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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Parker pretty much said ice ice baby to go.Weez remember the asisn girl in that video ling ling
yes. We all know it is ice. The iam pension is the ice wall.
Look for the pension funding letter to come out within 2 weeks which will show another lower %.
Less than 3 years until its death.
Yes, i'm sure you saw. It was right between the Easter Bunny and the UFO, just behind the unicorns and rainbows.

Where did I leave that BS meter? Anyone have one i could borrow .
Just for this one post please!

I sent you the meter in your conversations... ENJOY!


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im feeling really good about getting rid of the association. its backed itself in a corner and has been lying out its butt. The icebreaker will go in for the kill.
im feeling really good about getting rid of the association. its backed itself in a corner and has been lying out its butt. The icebreaker will go in for t he kill.
What have we got to lose i wouldnt even mind keeping CB and PRez id have them on a short leash though
The needle shouldn’t be moving any it should be pinned solid on bs
The needle shouldn’t be moving any it should be pinned solid on bs
The needle is fluctuating due to a voltage overload... in other words it's overcapacity, and the internal safeguards are acting on the needle...
This phenomenon is known as the "timmy shimmy"....
The entire TWU Executive Negotiating Committee was here hobnobbing this weekend. I put 3 of them under the hot lights Friday and got to hard grilling them. I asked Andre, Mike and Gary if they were blowing smoke up Tim (Hughes) Juan and big Fa’s asses and I scrutinized their responses with a cocked eye. Didn’t get any sweat out of those 3 guys. They got 100% pass on the Weez lie detector examination.

Caught Alex at the 568 Picnic and gave him the once over too. Told him I’d wrestle the Bear if I had to wring it out of him.

Nope. Didn’t even get a nervous foot twitch out of old Alex.

Joe Friday himself couldn’t have grilled them any harder. They’re all clean.
What have we got to lose i wouldnt even mind keeping CB and PRez id have them on a short leash though
not a chance.
Their lil lies came to an end. Burned bridges now has peterson with his tin cap back on. Its done. Negotiations are toasted.
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