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Alpa Mec Meeting Update

USA320Pilot said:
The company is not going to take delivery of any more 50-seat RJs and maybe no more 70 seaters.

The ALPA TA permits the delivery of 60 EMB-190s with a 97-seat limitation, of which 25 can be flown at an affiliate that is believed to be Chautauqua, and CRJ-900s with a 90-seat configuration substituted for CRJ-700s per LOA 91.



What a load of bull. Having a seperate division or wholly owned fly 90 seaters at commuter wages is one thing, contracting it out is another. How come the first we've heard of this is from you, who is completely wrong most of the time (UCT? ICT? secondhand 76's? westward oppotunities?)

I dont see anyone in thier right mind agreeing to contracted 100 seaters, and if the company is really suggesting it let's hope it sh*&ts the bed before it ever happens.
I urge the RC4 to remain strong.

Death is inevitable, at least let the USAir pilot group die with dignity and go on to rebuild their careers with a clear conscience.
The MEC has verbally agreed (not yet voted on) that the vote count will occur on October 21. The company has agreed to this date with some logical stipulations. The RC4 want a position paper written with pros and cons, along with the polls not opening until after the road shows.

Baier's amendment wants to eliminate the position paper or at least reduce the pro and cons and to open the polls ASAP. The RC4 do not like this and have called for a recess...so they can caucus again.


Why aren't you detailing both sides of the conversation? Remember, you claim to only be the messenger. Let's get the whole message!

Or are you ALPA's disposable filter?
USA320Pilot said:
The MEC agreed (not yet voted on) on the vote count taking place on October 21. The company has agreed to this with some logical stipulations. The RC4 want a position paper written with pros and cons, along with the polls not opening until after the road shows.

Baier's amendment wants to eliminate the position paper or at least reduce the pro and cons and to open the polls ASAP. The RC4 do not like this and have called for a recess...so they can caucus again.



Marry in haste, repent at leisure

Also, what happened to the "Respectfully" ? I loved the irony.
USA320Pilot said:
The MEC has verbally agreed (not yet voted on) that the vote count will occur on October 21. The company has agreed to this date with some logical stipulations. The RC4 want a position paper written with pros and cons, along with the polls not opening until after the road shows.

Baier's amendment wants to eliminate the position paper or at least reduce the pro and cons and to open the polls ASAP. The RC4 do not like this and have called for a recess...so they can caucus again.



WHy would an ALPA rep (Baier) want to eliminate the "position paper" or reduce the "pros" and "cons" of the T/A.

What are you guys trying to minimize or "hide" from the membership??????

Who do you work for? Furthermore, are you at the MEC meeting?

If you work for Soutwest, why are you interested in this debate?


USA320Pilot said:
Baier's amendment wants to eliminate the position paper or at least reduce the pro and cons and to open the polls ASAP. The RC4 do not like this and have called for a recess...so they can caucus again.

Pollack and the rest of the CS8 would rather have an uniformed pilot group making a snap decision, as would ALPA national. Hopefully, the RC4 stick to their guns.

Light Years said:
I dont see anyone in thier right mind agreeing to contracted 100 seaters, and if the company is really suggesting it let's hope it sh*&ts the bed before it ever happens.

And the funny thing is that it stands to reason that the CS8 (and their followers) in the junior domociles will be the first one thrown under the wheels of the bus once these new aircraft hit the property, proof positive that desperate men are not always "of their right mind."
Anyone aside from USA320 know if the TA would allow contract flying of 90 seaters as well as MDA?
autofixer said:
I am just curious, but why will this round of cost cuts have such a profound effect on CASMs? The last two rounds had negligible effects, what makes this round any different? Has the corporate culture changed (Other than devestating employee morale)? Just what has changed in fact?

Excellent question and chances are you answered it.

If one would suspend logical thinking and assume that the entire $1.5 billion in savings would go to reduce CASM, the effect would be about 2.5 cents. Leaving U nowhere near the 7.5 cents that a certain poster mentioned. Leaving U well above Southwest. Leaving U very high compared to Jetblue. Leaving U uncompetitive with the LCC's...


"Anyone aside from USA320 know if the TA would allow contract flying of 90 seaters as well as MDA?"


Here is the resolution to send out the TA for membership ratification:

WHEREAS the NC has been tasked with reaching an agreement in a plan to help restore the Company to profitability, and

WHEREAS negotiations have produced a TA,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that said TA be sent to the membership for consideration and possible ratification including a detailed position paper listing advantages, disadvantages and the alternatives of the major TA provisions, and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that ballot polls be opened and remain open until October 21, 2004, with the votes tallied thereafter.

The result: 11 yes votes with Brookman abstaining.

The company has agreed to not impose S.1113(e) interim contract relief until after October 21 if the TA is not ratified.


BoeingBoy said:

"Anyone aside from USA320 know if the TA would allow contract flying of 90 seaters as well as MDA?"



Wow. :blink:

What mainline pilot would EVER agree to that?
USA320Pilot said:

Who do you work for? Furthermore, are you at the MEC meeting?

If you work for Soutwest, why are you interested in this debate?



I would imagine he is interested because your desire to save your job at any expense will cause repercussions industry wide. The ATA is waiting anxiously to see just how far they can get their hand into the cookie jar. BTW, when did this become a "USAirways employee only" board?
luv2fly said:
I would imagine he is interested because your desire to save your job at any expense will cause repercussions industry wide. The ATA is waiting anxiously to see just how far they can get their hand into the cookie jar. BTW, when did this become a "USAirways employee only" board?


Let me be the first to say..."welcome to the forum", glad to sit be side ya 😉

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