So this was the identity theft you all were speaking of? Wow!swamt, it wasn't was 700 and his team members playing along. The sick man stole Kens Facebook pic and used it. A current poster here knew it wasn't Ken (he knows him personally and knows he is not the way 700 was portraying him). 700 and his team memeber think I'm Ken and thought they were doing something to me. Shows you just how low these guys will go. He was booted once again. The other team member was exposed as well but begged the Mods to remove all those posts and they did. Wouldn't worry too much about the red, the man is a sicko.
I don't know what to say. I really took that as a response from Ken and Ken being Ken. My bad. Sorry for the confusion. And no disrespect towards the "real" Ken. I was actually engaging in a converse with him and not slamming like I more than likely would have if I knew it was 700 and crew.
There is no doubt Ken is a strong union man. Union Steward for many years and a good one at that. If you disagree with him that's fine, but he wouldn't act like some of those here if you do disagree with him. And he sure wouldn't act the way he was portrayed by the 700 team.
Ken is a good man and didn't/doesn't deserve what the team portrayed him as...shameful.
On this note Ken; Please except my apologies. I meant no disrespect towards you.
Some are saying he is not on here, but only way I know how to reach out at this point is here.
700 and crew can go pack sand! KMA...