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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Why must you always start such nonsense. You're a broken record. The Weasel shownis getting old and you have the nerve to preach to others. You have one ally on here and he hasn't worked for the company for 25 years and you complain about the LUV guys chiming in when they are trying to help us
So what do you guys,really have in your proposal, a pay scale, and how much does the company want to cut scope wise?
Dont doubt it they absolutely wont let us strike we have no leverage
Correct about they will not let you all strike. BUT, I disagree about leverage. Think about it. Stay put at work and do your job.
Correct about they will not let you all strike. BUT, I disagree about leverage. Think about it. Stay put at work and do your job.
You always control more at work than outside, be professional, but be polite.
So what do you guys,really have in your proposal, a pay scale, and how much does the company want to cut scope wise?

Is there a proposal? What proposal? I haven't seen a proposal. Where is the proposal? Have you seen a proposal? Do we have a proposal?
Its hard to reach an agreement when your union still hasn't even discussed any issues or reach any agreements between themselves. They are negotiating with each other and the company all at once. It is a cluster.....

BTW for you die hard union guys you realize unions have never, ever saved one job (accept the incompetents of course) but they have lost tens of millions. Every single one of you would be much better off and much more satisfied with your careers if this industry was never unionized. And you could seek your own career path with out the corrosive force of mandated seniority and BS propaganda.
You guys have pet birds in cages in your breakroom?

Amazing all the years that the Company despite whoever was running it kicked you in the nuts and you still always give them more of a pass than you would ever give anyone in your Union.

Stockholm Syndrome?
IAM Protest in PHL.

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This for sure will get the Company shaking in their boots..
FACT these pitiful protests do not work.
IAW works ask LUV airlines.
And also notice every single reference is titled "IAM" protest, not IAM and TWU or the asso. protest, just IAM by the weezal himself. The division, the infighting, and the internal chaos will never end with this two party union set up, it will hinder you guys from getting contracts for the rest of you careers. The company is just loving this divisional asso. from the international level all the way down to the members themselves. The TWU and IAM have actually created "The Perfect Storm" within this employee asso. and the company is laughing all the way to the bank with it for years...
Amazing all the years that the Company despite whoever was running it kicked you in the nuts and you still always give them more of a pass than you would ever give anyone in your Union.

Stockholm Syndrome?
Sorry WeAAz, I know I am not allowed to revisit my past experiences when it comes to you. But I have lived through too many "THEY CAN DO THAT, BROTHERS!"
All I am saying is the union should demand the company gives us the full text proposal so we can see for ourselves the details. I want to READ EVERY DETAIL.
I would love to believe my union on every issue. I just can't right now.
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