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Very good post. I wish more AMT peeps would see it your way, but all that I hear on this board is how the compan(for which they are employed) owes them more than what the competitors give there employees. Just remember bashers of this company. One day something might come to your doorstep, and guess what you may have toget a job that pays you fifteen dollars an hour to fix a plane, and you will take it to feed your family. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING IN THIS JOB.

And do not give me the attitude that we gave this or we gave that in 2003. You have a job that makes money to pay the mortgage and feed the family. Be happy because other people do not have that luxury, oooh wait, you guys are AMT's and can not be replaced. Get a grip and face reality, it is not about you, it is about the success, of the company you work for and that pays you, Oh wait again, no I will stop and let the bashing begin, because I know it will happen. Where are you Ken Mr. AMT of the world, looking for another union or job. :angry:

What rock did you crawl out from under, dawg? All of a sudden you are on this board with your 21 posts and all you do is defend the company and their greed. It is obvious you are a company stooge assigned post here and give bulls### opinions.

How much would you pay to keep that job under your bosses desk?
The biggest hope AA has right now is to hope that creditors aren't willing to fund airlines any longer. Demand around the world is pretty good overall. With that said, if UA goes into CH 11 again, do creditors feel they can place their aircraft with other airlines at the same or better rates? If so, I think it will be hard for UA to recapitalize the business and thus exit. If they do exit, it will likely be much smaller as I'm guessing they may have to shed some core assets which then begs the question of whether they get rid of fat or muscle and bone. If the latter, then you'll see them likely die the same death dealt to some of the other great names in the industry...PanAm after selling Pacific and LHR rights, TWA after selling LHR rights, Eastern after selling Latin American rights. Nobody wants to buy your money losers but by selling your money makers you're really not doing anything but delaying the inevitable.

Wrong, your biggest hope right now is that UAL does go chapter 11, b/c virtually that is AAs only hope of avoiding BK.. I don't really think that CAL would have joined UAL in the STAR if they thought they were going to go under and thus invest time and money.. They would have went with oneworld.... AMR has labor fueling and old planes... So yeah if UAL goes into BK, then yeah AMR might possibly avoid BK... If not... GOOD luck....
Wrong, your biggest hope right now is that UAL does go chapter 11, b/c virtually that is AAs only hope of avoiding BK.. I don't really think that CAL would have joined UAL in the STAR if they thought they were going to go under and thus invest time and money.. They would have went with oneworld.... AMR has labor fueling and old planes... So yeah if UAL goes into BK, then yeah AMR might possibly avoid BK... If not... GOOD luck....
The numbers say different. Interesting you base this on CAL going to star alliance VS one world and the fact they were able to avoid a BK filing, as being the telling points of who might survive the coming shake out. BTW UAL and all the other carriers have labor fueling and old planes.
So that puts you at what $7.50 an hour than?

Nice try, for someonte that is so anal retentive
So that puts you at what $7.50 an hour than?

Nice try, for someonte that is so anal retentive
Yeah, you're right being anal retentive as you say I am I should of done the math correctly which puts Fleet Service at $8.25 an hour, enjoy your raise!!! <_<
Yeah, you're right being anal retentive as you say I am I should of done the math correctly which puts Fleet Service at $8.25 an hour, enjoy your raise!!! <_<
Just remember there is someone out there that would do what you do for what you make and would, not complain one bit. Same can be said for me. So when that day comes when your on the street(maybe me for that matter) remember this post. You should enjoy what you have right now, because there are no guarentees in my job your job or anyones.
Just remember there is someone out there that would do what you do for what you make and would, not complain one bit. Same can be said for me. So when that day comes when your on the street(maybe me for that matter) remember this post. You should enjoy what you have right now, because there are no guarentees in my job your job or anyones.

We've heard all the "you should be thankful" crap for a long time, mainly from the joke of a "union" we have. This is the stuff we heard from our grandparents that lived through the thirties depression.

Some of us didn't put all our eggs in one basket, however, and learned or had a few other real "in-demand" skills and decided what the bottom dollar was that we'd take to wrench on an aircraft.
Just remember there is someone out there that would do what you do for what you make and would, not complain one bit. Same can be said for me. So when that day comes when your on the street(maybe me for that matter) remember this post. You should enjoy what you have right now, because there are no guarentees in my job your job or anyones.
But as you already pointed out I'm anal retentive, so therefore I have my bases covered and have no need to live in fear as you do. I'm not really sure why you want me to remember my post as it is a simple math equation in which I currently make close to 45% more than you, and if your wish of my profession goes to $15 an hour comes true, you will still be making 45% less, but at $8.25 an hour. :huh:
The numbers say different. Interesting you base this on CAL going to star alliance VS one world and the fact they were able to avoid a BK filing, as being the telling points of who might survive the coming shake out. BTW UAL and all the other carriers have labor fueling and old planes.

Well somewhat corect, labor problems - YES!!! Contracts up, not yet (unfortunately)... My point is, I doubt that CAL would put time and effort in something that they knew would fail anyway... CAL is VERY familiar with UAL's financial situation, that is not what i am saying this though.. All the airlines will have to do drastic things to stay afloat, AMRs problem is - they havent really made that many cuts. UAL is dumping 100 planes and CAL is dumping 60 something a/c... They cant agree on labor negotiations etc... It won't be pretty thats for sure. I love the fact that everyone talks about the growing cash position, but you should be saying, why can't i have a piece of that? Your top managers are getting theirs...
Time to steer this thread back to (my) original question of,...."who has the Most Liquidity" ?

Minus WN,I'm guessing American has the most Liquidity ($$$$)

$5B in cash.

A regional Airline(If they had to sell it) worth more than the FEW remaining Regional's(That the other Carrier's OWN, like DL/Comair...NW/Compass...LCC/ ?....UA/ ?.......CO/ ?

A FFlyer program(if they had to sell it) worth More than the others.

A "Full Sized" Maintenance division(if they had to sell it),more than the other carriers.

A computer system..SABRE, far more sophisticated than the others.

Hey NH/BB', how are you buddy?

Don't worry about dawg, as soon as he gts out from under the desk, his boss will tell him how to respond!


" O U C H " !!!!!!

Jesus...."dawg",........Now you just got...........DOUBLE BI*CH SLAPPED :shock: :shock: :shock: