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Alpa Mec Meeting Update

Freshwater has just informed Pollock he has a substitute resolution. It appears the MEC is going to send out the TA for membership ratification.


Freshwater just announced that he wants to send out the resolution, but for a vote on October 31 (versus the projected date of October 15).

Belz called for a point of order. Belz asked Seltzer will this stop the S.1113(e) filing with a date of October 31. Seltzer said, "no it will not - they will not postpone a vote by the judge."

Then Belz asked Glanzer "how will this affect the financial community?"

Glanzer said, “I am not sure - it sure would be better if this is done earlier.â€￾

Abram then commented before you approve this I would advise that you speak to the company and make sure that there is nothing that you do not know about anything going on in court.

The resolution now has floor debate.


Rico said:
I am sorry, have you all of the sudden become PitBull...?

The response was towards her, reference the quote (from her) at the top genius.

Yet with a graduate level degree, there is no need for me to feel embarassed to "heck", is there...?
I'm sorry if I interrupted a personal debate between the two of you. I mistakenly thought this was an open forum. I presume that we are all intelligent people that hold higher degrees, as well as differences of opinion, engaging in lively debate. No, you do not need to be embarrassed, but then, neither do I.

Dr. Lark 😉
Rico said:
If two hotels are more or less the same quality level that you find acceptable, then you go with the one that is cheaper. If you happen to be a frequent traveller, you might consider which you can gain/use points at. But otherwise you could care less if it is a Best Western or a Holiday Inn

Hotels are a wholly different matter. I will only stay at Ws, Westins, nicer Sheratons, Hyatts and nicer Hilton properties. Personally, I'm extremely high maintenance when it comes to hotels (much more so than airlines), and I know lots of other travelers who are as well.
Hotels are much better at market segmentation than airlines ever have been. You can remain within a brand (Marriott) or "Alliance" (Starwood) and have many different sub-brands suited to a specific market or niche, while retaining loyalty.

Airlines have experimented with this in low-fare brands (Metrojet, Ted, Delta Express, United Shuttle, Song) and more premium brands (the US Airways Shuttle, United's new P.S service). There will always be a market for more discerning travelers, and the industry will undoubtedly cycle back to amenities once every carrier offers the same thing at the same price.
Crocker is now asking Seltzer questions about the chance of a trustee being appointed to run the company.

Seltzer says it would allow the ATSB to take “their money and leave.â€

Glanzer chims in “you will not get a trustee - it will only happen in a liquidation or for fraud and if you turn down the agreement - the ATSB will walk.â€

Crocker asks Glanzer, “But what about Hawaiian? They have a trustee and are making money.â€

Glanzer to Crocker - Because they had fraud - they stole money from Boeing.â€

Crocker says, Who? – Boeing, the airplane company.

Baier then asks to speak. To the makers of the resolution. - if we have good information from our advisors why do you want to force the company to give us a 1113(e) filing? Why not fore stall a 1113(e)?

Freshwater to Abram, “Will that happen?â€

Abram responds, “Yes. They will try to get a decision by the 14th or 15th. If we send out the agreement they will not force the S.1113e filing if we have a reasonable count date. If this is agreed upon the count will happen on the 31st and it will be another week or two before the court will approve your contract. You will be taking a 23% pay cut until the court approves it.â€

Baier is now putting up a good case for not using the October 31 count date.


MrAeroMan said:
LUV is the Walmart of the airline industry and the way I look at it is if you shop there you're promoting substandard lifestyle on all walks of life.

So, by paying significantly lower wages than LUV, UAIRQ is defending the livelihoods of its employees? Go(uge)Fares are good for the economy in exactly which way? Would you care to explain why UAIR's stage-adjusted NON-LABOR, NON-FUEL CASM is still higher than WN's NON-FUEL CASM; i.e. why US Airways would still be less efficient than Southwest even if the employees worked for free? Does UAIRQ promote a "standard lifestyle" by taking the worst of the LCC contracts for its employees?

You still don't grasp the concept of value (and neither does most of management), and that's why US Airways probably will fail. Your customers don't like to feel cheated, and yet that's exactly the perception they get from US Airways' convoluted, restriction- and fee-filled fare structure. Does the last-minute business traveler from CLT to LGA appreciate having to pay $400 each way when the guy in the seat next to him paid $49 to fly from FLL to LGA, connecting at CLT? Is there some special reason why WN can thrive on $49 one-way fares between PHL and PVD (for a measly 20 cents/mile) when US's lowest fares in the past were more like $150 each way?

People shop at Wal-Mart and fly on Southwest generally because they know that the price they pay will be fair and the product will be predictable. It's often true that neither is offering the absolute lowest price, but the consumer knows that both will be competitive.
USA320Pilot said:

You’re exaggerating. To my knowledge nobody in the room supported the RC4. Clearly every MEC officer, 8 MEC members, and every advisor did not. Moreover, at least 90% of the audience did not either. Not one person that has spoken has supported the RC4 or made their sentiment known that they supported the RC4. Maybe I missed somebody, but the room sentiment was clearly against the RC4.

By the way, I found it interesting that a Washington-based pilot circulated a sign up sheet at today’s meeting seeking pilot’s willing to join the pending class action lawsuit against the RC4. I understand he has about 50 names, each of whom pledged $1,000 for legal fees.

That effort took less than one-hour.



Wow, what color is the sky in your world? You are so out to lunch its scary.


P.S. Yes, you missed a whole lot of people. However, we take the dignified approach in these matters. Not trying to circumvent our union via posting falsehoods on the Internet. You really need to get a life.

Right...you're as misinformed as the RC4. Just ask the advisors.



Do you have a digital camera? A picture would be worth a thousand words.

USA320Pilot said:
Glanzer chims in “you will not get a trustee - it will only happen in a liquidation or for fraud and if you turn down the agreement - the ATSB will walk.â€￾

Crocker asks Glanzer, “But what about Hawaiian? They have a trustee and are making money.â€￾

Glanzer to Crocker - Because they had fraud - they stole money from Boeing.â€￾

Crocker says, Who? – Boeing, the airplane company.

Baier then asks to speak. To the makers of the resolution. - if we have good information from our advisors why do you want to force the company to give us a 1113(e) filing? Why not fore stall a 1113(e)?

Freshwater to Abram, “Will that happen?â€￾

Abram responds, “Yes. They will try to get a decision by the 14th or 15th. If we send have an agreement they will not force the S.1113e filing if we have a reasonable count date. If this is agreed upon the count will happen on the 31st and it will be another week or two before the court will approve your contract. You will be taking a 23% pay cut until the court approves it.â€￾


And just then Heather Locklear walks in and reveals that she's been having an affair with the judge. The crowd gasps... tune in next week./////
i was there larry. and let me tell you like eye said your halluciniating. there was a lot of support in that room for the pit and phl reps you just didn't care to notice. also some of us had to leave early for trips and didnt get to speak.
TheLarkAscending said:
If you read those accounts of the meeting, it is biased and written in such a way to convey only one point of view. A lot like Dan Blather reporting. Considering the drama driven author, everything should be taken with more than just a few grains of salt.
Lark, You hit the nail right on the head. Good no Great observation! Savy
TheLarkAscending said:
Ahhhh, Rico, Rico, Rico -- we don't want to compare education and background. I would just embarrass the heck out of you.
The Lark's not bluffing. Better fold Rico and for Godsake don't go all in! Savy

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