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America West Pilots Union Chief Szmal Resigns


Aug 20, 2002
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America West Pilot Union Chief Resigns

America West Pilot Union Chief Resigns As Company Prepares for Possible Merger With US Airways

The pilots union at America West Airlines replaced their leader as the company prepares for a possible merger with US Airways Group Inc.
The chairman of the master executive council of the Air Line Pilots Association, CJ Szmal, resigned at the request of five of the six pilot representatives after holding the post for less than a year, the union said. Szmal could not immediately be reached for comment Wednesday.

In an e-mail to the Phoenix-based airline's 1,900 pilots Sunday, the representatives said a personnel change was needed to improve communication. JR Baker, the union's vice chairman, is expected to replace Szmal on Thursday.

"With the discussions heating up between America West and US Airways, the union wants to make sure we have the appropriate leadership in place," Baker said.

Baker said Szmal would have resigned regardless of whether the merger was a possibility, but he added the union is trying to prepare for any possible changes by electing officers they feel will best be suited to handle them.

Integrating work forces at the two airlines is expected to be thorny because US Airways employees have more seniority than workers at America West, which didn't begin flying until 1983.
America West Pilots Union Chief Szmal Resigns

May 11, 2005 5:43 p.m.

PHOENIX (AP)--The pilots union at America West Airlines replaced their leader as the company prepares for a possible merger with US Airways Group Inc. (UAIRQ).

The chairman of the master executive council of the Air Line Pilots Association, CJ Szmal, resigned at the request of five of the six pilot representatives after holding the post for less than a year, the union said.

Szmal could not immediately be reached for comment Wednesday.

In an e-mail to the Phoenix-based airline's 1,900 pilots Sunday, the representatives said a personnel change was needed to improve communication. JR Baker, the union's vice chairman, is expected to replace Szmal on Thursday.

"With the discussions heating up between America West and US Airways , the union wants to make sure we have the appropriate leadership in place," Baker said.

Baker said Szmal would have resigned regardless of whether the merger was a possibility, but he added the union is trying to prepare for any possible changes by electing officers they feel will best be suited to handle them.

Integrating work forces at the two airlines is expected to be thorny because US Airways employees have more seniority than workers at America West, which didn't begin flying until 1983.

America West Airlines, the nation's eighth largest carrier, confirmed it's in merger talks with US Airways , but said there's no assurance that the discussions will lead to a deal.

US Airways Group has been in Chapter 11 bankruptcy since September 2004, its second trip to bankruptcy court in two years. The airline plans to emerge from bankruptcy protection later this year.

America West is a unit of America West Holdings Corp. (AWA). The stock rose 3 cents to close at $4.24 on the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday.
It would appear that the AW pilots realize they are about to get some bad news. Savy
savyinvestor said:
It would appear that the AW pilots realize they are about to get some bad news. Savy

Why do you think it will be bad news? Just maybe this will be the first 21st Century airline consolidation that LEADS the industry forward in the changed marketplace.

In case you haven't noticed, most USAirways employees are as "gray" as the bellies on their airplanes. Many will be retired in the next 5 years, leaving many opprtinities for AW employees of youth going forward.

It's happening. And ultimately willbe good for both groups. You read it here first.
So don't worry, you'll only be furloughed for 5 years while a pilot for a failed airline finishes out his career . . . . if U doesn't take AW under with the massive losses that will continue. U will bleed AW dry too.
Winglet said:
So don't worry, you'll only be furloughed for 5 years while a pilot for a failed airline finishes out his career . . . . if U doesn't take AW under with the massive losses that will continue. U will bleed AW dry too.

winglet, your a "richard crainium"

Winglet said:
So don't worry, you'll only be furloughed for 5 years while a pilot for a failed airline finishes out his career . . . . if U doesn't take AW under with the massive losses that will continue. U will bleed AW dry too.

Unless you have had your head under a rock since 9-11, every airline except WN is a "failing" airline. They would be too were it not for their astute fuel hedging.