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ALPA/USAPA/Pilot Labor Thread for the week 4/12-4/19

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I truly don't think the West realizes what is happening.
We realize exactly what is happening and we've called your bluff once again. uSAPa relys entirely on a fanciful interpretation of the law by an attorney whose track record in achieving what he promises his clients is somewhere in the neighborhood of zero wins and a dozen or so of consecutive losses. The ACA debacle was quite impressive - two outs with one at bat. Nice job, Lee. We look forward to seeing his encore presentation in getting uSAPa a result which no other attorney has attained in the history of jurisprudence. The West attorneys, the Arbitration Section of the American Bar Association, the Judicial Council...there's a long list of legal professionals who want to see how you're going to do this Lee.

Prechilill is right: this entire uSAPa crusade can be understood from the context of the droopy shoulders, sunken eyes, scraggly hair and three stripes. Give any attorney that sort of client with a physical demeanor that oozes desperation, and it is a no brainer for most to take the case and start billing away. Thursday will be yet another opportunity for the world to watch the same group of troublemakers (which does not include the rational pilots - the ones that uSAPa is worried about) be its own worst enemy.
Pilot says;

"YOU are invited to join a new labor organization."

"You Vill Come."

"You Vill Like it."

Typical east negotiation technique.


Is is a pleasure to be so closely associated with such a group of "professionals."

Hes just trying to convince himself, thats all. Doggone it, I'm good enough, and I'm smart enough, and doggone it, this is the way its gonna go.....

I think he's trying to convince himself more than he is trying to brow beat us out west.
One thing that Pilot mentions has some truth and I do worry about it to some degree. Just like out east, there are a few of us out west who may be a little less than mature at times. Should usapa win, some of said characters may have a reaction that lands them in hot water. I don't think Woody is going to try all that hard to 'defend' that person's job.
Prechilill is right: this entire uSAPa crusade can be understood from the context of the droopy shoulders, sunken eyes, scraggly hair and three stripes.

And...that explains those untouched by Nic, but yet fully supportive of USAPA in what fashion? Nevermind...let's just wait out the voting results. Have fun ranting out west in the meanwhile.
The election's almost done, and "Patience is a Virtue". Of course...if you had the slightest belief in that last...we'd not likely have had any major seniority debacle to deal with.......

PS: "We realize exactly what is happening and we've called your bluff once again." Sigh...understood. I do recall the last time "we called your bluff once again"...wasn't it something about "Send the cards!...I DARE you!!"? 😉 Have a good one.
You assume that a Woody defense would have any value or usefulness in the first place.
Who or what is a Woody defense?

The only Woody I know made over $4 million from a lawsuit. Are you faulting his defense, saying he should have gotten more?
The Woody defense :lol:

With quotes like: "God it !@#$ me off that we had to save the West pilots jobs" how could I ever trust that my representation during a hearing with the company will be impartial?

I at least want to thank him now for letting me know where he stands if I happen to get in trouble here!
Sounds like the West will be better off without his "help".
Pilot says;

"YOU are invited to join a new labor organization."

"You Vill Come."

"You Vill Like it."

Typical east negotiation technique.


Is is a pleasure to be so closely associated with such a group of "professionals."

HHHmmmm, sounds like the rumblings of the ALPA to me..
I understand emotions are high on the east after suffering years of stagnation and furloughs. Bradford epitomizes what the USAir pilot has become: a scraggly-haired, head full of gray with sunken eyes and drooping shoulders wearing three measly stripes. Who couldn't feel sorry for such a fellow? USAir has been a disaster for you guys.
By your characterizations, it's obvious you will never get a handle on what the east pilots think. You just pointed out why we will always have differences though.

You are right about USAirways. It has been a disaster. Since hindsight is 20/20. We should have dumped ALPA back in the early '90's when the first decert drive got started. Oh well, better late than never. :up:
I don't think Woody is going to try all that hard to 'defend' that person's job.
You obviously have no clue about Woody. Hope we don't need his expertise in saving a pilot from the company, but you could not ask for a more able advocate than him. Speculating on the future performance of a volunteer as not being in the best interests of all pilots is pure FUD. Plus, it's a little late now to change anything concerning the vote. So you must do this to keep inciting the division that is between the east / west pilots. I keep wondering, why?
The Woody defense :lol:

With quotes like: "God it !@#$ me off that we had to save the West pilots jobs" how could I ever trust that my representation during a hearing with the company will be impartial?

I at least want to thank him now for letting me know where he stands if I happen to get in trouble here!
Sounds like the West will be better off without his "help".
I would rather have Woody represent me over some of the so called ALPA experts any day. I am surprised you would post a quote like that as coming from him though. To my knowledge, he has never said anything like that. However, you should hear his anti ALPA diatribe, it warms my heart. :up: Believe this though, Woody will provide ALL pilots the same representation if needed.
You obviously have no clue about Woody. Hope we don't need his expertise in saving a pilot from the company, but you could not ask for a more able advocate than him. Speculating on the future performance of a volunteer as not being in the best interests of all pilots is pure FUD. Plus, it's a little late now to change anything concerning the vote. So you must do this to keep inciting the division that is between the east / west pilots. I keep wondering, why?

Thats the way I see it, sorry. So it pisses Woody off that the east had to save my job(in his own mind anyway), but now he's gonna really, truly go to bat for me? Really? Riiiiiiight.
Who or what is a Woody defense?

The only Woody I know made over $4 million from a lawsuit. Are you faulting his defense, saying he should have gotten more?

I wouldn't want the broad that won money from McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on herself to defend me either.
Thats the way I see it, sorry. So it pisses Woody off that the east had to save my job(in his own mind anyway), but now he's gonna really, truly go to bat for me? Really? Riiiiiiight.
Yes right. It doesn't upset him in the least. I know you don't believe it. But that is reality. When USAPA represents all pilots, you can either use the services of the union or provide your own. It's your choice. Hope you won't need either.

I wouldn't want the broad that won money from McDonalds for spilling hot coffee on herself to defend me either.
Personally I would like to have her attorney though. :lol: :lol:
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