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Alpa Mec Meeting Update

No I am not.

WalMart is just an example, because Airline people have a skewed notion of buying tickets to fly since we non-rev, or fly on another carrier via a pass... You may or may not shop at the place, but enough people do that WalMart has changed the landscape of American Retail. Other retailers have had to adapt or they have been eaten alive. You might not like WalMart, but it is the effect that WalMart created that had caused places like Target or Kohl's to succeed with slightly different business models while others have not.

This is the trend, and it is not a small trend, it is exactly where things are headed. If people need a better example, then use Hotels.com, where price is what ranks each hotel in a given location.

If two hotels are more or less the same quality level that you find acceptable, then you go with the one that is cheaper. If you happen to be a frequent traveller, you might consider which you can gain/use points at. But otherwise you could care less if it is a Best Western or a Holiday Inn

Not all customers are this way, but it is where the trend is heading, and Hotels have had to adjust to reflect thechanging market dynamic. Airlines are no different.
USA320Pilot said:
Right now there about 70 rank-and-file pilot's at the MEC meeting. No one, not one person supports the RC4's position. Walmartgreeter, where are you?



You're lying. I was there and a few dozen others that I knew of and we support the RC4's position. I guess you see only what you want to see.

Rico said:
That is Dumb to think customers care what management has/has not done.

The only loyalty that the average customer has nowadays is to price.

This mindset is exactly why things are the way they are. You actually believe that your customer is DUMB (your words) and strictly price driven. I believe they are value driven. They want a quality product at the fairest price which equates to the greatest value for the dollar spent. Take economics and marketing courses. People vote with their dollars, and speak loudly by returning or shunning a corporation. People do read the papers, watch the news, surf the net and they do know and care what is going on...

You know what dumb is? Underestimating the awareness and intelligence of your customer base, even worse, telling them that you believe they're dumb. Now you're starting to sound like Doc Bronner.
EyeInTheSky said:
You're lying. I was there and a few dozen others that I knew of and we support the RC4's position. I guess you see only what you want to see.


No thats not true. He only tells and lies about what he wants to.
Brookman is asking questions a second time. One question he asked was why did we not get credit for fragmentation.

The answer was because in bankruptcy we lost leverage and as the advisors have repeatedly said the deal would only get worse the longer the MEC/NC took to obtain a TA.

The Freshwater called for a point of order because of the snickering from the audience towards Brookman’s comments and that the RC4 never listened to the advisor’s. Freshwater asked Pollock that maybe we should close the meeting if the pilots don't stop snickering. Pollock then gave the audience a warning and Freshwater interrupts we should not have any applause either.

In a question to Negotiating Committee (NC) chairman Doug Mowery Freshwater said that the applause like he heard caused the NC to lose leverage - because the company knew what the pilots wanted.

BAIER made a good point or order on both Freshwater’s and then the Mowery comment regarding audience applause when a point was made against the RC4’s position. “Had the audience not been warned a few times - he would have gotten a standing ovation,â€￾ Baier said..

Pollcok just warned Brookman again on using too much time. Brookman asked two hours of questions the first time and now has been at it about one- hour the second time.


EyeInTheSky said:
I guess you see only what you want to see.

If you read those accounts of the meeting, it is biased and written in such a way to convey only one point of view. A lot like Dan Blather reporting. Considering the drama driven author, everything should be taken with more than just a few grains of salt.
They want a quality product at the fairest price which equates to the greatest value for the dollar spent.

I have a degree in Econ, thanks... Do you...?

Look at your quote above, and compare US Airways and jetBlue. Which gives you the greatest value for the dollar spent...?

Toss in the fact that those who prefer price alone (and I did not call them dumb, I said the notion people care what managers do at a given airline IS dumb) will also select JB's Lower prices...

I can tell you that as good as Airwys flight attendants are, so are jetBlue's. many of them are former Airways F/A's as well.

So like I said, we adapt to the marketplace or we die, that is Economics 101.
Rico said:
I have a degree in Econ, thanks... Do you...?

Ahhhh, Rico, Rico, Rico -- we don't want to compare education and background. I would just embarrass the heck out of you.
Light Years said:
I make a point to not shop at Wal-Mart, and I know alot of people who do the same.

I go out of my way to NOT shop at Walmart. LUV is the Walmart of the airline industry and the way I look at it is if you shop there you're promoting substandard lifestyle on all walks of life.

You’re exaggerating. To my knowledge nobody in the room supported the RC4. Clearly every MEC officer, 8 MEC members, and every advisor did not. Moreover, at least 90% of the audience did not either. Not one person that has spoken has supported the RC4 or made their sentiment known that they supported the RC4. Maybe I missed somebody, but the room sentiment was clearly against the RC4.

By the way, I found it interesting that a Washington-based pilot circulated a sign up sheet at today’s meeting seeking pilot’s willing to join the pending class action lawsuit against the RC4. I understand he has about 50 names, each of whom pledged $1,000 for legal fees.

That effort took less than one-hour.


For those of you that would rather see the actual transcript instead of the running commentary by 320 it is available here.
The Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Reps asked for a recess at 5:15 p.m. Then later they asked for the recess to continue until 6:00 p.m.

The RC4 are now privately caucusing amongst them self.


TheLarkAscending said:
Ahhhh, Rico, Rico, Rico -- we don't want to compare education and background. I would just embarrass the heck out of you.

I am sorry, have you all of the sudden become PitBull...?

The response was towards her, reference the quote (from her) at the top genius.

Yet with a graduate level degree, there is no need for me to feel embarassed to "heck", is there...?
The RC4 just came back into the room and the MEC will resume their meeting.



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