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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Tim, I have never heard of Ken wanting to join this forum. If you do know that for a fact, have him join, that way he can fight his own battle.
A 700 team member doesn't think very highly of him and he can debate that if he chooses. I would imagine after 700 and his teams shameful act, he will have to jump through hoops to register, but it can be done. But then if I'm him, whew, it's gonna be tough... 🙂

FYI I think what 700 did was absolutely, fall down on the floor hard to breath, completely HILARIOUS.

If it was him?
Tim, I have never heard of Ken wanting to join this forum. If you do know that for a fact, have him join, that way he can fight his own battle.
A 700 team member doesn't think very highly of him and he can debate that if he chooses. I would imagine after 700 and his teams shameful act, he will have to jump through hoops to register, but it can be done. But then if I'm him, whew, it's gonna be tough... 🙂
i see.
I know weez appears to get upset with anyone on jetnet that has an independent mind. Maybe weez created that fake handle.
Either way, weez' mantra will run its course as everything he has said has been wrong, and with no negotiations over the next 5 years he will be lonely. I think amp will come in within 2 years.
Depends on how it is looked at. Let's see, if your like management and you throw double the amount of men on it, it should get fixed twice as fast right??? Wrong! As in reality, when you throw too many with different ideas and of coarse the inner fighting, and change of control all the time, of coarse it will take twice as long. That was a good point AL.
That was my thought too many cooks and one of them (Peterson) keeps sneezing into the soup
That was my thought too many cooks and one of them (Peterson) keeps sneezing into the soup
peterson is maybe the dumbest union guy ive ever heard and seen. He doesnt listen to anyone as he is just getting back at management for turning him down twice for a middle management promotion.
peterson is maybe the dumbest union guy ive ever heard and seen. He doesnt listen to anyone as he is just getting back at management for turning him down twice for a middle management promotion.
I remember a couple of other TWU international types who thought they had a job for life too,
peterson is maybe the dumbest union guy ive ever heard and seen. He doesnt listen to anyone as he is just getting back at management for turning him down twice for a middle management promotion.
Yup dumbest ive seen in my 40+ years
Hey Ken, you can give me all the disagree red X's your little heart desires. It does NOT change the fact that you had NOTHING to come back with, hence, the No response from you.
It's still a fact that the membership had no say so in the agreement of both sides working the metal in exchange for the raises (they bought it) and this asso. bought off on it and sold the membership out just like that. Yes, I know it suks, but that is how this asso works and screws the members. And it just happened again with another LOA change in contract with no members voting for it or against it. What is to stop this asso. from another LOA with drastic changes in an LOA and again no vote from the members, just forced upon them just like the asso. was. Try and disagree with that Ken, you can't, it happened, it's the truth. Typical industrial unions...
The twu gave away the last of our profit sharing with a LOA. No voice no vote no discussion just signed it away. Poof gone. Justified it by saying it hadn’t paid out anything in years. Forget the fact it was an entirely different plan that paid on first dollar profit made n not after 500 million profit like the old plan. The industry as a whole was finally hitting the profit wave of the cycle so we would have finally started getting profit sharing checks. Years of no profit sharing and finally the industry turns the corner and starts the profit cycle and Poof,,,,,gone by LOA.
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