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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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I spoke with a good friend of mine yesterday and he said how AMFA got SWA management attention was to park almost 40 aircraft a day for over a month. It is time to join together union brothers and sisters and show Parker we have had enough!!!!!
I spoke with a good friend of mine yesterday and he said how AMFA got SWA management attention was to park almost 40 aircraft a day for over a month. It is time to join together union brothers and sisters and show Parker we have had enough!!!!!
nah. it was the other way around.
Wn sued amfa for the tab of the slowdown and got a favorable Texas judge and told amfa it would drop the suit if amfa signed a ta. Amfa signed a ta within 48 hrs. Shuffled a couple things around but has the absolute worse scope in the industry.
You have a ZERO success rate on your raids, no one wants you, don’t you understand that? You do remember cards are only good for one year? 16,800 Fleet, you’ll need minimum 8,401 cards, but you know you’ll need more than that, or will you file short like you did in the early 90s?
Ive been really successful in organizing and admittedly its tough. But Im assessing the predicament and it doesnt look good for fleet. Without an exit plan, I think this may end up fairly easy in another year. Thats why the time to start is now. Even Amp will get alot of juice once the ice starts.

Highly doubt he will get half that required nbr
the chances support your opinion for sure. In America we say "It doesnt hurt to try".
Nothing is loss on the masses part if we come up empty since the union already said no deal.

No, you obsessively chase him over and over. It’s pretty clear he’s living rent free in your head.

I don’t have to prove anything; you can’t get out of your way and do it for me...
nah. it was the other way around.
Wn sued amfa for the tab of the slowdown and got a favorable Texas judge and told amfa it would drop the suit if amfa signed a ta. Amfa signed a ta within 48 hrs. Shuffled a couple things around but has the absolute worse scope in the industry.

Hey clueless, stick with what you do know. Your information is off a bit.
the chances support your opinion for sure. In America we say "It doesnt hurt to try".
Nothing is loss on the masses part if we come up empty since the union already said no deal.


No harm in trying. But in all the yrs youve tried its been failure. There good reason why our association has said no deal. N thats bec those greedy selfish self centered mgmt wants us to have cuts cuts cuts. You claimed to of seen so called proposal. Yet why not show us details of it...not the dog chit mgmt put on jetnet. I dont know bout u or anyon else but being a single parent raising my special needs kid im done with giving this company. We have sacrificed everything yet those f..kheads still want us to take cuts. They need cuts then cut out mgmt .Thats where the pork is
nah. it was the other way around.
Wn sued amfa for the tab of the slowdown and got a favorable Texas judge and told amfa it would drop the suit if amfa signed a ta. Amfa signed a ta within 48 hrs. Shuffled a couple things around but has the absolute worse scope in the industry.
Tim you’re off on this. Don’t know where you read that, but it’s wrong. As far as worst scope? How do you measure that? This company has always outsourced the majority of heavy work, it works for them and it works for us. I’m fine with having the ‘worst’ scope, and never having a lay-off. How’s that working over there with the ‘better’ scope?
tim you have a rough road ahead of you, because the majority of your group is happy. Heck the average of our group is happy. so, if the average of our group is happy, and the majority of your group is happy, managements' next move is to wait for arbitration. After arbitration, you'll have all the cards you need without much interference as anyone of importance fighting you, are on their yachts.
main issues
1. iampf
2. iam healthcare for political purposes
3. union dues
4. Doug already said no to 2. and given the members a choice on 1. He's not going to change.
5. scope. the twu intl will cave on this for 3.
6. iam will cave on 5, for 1 and 3.
so the contract being offered now, is final, which won't be put out, because its not putting the intls first. Final contract put out will be more outsourcing and part time for 3, and intls first.
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