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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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I'll try to find a union made wreath for your gravesite at Christmas time!

Who cares man. There’s about a half dozen to not even a dozen of you regular rock throwers on here anyway. And I know if I droppped off here you guys would become quiet as Church Mice cause you’d have no one left to feed off of.

But don’t worry man. I ain’t going anywhere. Keep knocking me bro.
With respect too outsourcing, the best we could hope for is a realistic cap. I do think the medical issue and scope are the main contract blockers.
But of course I want to see ALL the details.....i.e FINE PRINT!
Our Loa1 on these 8 lines, that were already contracted out. 5 stay continue, 3 lines sunset. Also no one can be furloughed. Our Article 2 scope remains for work has to come back if they wanted to furlough. I haven't negotiated a contract in quite awhile, I know it gets frustrating. Hang in there. We really had a perfect storm to help us. After over 6 years, the guys just got pissed off, and quit going above and beyond.
Who cares man. There’s about a half dozen to not even a dozen of you regular rock throwers on here anyway. And I know if I droppped off here you guys would become quiet as Church Mice cause you’d have no one left to feed off of.

But don’t worry man. I ain’t going anywhere. Keep knocking me bro.
Thought you has a sense of humor WeAAz.
Al’s last post putting down people who are trying is just getting to be enough. It’s really low class
I was merely pointing out the futility of it all.Low class would be somebody who attacks someone personally when conversation doesnt go his way.How was the turn out ? Was it a game changer is momentum shifting to the association now?
So I’m curious here? If the IAM is only concerned about their Medical costs why are all the signs saying “No Outsourcing”?


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