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ALPA - Management relations to improve?

On 5/30/2003 9:52:40 PM Chip Munn wrote:


There are a number of things happening behind-the-scenes that ALPA does not want released, but there may be an improvement in the company's attitude towards labor.

It's to early to tell if things will work out; however, to help boost moral a little bit I believe my post was appropriate.

PHL, I truly wish I could tell more, until the MEC goes public with new information I am not able to provide additional news.

Best regards,



Gee Chip, Last I heard, the vote was to throw out the pit rep......Is that the good news you are speaking of?

Keep your political agendas to your self please.
After all the concessions and work rules changes U has received their still losing money. Dave knows he needs to take drastic measures in order to turn a profit.

Beings he no longer has a bankruptcy judge in his back pocket to help him get what he wants he''s going to have to make decisions that aren''t going to be what you would call "labor friendly".

Unless U turns the corner and starts making money things between management and labor aren''t going to get any better ... not by a long shot.

Dave knows he can no longer dig into our back pocket to help bail out the company so he''s going to have us do more with less people, meaning more layoffs.

Chip, Dave''s going to manipulate our contracts anyway he possibly can to make his plan work. Him doing so isn''t going to make things better between management and the Union(s), if anything things are going to get worst before they get better.
On 5/30/2003 9:52:40 PM Chip Munn wrote:


There are a number of things happening behind-the-scenes that ALPA does not want released, but there may be an improvement in the company''s attitude towards labor.

It''s to early to tell if things will work out; however, to help boost moral a little bit I believe my post was appropriate.

PHL, I truly wish I could tell more, until the MEC goes public with new information I am not able to provide additional news.

Best regards,



Just one question Chip. If it is such a big union secret, then why would anyone tell you after that big article you wrote in the CLT newspaper six months ago? You have made a name for yourself through this website, so why would anyone wisper anything "top secret" into your ear? Do you hold a union office?

Expect big news soon from ALPA. I cannot be more specific but it has to do with the MEC being recalled. Although I would love to share the information with you I cannot. Oh, by the way, ALPA is the entire group of voting pilots who are fed up with the games Seigel is playing. Not someone sharing information with Chip. The pilots of this airline are going to replace the ALPA leadership and force this management to run this airline with the tools we have given them. And if they do not do it profitably, this union will force the BOD to hire someone who will. I cannot be more specific but expect a unique union transaction involving MEC recalls and management taking responsibility soon.

On 6/1/2003 7:35:15 AM mrplanes wrote:

... and management taking responsibility soon.


That would sure be a refreshing change! Maybe Bronner isn''t liking what he''s seeing...

I didn't say this news was a big union secret, it's just that ALPA does not want the information or its strategy made public. In addition, there are efforts to fix some of the other problems and progress has been made, but until solutions are agreed upon its premature to publicly discuss these points in detail.

Best regards,

It''s obvious how the ALPA/Management relations will improve. ALPA MEC will immediately drop all pending grievances and quit writing those pesky "sternly worded letters." In return, Siegel will continue as always.

The result? Management will quickly see the improvement since they won''t even have to worry about ALPA paying lip service to the abuses.

You are not paying attention to what just happened in PIT and is about to happen in every other pilot base. This MEC is on the way out and the new one will not stand for contractual abuses. We will force this management to do their jobs, adhere to the contract THEY agreed to and run this airline profitably. Or Bronner will hire someone who will. And ALPA will do everything in its power to make that happen. Just as soon as we get the new MEC into place.

On 6/1/2003 7:35:15 AM mrplanes wrote:


Expect big news soon from ALPA. I cannot be more specific but it has to do with the MEC being recalled. Although I would love to share the information with you I cannot. Oh, by the way, ALPA is the entire group of voting pilots who are fed up with the games Seigel is playing. Not someone sharing information with Chip. The pilots of this airline are going to replace the ALPA leadership and force this management to run this airline with the tools we have given them. And if they do not do it profitably, this union will force the BOD to hire someone who will. I cannot be more specific but expect a unique union transaction involving MEC recalls and management taking responsibility soon.



Wow, this is the best damn news I 've heard. If this mangement can't do the job, then friggin replace their azzes! Best news I've heard. The RSA did NOT hire this mangement. I belileve it behooves this mangement to start working synergistically wih Labor...or step aside and let some other folks in here. Labor no longer trusts this mangement, and I see no movement for improving relations between the two groups at all.

Well done... men/women of ALPA!
Jerry Glass destroyed any trust or confidence the employees had in management while Ben Baldanza infuriated our most loyal customers. I''d say a good step forward would be to replace them.

Also, we haven''t seen much in the way of revenue increases. PAX loads are rising, from what I''m seeing. We are leaving pax at the gates on some transcons. I''m seeing voluntary "bumps" from previous flights on flights I''m working.

Something is not right here. This isn''t the way to run a sucessful airline. Or am I missing something?

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