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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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I disagree. If we had no union i can only imy what even a worse cluster f..k itd be . It may be like that now but w no union itd be far worse.
You would be like any other professional in America, living and working where you choose based on your on wants, needs and desires. If you found yourself unhappy you would just leave and go make more money at the next place. Unions prevent all of that.
Dude, you really don't have a clue what you are talking about. You really should go to a thread where someone might actually value your asinine input. This thread just isn't your cup of tea!

I like the input from the Southwest Mechanics under AMFA. They are more welcome now more than ever.
And also notice every single reference is titled "IAM" protest, not IAM and TWU or the asso. protest, just IAM by the weezal himself. The division, the infighting, and the internal chaos will never end with this two party union set up, it will hinder you guys from getting contracts for the rest of you careers. The company is just loving this divisional asso. from the international level all the way down to the members themselves. The TWU and IAM have actually created "The Perfect Storm" within this employee asso. and the company is laughing all the way to the bank with it for years...

swamt thanks for your comments and participation in this forum.
So what do you guys,really have in your proposal, a pay scale, and how much does the company want to cut scope wise?

B737 driver, thanks for your comments and participation in this forum.
Correct about they will not let you all strike. BUT, I disagree about leverage. Think about it. Stay put at work and do your job.
Not sure about that those injunctions are feared and if a settlement is won by the company the union might make the union settle for something they wouldnt have earlier.In other words back fire in their face
Nice! In NY the PA usually permits us near the pet relief area.
Actually when NW was on strike here at lga they put them on a grass strip on the side of the grand central parkway .If you put a 32 foot extension ladder against a tree and got another striker to hold it for you ,you would be able to see the NW sign on the terminal
Never said I didn't want to fight anymore. I just think it is useless. If the company were to change their positions, they would have done so by now. And the use of mediators is futile at best.
In the end, corporations usually get the last laugh where labor is concerned.

Prefer (Dead or not) for it to read on my Tombstone “He tried” than for it to read “He gave up” personally.

And I really do look at it that way.
I'm thinking mover gets it, and it is high time all of you read this more than one, just how many of those poison arrows do we have in our collective quiver? I will tell you, ZERO. Thanks Mover, it's about time someone wrote that. What to do next you ask?? Adapt and stockpile for retirement.
My man
Hey Tim those guys could probably fit in your Buick.Should we be expecting a settlement any day now??

I really hope now that they rotate ALL of you back there in LGA when the time comes just so they can get to you. You turned out to be a real piece of work man. Real classy of you to put down people who at least make an effort loser.
Samuelsen can beat the "outsourcing" war drum all he wants however well intended and admirable it is. As long as the government allows it. Can't stop the practice. As far as Brazil goes, well they are AA employees. And don't forget, we had 777 heavy mx done in HKG, it is now done in the states by the same outsourcing firm. We have much work outsourced in the states so we can't say OFFSHORED. So US citizens are working our aircraft right here in the good old U S of A!
And until we see planes dropping out of the sky directly attributed to outsourced work, outsourcing will continue.
And I don't just mean loose seats and overhead bins.

Now, as far as negotiations go, here are the scenarios:
Agree to arbitration and most like the company gets what they want...............................or.............................
Exhaust the process and be allowed to strike where the company then imposes its workrules and replaces workers.............or.............................
The government gets involved and the company most likely gets what it wants.................
Metal it almost sounds like you have the situation we had, we basically had to allow the lines they already contracted out, to be allowed to go off shore to pay for the raises and backpay we wanted. Now mind you our group is small compared to American. The $64,000 question is what you guys could live with to get a contract, secure your holidays and double time back, without all the rhetoric that accomplished nothing.
Prefer (Dead or not) for it to read on my Tombstone “He tried” than for it to read “He gave up” personally.

And I really do look at it that way.
I'll try to find a union made wreath for your gravesite at Christmas time!
Metal it almost sounds like you have the situation we had, we basically had to allow the lines they already contracted out, to be allowed to go off shore to pay for the raises and backpay we wanted. Now mind you our group is small compared to American. The $64,000 question is what you guys could live with to get a contract, secure your holidays and double time back, without all the rhetoric that accomplished nothing.
With respect too outsourcing, the best we could hope for is a realistic cap. I do think the medical issue and scope are the main contract blockers.
But of course I want to see ALL the details.....i.e FINE PRINT!
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