On 2/5/2003 6:54:58 PM diogenes wrote:
Post concessions, U's CASM's still exceed those of WN's, even though WN pays its' employees more than U pays theirs. How is this possible? What costs, other than labor, are driving U's CASM's so high?
Remember, a lot of savings have yet to be realized. Give the financials a few months to "settle", and all of the savings in total should help quite a bit.
On 2/5/2003 6:54:58 PM diogenes wrote:
Post concessions, U's CASM's still exceed those of WN's, even though WN pays its' employees more than U pays theirs. How is this possible? What costs, other than labor, are driving U's CASM's so high?
Remember, a lot of savings have yet to be realized. Give the financials a few months to "settle", and all of the savings in total should help quite a bit.