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Alpa Mec Meeting Update

Here’s Freshwater's resolution:

Whereas the Negotiating Committee has been tasked with reaching an agreement in a plan to help restore the company to profitability,

and Whereas negotiations have produced a Tentative Agreement,

Be it Resolved that said tentative agreement be sent to the membership for consideration and possible ratification, including a detailed position paper listing pros and cons to this TA,

Be it finally resolved that ballot polls be opened after the road shows are complete and remain open until Oct31, 2004, with the votes tallied thereafter.

As the discussion continues Baier tells the MEC he believes “we will get a worse deal by counting this so later. It is well with in our ability to get the education process out. These are real times - our pilots will benefit by an earlier count date.â€￾

Freshwater then says has a detailed position paper prepared listing the pros and cons of this TA.

Baier tells Freshwater that in the past we get a paper written up and then it goes through the MEC for a vote on the paper. Freshwater said he thought he and Brookman could work on the Cons.

Baier now proposes an amendment and he changes the date to October 15.


The advisors believe an October 15 vote count will prevent S.1113(e) imposition.


Forgive the question, but what could they possibly gain by delaying the vote count until after 10/31?? It seems to me like the longer you wait the worse it's going to be, and that setting the date of 10/31 is a guarantee that the 1113E will be granted.

I am not gonna pontificate or anything but why not put it to the vote and let the rank and file have their say?????

Also while we're at it, just how credible are these "experts" as hired by ALPA? They seem to be on target so far.

Don't shoot me for asking a couple of intelligent questions....

My best to you ALL......
As a former airline employee, I'll be honest; I think the days are numbered at this airline. Even if everything is ratified and the cost cuts are implemented, WN and B7 are still going to expand on the east coast. The problem exists that US has no identity going forward. What are they going to do? Why should I fly them? What product can I count on them to provide? It's one thing to have thousands of frequent flyer miles on them; it's the people like me that fly 5 or 6 times a year that make the difference. Until I know that my flight 3 months from now will still fly, I will vote with my money somewhere else.

By the way, all of the good, hard-working employees will find jobs elsewhere. They will either swallow their pride and try to make a difference somewhere else, or they will get out of this industry while they still can. The other ones that are considered problems will go be someone else's headache in another industry. Sorry, but your seniority will soon not matter :shock: .
With a $1.5 billion cost cut, with $800 million from labor, US Airways projects a CASM of 7.5 cents (this will change with fuel price variance) , which is less than Southwest.

The company is now seeking $950 million from labor. According to ALPA E&FA economist Amy Alperi the TA has an average annual savings of $370 million, $75 million more than the company's original ask.

The company is now seeking an additional labor cost cut of about $80 million from the other labor groups.


The company is now seeking $950 million from labor. According to ALPA E&FA economist Amy Alperi the TA has an average annual savings of $370 million, $75 million more than the company's original ask.

The company is now seeking an addional labor cost cut of about $80 million from the other labor groups.

Is it justme or does this thing seem to be growing?

"According to ALPA E&FA economist Amy Alperi the TA has an average annual savings of $370 million, $75 million more than the company's original ask."

Playing a little fast and loose with the numbers, aren't you?

USA320Pilot said:
Right now there about 70 rank-and-file pilot's at the MEC meeting. No one, not one person supports the RC4's position. Walmartgreeter, where are you?




I was on the employee bus with 4 pilots who were going to attend the meeting. They do NOT agree with you. They are going there to support their PIT Reps.

You make this stuff up. :angry:
The MEC is back in recess while Bill Pollock and Richard Seltzer talk with the company on the ramifications of having the vote count completed on October 31.


Justme said:
Is it justme or does this thing seem to be growing?


THis company won't be happy until the employees come to work 'FOR FOOD' ONLY.

Unlike the ALPA idiot advisors, I have in my hands AFA lega'ls briefs for Oct. 7. We have also hired "outside legal" who have prepared the brief and the argument.

There will be members of the AFA MEC present in the court room..

IAM is preparing as well!

I suspect, so is CWA.
PITbull said:
I was on the employee bus with 4 pilots who were going to attend the meeting. They do NOT agree with you. They are going there to support their PIT Reps.


Everyone talks a great game in public, but when it's time to vote in private, they tend to vote just the opposite of the "bus talk".

Just an observation.
Rico said:
That is Dumb to think customers care what management has/has not done.

Get a clue, today's customer does nothing more than look on a website for the lowest price. The next criteria is if it is a direct flight, past that they could give a crap about what management has or has not done with Airways.

It is no different that people's affinity for shopping at WalMart. Customers just want low prices, they do not care about what the employees are paid, they do not care if the workers in the meat section are unionized, and they do not care if the item they selected off the shelf was made Overseas or in Mexico/Latin America.



What customers don't want is your lousy attitude towards them and what you believe they think and want.

Muzzle it, little guy. 😛h34r:
There will be memb3ers of the AFA MEC present in the court room..

So when the judge hands down his rooling, which side will say:

"Game over man!", "I don't know if you've been keepin' up with current events, but we just got our butts kicked!

Labor or Management?
I am just curious, but why will this round of cost cuts have such a profound effect on CASMs? The last two rounds had negligible effects, what makes this round any different? Has the corporate culture changed (Other than devestating employee morale)? Just what has changed in fact?
Art at ISP said:
Forgive the question, but what could they possibly gain by delaying the vote count until after 10/31?? It seems to me like the longer you wait the worse it's going to be, and that setting the date of 10/31 is a guarantee that the 1113E will be granted.

My guess is it will give the RC4 additional time to muster up more no votes so the TA doesn't pass. Given the short turn time limits the amount of people they can get in front of and give their spin.

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