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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Divide and conquer.

The Company just added another layer to their agenda.

Again the Association wants the ability in language to be able to audit the Company’s Medical expenditures which is where the main focus is on that issue.

If the Company were an honest agent (They aren’t) they would have no problem agreeing to that request.

"If the company were an honest agent". HA! No one in this entire Greek tragedy is "honest". Company, Association, TWU, IAM no one is honest Weez.
They don’t have any interest in reaching the deal the Company is offering. That doesn’t mean they don’t want a deal
What leverage do we have to change there minds. They’ve giving there last best offer so what tools do we have to move them. We gave up cross utilization so what now?

The IAM guys are missing all that pay as well which is also a whole hell of a lot of Dues income being lost to the IAM Grand Lodge.

Might be more to what the IAM has a problem with than just that Medical and the IAMNPF.

$1089.00 per Month.
dude your boy Baskett told me they would give up the pension for a 16.5% CONTRIBUTION by the company. tell the whole story the bar is set pretty high to make taht happen

That ask is now lower than 16.5%. The Association has moved towards the Company position quite a lot since December 2015.
face it the iam is screwed they waited to long to join the fight. their decision to sit on the sidelines fat dumb and happy because its not the right time bit them in the ass. they cut a deal with the devil to make the take over happen and the devil fucked them. if they would have came out of the gate showing some any type of empathy for our plight their would have been a chance at unity. they blew it. they felt secure in their position and they fucked themselves. sorry i dont have much sympathy. the iam's leadership decision was poor,misguided and self serving now they have to face the consequences. just curious what moron on the iam side decided to come out with that memo on the solubility of their pension in the middle of negotiations? geez if anything turned us against them..... the company saw blood in the water and went in for the kill.
What leverage do we have to change there minds. They’ve giving there last best offer so what tools do we have to move them. We gave up cross utilization so what now?

IAW. It worked for AMFA at SWA didn’t it.
I’ll bet you we will. Everyone else in the industry who’s Contract was amendable got one, why wouldn’t we?

We got retro in 2001 also.
We've never gotten retro on the LUS side. The company and unions did manage to pull off a pay cut that was retroactive a few weeks back. Actually cut our wages, and took out of our future checks to make up the difference. This was going back long before Parker and crew were in the house. I for one, don't think that we will get squat this time either. I'm still looking for the company to address the outsourcing of Catering on the LUS side, without offering Cargo like the LAA side has to level the playing field.
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