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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Ouch. I do believe he had a bottle of Heineken in his hand.

Try getting the beer right. Heineken sucks.

Well, I see the sock puppets are morphing into all new posters -- The message they attempt to convey stays the same though...

"Don't trust union... blahh...blahh...blahh...demand a vote... association is incompetent...blahh...blahh...blahh...wer're getting screwed...blahh...blahh...blahh..."

This is for the puppets!

When are you going to “morph” into someone that backs their empty rhetoric with action?

Start small, like a shop rep spot. It can be pretty rewarding.
Kev/Tim My understanding is that you are falling way short in the action department...
Why are you not out organizing your work group? Why are you not phone banking, hand-billing, and posting in the Delta forums?
I think you are too interested in disrupting everything here in our affairs. Is the puppeteers hand able to work the fingers better than mouth?
I’ve walked the walk. Won and lost both. When are you going to step up?

Until you are willing to take that step, have a seat and let the adults talk.
Apparently, when one spends multiple hours a day, and has a total of 17,263 posts, mostly all in the AA forum, there is no time to "get involved" with organizing DL. Ironically, the majority of these 17,263 posts are designed to question the integrity of the collective bargaining unit(s) at LUS and AA, to hopefully weaken our position at the table in favor of the company...

That my friends... is the definition of HYPOCRISY -- Sock Puppet hypocrisy!


There you have it, gang. An attempt at judgement from a gasbag that somehow has never managed the courage to actually step up and take action to help his peers. Probably wanders from Gate to Gate all day spouting off, but hasn’t seen a bin in years. Amazing.
There you have it, gang. An attempt at judgement from a gasbag that somehow has never managed the courage to actually step up and take action to help his peers. Probably wanders from Gate to Gate all day spouting off, but hasn’t seen a bin in years. Amazing.

That's called "Working smart"!

Let's assume your numbers were correct, the outsourcing of 3000 Association members would make it a cost neutral contract and anything more than 3000 jobs would make it cost negative.

P. Rez

Just curious, WeAAz. Why was this tidbit made public but none of the other articles?

It was made public because it’s a done deal. The Company went well over the flight threshold to restaff. This has nothing to do with our Contract Negotiations.
Done deal???
Why is that? As we did not see any sigs from the union, will the membership still have to vote on these changes? Anything that changes the contract, "anything", rather good or bad should have to be voted on by the membership period. Don't get me wrong, this very well could be a great deal for the fleet boys, but, it very easily could also go the other way in future LOA changes. It's in our by-laws and very well known, that any change what-so-ever in our contract has to be voted on the the entire membership not just signed off by the union and co.
This would go hand and hand with that part where the union signed off on the raises for the co. to do both metal work. A huge change in the contract and no one member of the rank and file had a say so within a vote, not ONE.
you dont think that the nmb has seen a comprehensive proposal from the company but only bullet point negotiations?
If that is true, then the association has been a bigger failure over 5 years than I thought and when the twu lied by shelving a jcba and only negotiated for wages to enhance their dues, there went our merger leverage.
Wow! You are finally getting it Timmy.
They have been a bigger failure than you thought.
And yes, they conceded the leverage they had with NO vote from the membership yet again. That in itself is a failure...
Let me interject again then if it will make you go away.

Your decisive (incessantly redundant) posts don’t help anyway.
You just want him to go away because he is dead on right and he is embarrassing your pathetic asso.

Blah Blah Blah. Who hasn’t read any of this crap before.

Hurts to keep hearing the truth doesn't it weezal???
Well, I see the sock puppets are morphing into all new posters -- The message they attempt to convey stays the same though...

"Don't trust union... blahh...blahh...blahh...demand a vote... association is incompetent...blahh...blahh...blahh...wer're getting screwed...blahh...blahh...blahh..."

This is for the puppets!

This guy is getting it finally...

There you have it, gang. An attempt at judgement from a gasbag that somehow has never managed the courage to actually step up and take action to help his peers. Probably wanders from Gate to Gate all day spouting off, but hasn’t seen a bin in years. Amazing.
Don't ya just love the biaching ones that demand to be force fed and complain about everything and not one time have they EVER stepped up to the plate and done anything about it, just piss and moan and complain about everything. I laugh at all them...
There won’t be a card drive, the one they last tried failed, that ship has sailed, you went almost seven years, where was your hard drive?

There has been a card drive off and on for the last 30 years or so. There is an unsettled quest that shows that the mechanics are not fully satisfied.
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