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Al Gore

It's true. GWB's ranch is totally self sufficient and environmentally neutral.
Self sufficient? Enviormently neutral? How did you come to this conclusion? They are still talking electricity off the power grid, there is no solor or wind power.
Twist it anyway you want GoreLover...even your link proves he said what he said.....
On September 1, 2000, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addressed the American Political Science Association. His remarks were broadcast on C-SPAN:
GINGRICH: In all fairness, it’s something Gore had worked on a long time. Gore is not the Father of the Internet, but in all fairness, Gore is the person who, in the Congress, most systematically worked to make sure that we got to an Internet, and the truth is—and I worked with him starting in 1978 when I got [to Congress], we were both part of a “futures groupâ€￾—the fact is, in the Clinton administration, the world we had talked about in the ’80s began to actually happen.


BLITZER: I want to get to some of the substance of domestic and international issues in a minute, but let's just wrap up a little bit of the politics right now.
Why should Democrats, looking at the Democratic nomination process, support you instead of Bill Bradley, a friend of yours, a former colleague in the Senate? What do you have to bring to this that he doesn't necessarily bring to this process?

GORE: Well, I will be offering - I'll be offering my vision when my campaign begins. And it will be comprehensive and sweeping. And I hope that it will be compelling enough to draw people toward it. I feel that it will be.
But it will emerge from my dialogue with the American people. I've traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

During a quarter century of public service, including most of it long before I came into my current job, I have worked to try to improve the quality of life in our country and in our world. And what I've seen during that experience is an emerging future that's very exciting, about which I'm very optimistic, and toward which I want to lead.

Definitions of create on the Web:

make: make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
bring into existence; "The company was created 25 years ago"; "He created a new movement in painting"
pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity; "Don't disturb him--he is creating"
invest with a new title, office, or rank; "Create one a peer"
create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses"
produce: create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
😱 :shock: :blink:
Twist it anyway you want GoreLover...even your link proves he said what he said.....

Depends what your definition of 'said' is :lol:

He's full of hot air anyway....


Don't pick on Al, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have Bush 😛

Self sufficient? Enviormently neutral? How did you come to this conclusion? They are still talking electricity off the power grid, there is no solor or wind power.
According to my father-in-law (hates Bush, would rather cut his tongue out than give the man a compliment, lives 30 miles from the Bush ranch ), the Bush ranch is not disconnected from the grid but does have geothermal heating, cooling, wastewater recycling, and does have a wind generator.
Self sufficient? Enviormently neutral? How did you come to this conclusion? They are still talking electricity off the power grid, there is no solor or wind power.
Doesn't seem to be $30k worth does it?
Gore is a blue blood....you know looks down his nose to you and I...but us little people idolize his mantra.Energy reductions for the serf's....Whats wrong with this picture?
The guys a pompous Ass...even his own constituents didn't help him :lol:
"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system." :huh:

~ Vice President Al Gore
Doesn't seem to be $30k worth does it?
Gore is a blue blood....you know looks down his nose to you and I...but us little people idolize his mantra.Energy reductions for the serf's....Whats wrong with this picture?
The guys a pompous Ass...even his own constituents didn't help him :lol:
George Bush, born in conneticut, went to school at Yale and Havard. Just like the averge Joe? Al Gore done far more the common guy than GB has or ever will.
George Bush, born in conneticut, went to school at Yale and Havard. Just like the averge Joe? Al Gore done far more the common guy than GB has or ever will.
Hate to break it to ya sport, but the Gore family aint exactly starvin' either. His dad was a very powerful senator back in the day, who, if memory serves, voted AGAINST desegregation and the equal rights amendment.
Don't forget all the tobacco money they made on the farm and how he sat with his sister in her dying moments from cigarette induced lung cancer.......

yea and was still recieving checks from that farm as late as 1990, after his emotional speech in 1986 about the loss of his sister.

Guess that tobacco money was just to good to turn down. B)
The Man who would be King

Former vice president Al Gore was involved in a security breach at the Nashville Airport when an American Airlines employee led him and his entourage around security, a clear violation of policy.

"There are no exceptions. Everyone must go through security," airport spokesperson Lynn Lowrance said.

It was unknown if the former vice president requested the special treatment or it was offered and he accepted, but it did violate airport policy.

Late Thursday afternoon, a spokesperson for Al Gore said he did not request any special treatment to get around security.

Tell me he didn't know better...In mid-1996, President Clinton created the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security ...Vice President Al Gore, commission chairman :shock:

Of course,it was only a Peon in this life trying to win favor from the greatest Global Warming Advocate ever. :lol:
The Man who would be King
Tell me he didn't know better...In mid-1996, President Clinton created the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security ...Vice President Al Gore, commission chairman :shock:

Of course,it was only a Peon in this life trying to win favor from the greatest Global Warming Advocate ever. :lol:

Kudo's to lowrance and airport security for calling the Moron on the carpet, the AA ding bat who let him and his buddies get a free pass should be terminated. :angry:

Gores private jet must have been held up in Tijuana for that superior maintenance check the mexicans are notorious for.
Doesn't seem to be $30k worth does it?
Gore is a blue blood....you know looks down his nose to you and I...but us little people idolize his mantra.Energy reductions for the serf's....Whats wrong with this picture?
The guys a pompous Ass...even his own constituents didn't help him :lol:

And you know this how? Did you have dinner at their house? Invited over for a chat…. What? Like Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Reagan …. Are all down to earth guy next door kind of guys right? Bush has some good ol'e boy characteristics but I thought I read an article that most of that is an act (not sure though). Clinton by most accounts is a pretty amiable guy but I don't see him getting out at a habitat for humanity and swinging a hammer like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter do. Cheney and Reagan are/was so arrogant it makes me ill just thinking about it.

I have said it several times and I'll keep saying it. If you think your parties sh1t does not stink as bad as my parties, you are delusional. At least I know my party has a bunch of numb-nutz, you seem to think yours is run by brain surgeons. How you arrive at that conclusion is beyond me but hey, have at it if it makes you happy.

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