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Al Gore

I understand your points and agree with some of them... but who said anything about gitmo?

And not to beat an issue that has already been discussed in previous threads, but since you brought it up... I am in favor of Gitmo and it is necessary (there just needs to be more oversight/protections). Furthermore, the detainees do have certain rights. The principles of habeas corpus, originally placed in the Magna Carta, has been one of the cornerstones of our law since this nation's founding and was enshrined in our Constitution. It gives the detainee the right to go to our courts to challenge the authority of the jail or prison warden to continue to detain him, regardless of the fact that they are not a citizen of this country.
Ya know, none of the detainees in either Gitmo or in Abu Ghriab went through anything worse than what they put us through in SERE school. Torture my Jarhead a$$!
Ya know, none of the detainees in either Gitmo or in Abu Ghriab went through anything worse than what they put us through in SERE school. Torture my Jarhead a$$!

Yea those guys have it rough, three square meals a day which are diet sensitive to the muslim requirements, exercise areas, prayer rugs and beads, copies of the Islamic Koran which by the way preaches death to the Infidel, most have gained weight while being incarcerated.

I remember watching our POW's coming home from viet nam and getting off the planes, they looked hauntingly similar to those who were held in Nazi concentration camps. I also remember a few POW's saying they were given one small bowl of rice and as many bugs and rats they could catch to subsist on daily and were glad to have that.

We have released a number of captives only to have them return to their terrorist cells, and were recaptured or killed. These people take our soldiers burn, torture, and drag them thru the streets like some dog while mocking us and spitting on and kicking their corpses.

IMO these animals are treated more humane than most homeless people in our country, so I dont want to hear how bad they have it.

Another one of those poor mistreated terrorist at Gitmo just confessed to the USS Cole Bombing.

As to detainees:
Let Hillary or Kerry or Harry Reid put them up in their homes.

I'd really like to know what interest Gore has with Earthworks....he doesn't do anything without some chance of monetary or political gain for sweet 'ol Al.
As to detainees:
Let Hillary or Kerry or Harry Reid put them up in their homes.

Yea I can't wait to hear 'Her Thighness' use her Arabic accent when she addresses the muslim community in Detroit. Hope its better than her black southern Drawl she tried to pawn off down in Selma. 🙄
King Alexander The Great doesn't have to abide by the sacrifices we will be required to make in the name of Global Warming.....


WASHINGTON, DC – Former Vice President Al Gore refused to take a “Personal Energy Ethics Pledge†today to consume no more energy than the average American household. The pledge was presented to Gore by Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, during today’s global warming hearing.

Senator Inhofe showed Gore a film frame from “An Inconvenient Truth†where it asks viewers: “Are you ready to change the way you live?â€

Gore has been criticized for excessive home energy usage at his residence in Tennessee. His electricity usage is reportedly 20 times higher than the average American household.

It has been reported that many of these so-called carbon offset projects would have been done anyway. Also, carbon offset projects such as planting trees can take decades or even a century to sequester the carbon emitted today. So energy usage today results in greenhouse gases remaining in the atmosphere for decades, even with the purchase of so-called carbon offsets.

“There are hundreds of thousands of people who adore you and would follow your example by reducing their energy usage if you did. Don’t give us the run-around on carbon offsets or the gimmicks the wealthy do,†Senator Inhofe told Gore.

“Are you willing to make a commitment here today by taking this pledge to consume no more energy for use in your residence than the average American household by one year from today?†Senator Inhofe asked.

Senator Inhofe then presented Vice President Gore with the following "Personal Energy Ethics Pledge:

As a believer:
· that human-caused global warming is a moral, ethical, and spiritual issue affecting our survival;

· that home energy use is a key component of overall energy use;

· that reducing my fossil fuel-based home energy usage will lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions; and

· that leaders on moral issues should lead by example;

I pledge to consume no more energy for use in my residence than the average American household by March 21, 2008.â€

Gore refused to take the pledge.

See Senator Inhofe’s Opening Statement from today’s hearing

As usual...lots of hot air....
King Albert the Fatheaded made an idiot out of Hisself before Congress and now all his theories and postulations have been tested by a jury and found to be lacking....

Eleven jurors listened intently as prosecutors and defendants flashed contradictory graphs tracking global temperatures, carbon dioxide levels, polar ice cap statistics, volcanic activity and sea surface temperatures — all of which were found Wednesday in the school’s computer lab.

God Bless our Children
You know,that about covers the Liberal Psyche from top to bottom....

Big medicine in that movie,Keemosabe... 😉
Just can't put that brush down can you?
The Liberal Psyche always dictates what I should do,whats good for me....but it never ever applies to them...and in that little YouTube it just about raps up the way Lib's think.

About that paint brush,Mr.Kitty..... :lol:

I hear ya loud and clear about the Orwellian prescience that democrats profess to have as they attempt to dictate what's good for all of us.

But IMO, the real problem is how the democrats claim to "own" the word liberal ( and conservatives are all too quick to pass the "L word" off to the dems like a hot potato ).

Truth is, that a true liberal is someone who keeps an open mind about life and people and hears the other side out -- that's more akin to Will Rogers who kept his own opinions but could get along with most everyone.

What's lacking in America is the ability of folks to think liberally in the true sense of the word. If they did, folks would converse better about things like climate etc. and dems would admit that Mr. Gore is FOS while others concede that global warming is indeed real ( and what to do about it is the real issue ).

As opinionated as the media and dems try to portray Mr. Bush, he has at times demonstrated streaks of this sort of liberal thinking while also holding true to his own core beliefs. Of course they don't want to acknowledge this.

So the odd thing in American politics today is that those folks who claim the word "liberal" are actually left wing Puritans pusing their own radical agenda and the real liberals in either party are ostracized by their own party all because they won't concede the real meaning of the word. So we essentially never tackle real issues for what they are because of semantics.

I agree...what one sees on the outside isn't neccessarily whats on the inside.

I believe in Canada what they call Con's and Lib's has reverse meaning as in USA.
Regarding the original thread topic.

I'm amazed at the incredulity of the media and the dems with this whole climate thing put forward by the "expert", Mr. Gore.

When Mr. Gore is boinked over how much electricity he personally consumes at his own home ( ? 10 time the local average ) Gore responds that it's OK because he has paid a carbon offset as if planting a tree makes the world clean, absolves Gore of individual energy use, and obviates global warming.

Is this the best that the democrats and environmental zealots can come up with? Continue to drive your gas-guzzeling SUV to your anti-Bush or pro-environment protests and simply pay a carbon offset to plant a tree? This is called environmentalism and a solution to global warming? Well, it's a "Convenient Cop-out" for dems to feel warm and fuzzy about each other, but what does it do in global sense? ( oh yeah, that would mean acknowledging that there's an energy guzzeling, pollution producing Third World out there -- an "inconvenient fact" ).

Excuse me, but one partial solution in the industrial west is to stop driving so much, drive a higher MPG vehicle, raise taxes on gasoline, and compel folks to use public transporation. In short, control your own energy consumption/production.

Will it make warming stop? Nah ... there's too many people on the planet creating too much funk. But it can decrease some of the production of greenhouse gases.

Of course, I'm just dreaming and playing what if. The real question is would you trust government to take that extra money and do the right thing with it?

Here in NJ, the answer is already a resounding no!

We have a "tire tax" here ( $1.50 per tire on a new/used car purchases as well as tires disposed/purchased ). It was sold to the public as a tax to gather and dispose of millions of discarded tires in the Garden State. In reality, only the first 25% of monies collected were earmarked to dispose/clean up tires. However at the moment, the governor has suspended even this rule so that not one single penny collected is being utilized for its intended purpose. His reason? NJ needs the money for other things.

Need I say that our gov is a democrat? No surprise here.

Gore responds that it's OK because he has paid a carbon offset as if planting a tree makes the world clean, absolves Gore of individual energy use, and obviates global warming.

This is like buying indulgences(sp?).......Where can we go with this? Maybe Bill Clinton could buy fidelity offsets... :shock:

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