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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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swamt, it wasn't Ken...it was 700 and his team members playing along. The sick man stole Kens Facebook pic and used it. A current poster here knew it wasn't Ken (he knows him personally and knows he is not the way 700 was portraying him). 700 and his team memeber think I'm Ken and thought they were doing something to me. Shows you just how low these guys will go. He was booted once again. The other team member was exposed as well but begged the Mods to remove all those posts and they did. Wouldn't worry too much about the red, the man is a sicko.
So this was the identity theft you all were speaking of? Wow!
I don't know what to say. I really took that as a response from Ken and Ken being Ken. My bad. Sorry for the confusion. And no disrespect towards the "real" Ken. I was actually engaging in a converse with him and not slamming like I more than likely would have if I knew it was 700 and crew.

There is no doubt Ken is a strong union man. Union Steward for many years and a good one at that. If you disagree with him that's fine, but he wouldn't act like some of those here if you do disagree with him. And he sure wouldn't act the way he was portrayed by the 700 team.
Ken is a good man and didn't/doesn't deserve what the team portrayed him as...shameful.

On this note Ken; Please except my apologies. I meant no disrespect towards you.
Some are saying he is not on here, but only way I know how to reach out at this point is here.
700 and crew can go pack sand! KMA...
Obviously one persons getting peppered. YOU!!!!
What his statement should say is “My signature won’t go on a contract that threatens to cut dues money coming my way”.
Why don't you simply block him? He writes like an idiot.
He has been lying on here for 5 years now and still wants TWU members to be lambs for the IAM Pension. No doubt he is getting subsidized by the Association for posting such anti worker comments, and if he isn't then he truly is an idiot.
The twu gave away the last of our profit sharing with a LOA. No voice no vote no discussion just signed it away. Poof gone. Justified it by saying it hadn’t paid out anything in years. Forget the fact it was an entirely different plan that paid on first dollar profit made n not after 500 million profit like the old plan. The industry as a whole was finally hitting the profit wave of the cycle so we would have finally started getting profit sharing checks. Years of no profit sharing and finally the industry turns the corner and starts the profit cycle and Poof,,,,,gone by LOA.
Sorry to hear that.
You just signified the importance of my post that LOA's are just as important as contract if not more and "SHOULD" be voted on by the membership for any changes what-so-ever to the contract language. Is this not in the asso. bylaws? If not, then why not?? It is in ours. I cannot believe that they can implement an LOA that changes contractual language or changes of current agreements without a membership vote. This just baffles the crap out of me.
Why don't you simply block him? He writes like an idiot.
He has been lying on here for 5 years now and still wants TWU members to be lambs for the IAM Pension. No doubt he is getting subsidized by the Association for posting such anti worker comments, and if he isn't then he truly is an idiot.
Are you referring to the weezal? I had to put him on ignore yet again, this time he will stay. He really is an idiot and only here to try and continue the same BS 700 was doing years ago.
Are you referring to the weezal? I had to put him on ignore yet again, this time he will stay. He really is an idiot and only here to try and continue the same BS 700 was doing years ago.
Of course. It is so refreshing not to see his idiotic comments supporting the IAM Pension and just acting dumb. I used to assume his handlers posted these comments for him but I have been told that he isn't a smart guy at all.

You are right, he picked up where 700 left off. If all of you guys put him on ignore, then he may actually have to go back to work instead of getting paid by the IAM.
Hey W, why not take the rat up on this bet...Oh, and it wasn't me who said the real Ken would ever show up.

Tick Tock!

Ok if you want to again waste bandwidth here it wasn’t me who made the profile that you claim wasn’t Ken. And that poster was pro Union and you did say that Ken was a strong Union man did you not? So doesn’t that sound like Ken then to you?

And since Ken has a Public Facebook profile which is unlocked and viewable both his name and likeness are a part of the Public domain which he himself made available.

And nothing personal to Rat but Rat works in CLT and has never personally met Ken where I personally have and worked in the same city as him for 12 years. And by your behavior when it’s brought up yes I do still think you’re Ken and if you’re not, so what.
If YOU are Ken and I still think you are YOU are not a strong Union man (Neither was Ken BTW) and I’ll tell you why.

YOU (And Ken as I remember) do nothing but criticize constantly.

CB, P. Rez and others from the Association have come on here and always try to answer all the questions you have. And I’ve even seen you thank them after they have. But then as soon as (You think) they’re gone you start to almost immediately begin to criticize AGAIN. You do it every single time. I never read you show them even an ounce of support. You do know that those guys are a part of the Association you put down so often right.

And I think you are Ken because I remember Ken having the same exact horrible attributes.

And BTW just ONCE look in the mirror. You have your own pack of dogs that LOVE to attack and they attack here every single day.

I know CB, P. Rez and others read here. PLEASE do not answer AANOTOK any longer. He has ZERO appreciation when you do.
Ok if you want to again waste bandwidth here it wasn’t me who made the profile that you claim wasn’t Ken. And that poster was pro Union and you did say that Ken was a strong Union man did you not? So doesn’t that sound like Ken then to you?

And since Ken has a Public Facebook profile which is unlocked and viewable both his name and likeness are a part of the Public domain which he himself made available.

And nothing personal to Rat but Rat works in CLT and has never personally met Ken where I personally have and worked in the same city as him for 12 years. And by your behavior when it’s brought up yes I do still think you’re Ken and if you’re not, so what.
Oh, I see, you feel it's ok to use someone else's profile and picture (a fellow union brother and co worker at that) to get some idiotic point across. Funny how you justify something like that...speak volumes David, VOLUMES.
I'm sure CB and P. Rez can decide themselves who they do and do not want to answer. What, you some kind of God or something.
Heck, you're under 700, you have a ways to go son.
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