for the take over. The deal with the devil backfired
gen c’mon man. They don’t have ALL the Benefits we lack. Some of their Scope language is pretty bad in Fleet, I think we both get the same Vacations?, we both have the same Flight Benefits, I’m POSITIVE you’d rather have your 401K Match over their IAMPF, and some even say that our Medical insurance in some areas is better than theirs?

Have you ever read their Maintenance Contract? (I haven’t)
As a matter of fact i have glanced at their contract. First carrier to carrier comparing contracts is apples to oranges just based on the culture of each carrier. But yes their flow thru items yes i would like to have.
Iam pension cuts are worse than we could have imagined.
1. Up to 39% reduction in future benefits
2. Early pre 65 unreduced pension...GONE
3. Massive new taxes for management which will mean that management will recoup cost by possibly reducing the offer or contracting out jobs.

No new employers will enter this plan now, and the plan is a carcass now with nothing on it.
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Really? So why this post then?? C'mon man!!!

Does anyone have an answer to this question.

If we voted the iam in right now and got out of the ASS would we get all the benefits that the IAM has now. If the answer to that question is yes then what are we waiting for.
I have been told that the agreement for the asso. to come in was that neither union, TWU/IAM can not run a card drive for one or the other. So basically, your fuked.
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Does anyone have an answer to this question.

If we voted the iam in right now and got out of the ASS would we get all the benefits that the IAM has now. If the answer to that question is yes then what are we waiting for.
Nope when you get a new union you stay under the contract your under until the new union gets a contract.
Iam pension cuts are worse than we could have imagined.
1. Up to 39% reduction in future benefits
2. Early pre 65 unreduced pension...GONE
3. Massive new taxes for management which will mean that management will recoup cost by possibly reducing the offer or contracting out jobs.

Really? So why this post then?? C'mon man!!!

I have been told that the agreement for the asso. to come in was that neither union, TWU/IAM can not run a card drive for one or the other. So basically, your fuked.

I was being sarcastic
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