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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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P. Rez nice job calling Parker our on his overall greed. I loved the look in his face as he once again had to reiterate his completely scripted dialogue.

Next Town Hall someone should tell him to skip the script running down the fluff.

If that’s the best he’s got maybe he can dazzle the audience with a nice card trick instead?
Do you have a purpose for engaging me and perhaps you care to explain your sentence here?

I wonder if you can keep it civil?
Sure, you stated not all TWU members are greedy pricks, I agreed with you...that ispretty simple and civil.
Secondly, Matt made a comment about Fleet riding their coattails a few posts back, I do believe you even commented on that. Just a reinforcement of our beliefs.

Now being civil on your part, answer this...why if someone you don't like or have a different view than you may say Conquer and Divide but Matt makes a comment like that which is extremely divisive toward TWU members there is not a peep out of you about "Divide"? and yes, civil please.
Sure, you stated not all TWU members are greedy pricks, I agreed with you...that ispretty simple and civil.
Secondly, Matt made a comment about Fleet riding their coattails a few posts back, I do believe you even commented on that. Just a reinforcement of our beliefs.

Now being civil on your part, answer this...why if someone you don't like or have a different view than you may say Conquer and Divide but Matt makes a comment like that which is extremely divisive toward TWU members there is not a peep out of you about "Divide"? and yes, civil please.

Ok honestly WHY did you have to say to the IAM readers “Well Played” as if they are our enemies for wanting to keep something that they fought hard and went through hell to get and keep? Yes honestly that is why I reacted the way I did because of that comment. I felt his response here was a reactionary counterpunch.

NOTOK do you understand that both sides have things they want to keep that the Company wants to take away? This isn’t completely one sided.

As far as Matt what is he an IAM Mechanic who thinks Fleet is riding his (LMFAO) coattails? Dude if he made that stupid comment here again do you really want to pay it any mind?

BTW I just hit him on the other thread anyway.
Douglas seems to "imply" in the Phoenix Town Hall that the NMB feels AA's proposal is rock solid enough that they would not release each side for a 30 day cooling off period, but instead put the negotiations on ice because of lack of movement from the Association. Again IAM, well played.

That’s probably exactly what’ll happen.

OTOH, I disagree that the company has all the leverage- Labor does, we just rarely choose to use it.
If I have said it once Weez, I have said it ten times, the IAM I have no problem with (other than an individual or two).
When I state well played, it is a fiqure of speech as to them keeping a decent contract and TWU not so much. Even numerous IAM members have stated let negotiations go for however long. Anyway....yes, I saw the response to the get rid of the Association comment.
If I have said it once Weez, I have said it ten times, the IAM I have no problem with (other than an individual or two).
When I state well played, it is a fiqure of speech as to them keeping a decent contract and TWU not so much. Even numerous IAM members have stated let negotiations go for however long. Anyway....yes, I saw the response to the get rid of the Association comment.

I know that it doesn’t seem like it but I do think there are reasons for some IAM Members to want to capture a few of the known changes that a JCBA will give them? More so particularly I would say the Single Members, some of the Married people, definitely almost all of their PTers, and I would guess their AMT’s might want some opportunity for growth?

There are also people I would think besides you know who that want to get out of the IAMPF.

I do think though that the Company has carefully crafted their offers to get us to fight against each other and unfortunately many have taken the bait.
That "sailed" ship is the problem, Bin...Many of my coworkers feel the sharing of two unions is the reason this very well could go 5-6 years.
they really dont give a **** because they are fat dumb and happy to stay right where they are...
NOTOK I also really don’t like the unknown of the “When and where so directed” and them wanting to rewrite language emphasizing our “Core work”

I absolutely 100% believe it’s a Land Mine that could blow up in our faces if we accepted that change.

If Parker comes here to MIA that will be where I’ll laser focus my question to him. I know I said I was done with them cause all they are is talking heads, but this game they’re playing trying to hide the fine print is really pissing me off now.
I saw the offer. They are lying

Yes, i'm sure you saw. It was right between the Easter Bunny and the UFO, just behind the unicorns and rainbows.

Where did I leave that BS meter? Anyone have one i could borrow .
Just for this one post please!

So let's do it your way. IAM keeps their medical and is at what? $5-6000 advantage over the TWU?
They keep their IAM pension where the company kicks in a couple of dollars an hour towards it....TWU at an even greater disadvantage.
Seems fair to me.

WeAAz, so you really don't care what some other guys gets? Really?
Then WTF is this ASSociation for?
Here's the solution. Let the IAM settle on their own and keep what they got. And let the TWU keep what we have.
Fair enough? You know, since we shouldn't worry about what the other guy is getting.
Probably only be able to keep the medical one year then over to AA
The entire TWU Executive Negotiating Committee was here hobnobbing this weekend. I put 3 of them under the hot lights Friday and got to hard grilling them. I asked Andre, Mike and Gary if they were blowing smoke up Tim (Hughes) Juan and big Fa’s asses and I scrutinized their responses with a cocked eye. Didn’t get any sweat out of those 3 guys. They got 100% pass on the Weez lie detector examination.

Caught Alex at the 568 Picnic and gave him the once over too. Told him I’d wrestle the Bear if I had to wring it out of him.

Nope. Didn’t even get a nervous foot twitch out of old Alex.

Joe Friday himself couldn’t have grilled them any harder. They’re all clean.
I would think youre a bit bias regarding those individuals
Douglas seems to "imply" in the Phoenix Town Hall that the NMB feels AA's proposal is rock solid enough that they would not release each side for a 30 day cooling off period, but instead put the negotiations on ice because of lack of movement from the Association. Again IAM, well
While not blatant mediators usually favor the company.So im going with what parker and tim said
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