Militants? How is it being Militant standing up for the existing contract you all ready have? How is it militant that the COMPANY can't even adhere to the current contracts agreed upon? (airbus farmout).SpinDoc said:700:
I hope the IAM membership does vote down changes
to their contract. Then, we won't have to ready any
more of the rhetoric that is being put on these
boards by the union militants because they will no
longer be employed by US Airways. I really can't
wait for the day the militant IAMers are thrown off
the property because they will have no one to
blame but themselves.
You can be a fool and trust them, but the IAM has all ready given twice and we have been burned, the track record of contract violations that have occured on all labor groups is a fine example of why not to talk to them because they can't even adhere to what they have agreed upon.