Hey Ken, you can give me all the disagree red X's your little heart desires. It does NOT change the fact that you had NOTHING to come back with, hence, the No response from you.
It's still a fact that the membership had no say so in the agreement of both sides working the metal in exchange for the raises (they bought it) and this asso. bought off on it and sold the membership out just like that. Yes, I know it suks, but that is how this asso works and screws the members. And it just happened again with another LOA change in contract with no members voting for it or against it. What is to stop this asso. from another LOA with drastic changes in an LOA and again no vote from the members, just forced upon them just like the asso. was. Try and disagree with that Ken, you can't, it happened, it's the truth. Typical industrial unions...