All the handful of Trolls here on Forums can do is throw, throw, throw those rocks.
You’re not hitting anybody anyway.
View attachment 14330
Obviously one persons getting peppered. YOU!!!!All the handful of Trolls here on Forums can do is throw, throw, throw those rocks.
You’re not hitting anybody anyway.
View attachment 14330
Obviously one persons getting peppered. YOU!!!!
What his statement should say is “My signature won’t go on a contract that threatens to cut dues money coming my way”.
That’s complete BS. Nothing in the current scope forces the company to bring new work in or maintain a current level of head count. Nothing!!! There’s loopholes built in to get around the outsourcing percentage already. Don’t guilt trip this crowd it won’t work.Actually what I notice is “”””ALL”””” of the Rock Throwers have North of 30 years in the Company and are nearing 60 if they aren’t already there.
That group is of course fine with selling out the future when they aren’t going to be around to have to take ownership of that choice.
They’re trying to push (Bad place for it actually) to pressure the Leaderships of both Unions to take what the Company is offering so they can build up to cash out.
It’s annoying I will say, but nothing more than that.
That’s complete BS. Nothing in the current scope forces the company to bring new work in or maintain a current level of head count. Nothing!!! There’s loopholes built in to get around the outsourcing percentage already. Don’t guilt trip this crowd it won’t work.
He was over his head when he was a shop steward.I would think hes in over his head wherever he is
Your grasping hard for leverage on this one. Is anyone pushing for a two tier pay scale so we can get better deal? What about a huge buy out package and let the unborn pay for it? (The buy out negotiated in 1983 would be worth over 250k in today’s money.) A longer progression to top out? Less vacation? The answer is obviously a resounding “NO”. There isn’t any golden parachute being asked for just a handful of items we lost in 2003 to make life easier. No screwing to the youngans as you suggest. Like I said earlier the scope as written can be worked to get the company what wants it just may not be written as they would like.Not guilt tripping anyone. You people feel no guilt. You rally against the TWU old timers of the past who screwed you and you’re no different than they are now that you’re wearing their shoes.
I don’t care what you want or who you are today. I just want to read just one of you be honest about it.
Just say simply:
“WeAAsles I don’t care. It’s my time and I just want to get what I feel I deserve. I don’t give a damn about people I don’t know. I don’t owe them nothing”
I can respect a guy who just flat out says it.
Your grasping hard for leverage on this one. Is anyone pushing for a two tier pay scale so we can get better deal? What about a huge buy out package and let the unborn pay for it? (The buy out negotiated in 1983 would be worth over 250k in today’s money.) A longer progression to top out? Less vacation? The answer is obviously a resounding “NO”. There isn’t any golden parachute being asked for just a handful of items we lost in 2003 to make life easier. No screwing to the youngans as you suggest. Like I said earlier the scope as written can be worked to get the company what wants it just may not be written as they would like.
This isn’t a get rich contract by any means just a closer to normal contract.
Good god man we’ve been walking in the desert for 16 years and we need a drink! It’s like we’re standing on top of the hill looking down at the Oasis and this big stinking ASS is blocking our way.
Your association approved a longer progression to top out with out you even voting on it.
I would like to see the company proposal in writing. The complete proposal. Enough of what the association is telling me. I will more than likely not see another contract before I retire. I have been in this industry for over 39 an and lived in 9 different states. I sacrificed a lot and my family as well.