Ya know, none of the detainees in either Gitmo or in Abu Ghriab went through anything worse than what they put us through in SERE school. Torture my Jarhead a$$!I understand your points and agree with some of them... but who said anything about gitmo?
And not to beat an issue that has already been discussed in previous threads, but since you brought it up... I am in favor of Gitmo and it is necessary (there just needs to be more oversight/protections). Furthermore, the detainees do have certain rights. The principles of habeas corpus, originally placed in the Magna Carta, has been one of the cornerstones of our law since this nation's founding and was enshrined in our Constitution. It gives the detainee the right to go to our courts to challenge the authority of the jail or prison warden to continue to detain him, regardless of the fact that they are not a citizen of this country.