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Us Airways Union Says Labor Deal Is Near

USA320Pilot said:
The TA will pass by a 2 to 1 margin.



I would disagree with the margin, but it WILL pass. ANYTHING put before the pilot group that is blessed by ALPA will pass. There are so many pilots in their mid to late fifties that will accept ANY working conditions to keep their large DC moneys flowing, that it would be hard for just about anything NOT to pass. I would be surprised if anything is put before the pilots that removes the DC plan....see above logic. Believe me, and I do hate to say it...320 is right. Greeter.
oldiebutgoody said:
Don't worry. His statement only proves that he is out of touch with reality. Of course, those that have been here longer than the last couple of weeks knew that already! :shock:

Actually I'm not worried just disgusted and believe me I go a lot futher back with this Captain than the last couple of weeks. I go way back to the old Compuserve forum days with Captain M.
oldiebutgoody said:
What? You've already fixed the vote? I guess I wouldn't really be too surprised. Or, is it the same 2 to 1 margine that you said the PHL reps would be recalled by? Oh, I get it. Must be a joke. You and Bronner must have gone to the same comedy school!

Not exactly. When he's not posting on here, he's busy passing out the WD-40 so all the pilots can get ready to do their last and biggest BOHICA dance.
:mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff:
If the Ta is anything close to the company's last offer it will be 2-1 AGAINST. I have never voted no before but I tell you the last company offer was a joke....VOTE...Yes NO...X There is my no vote...BusFlt321
Haven't you got it fiigured out by now? AS long as USA320 benefits in any small measure and is in NO DANGER OF BEING FURLOUGHED he and his Munnions will try to shove this down every pilots throat. :down: Savy
The company's prop. seemed to have many items that seemed to not have much monitary value: How would reducing reserve call out save any money? All this seems to do is make getting to work in time impossible.
oldiebutgoody said:
What? You've already fixed the vote? I guess I wouldn't really be too surprised. Or, is it the same 2 to 1 margine that you said the PHL reps would be recalled by? Oh, I get it. Must be a joke. You and Bronner must have gone to the same comedy school!

Not to worry. The Peanut Gallery rarely has the correct answer to a question.

These are the QUESTIONS each PILOT should think about before VOTING!!!!
oldiebutgoody said:
You beat it, and yes, it's still dead. 12 years ago isn't even a part of the formula anymore.

The Formula at USAIR has always been the same when the comopany comes calling for givebacks.

The Formula has two questions:

Qestion 1: "Am I in danger of furlough?
Answer: If not yet, vote YES for now! If yes, vote NO!

Question 2: "Do I wear a skirt?"
Answer 2: Disregard your apparel and answer according to Question 1 above.
My imagination is running wild.

What you wear tells you how to vote.

What do the Captains wearing leather briefs with no seat vote?

If you are dressed to vote yes, I guess you will.
Walmartgreeter said:
I would disagree with the margin, but it WILL pass. ANYTHING put before the pilot group that is blessed by ALPA will pass. There are so many pilots in their mid to late fifties that will accept ANY working conditions to keep their large DC moneys flowing, that it would be hard for just about anything NOT to pass. I would be surprised if anything is put before the pilots that removes the DC plan....see above logic. Believe me, and I do hate to say it...320 is right. Greeter.

Insightful and somewhat correct Greeter. There will be no TA put out for a pilot vote IF the DC plan is not left intact with no stipulations. That you can count on. As for a TA passing that has an intact DC plan I would tend to agree with 320 also. But for different reasoning than you.

Most pilots have not kept their financial houses in order. Most believe they can do nothing but fly jets for a living. Most do not want to enter the workforce, regardless of their age, and get with the 9 to 5 drudgery after having lived so long in a world much more appealing. Even though we work hard with 14 hour duty days and the like many still feel it beats the regular job. And I agree. But here is why it will pass. FEAR.

Fear of the unknown. Fear they won't be able to make it in the real world. I personally think they are wrong. If you have the ability to do what we do, pass the checkrides, the line checks, the physicals, the ground schools, consistently make correct decisions on a daily basis and accept the responsiblities we accept then you can undoubtedly be successful in the other world. But many are not willing to take that chance. So they will vote to take less pay and work harder to avoid that unknown. I think it is wrong but I am in a minority. So our profession will suffer.

With all the self confidence the pilots posess it is hard for me to understand why they do not carry that over and just say no to the land grab that is going on. But I will remain mystified. Pilots are an interesting group. I could write a book.

:down: THE company ,the ceo, the employees,bonner ,the media tells the whole world that their going out of business and alpa is meeting all weekend to discuss
pay cuts,your wasting your time ,are they that stupid or is it that they are in
denial.what good is pay cuts when everyone is rebooking on other airlines.
I remember hearing about 'me too' provisions with the F/A. Is it remotely possible that if the pilots agree to increased hours that the F/As will simply get the same rules? I'd guess that 'me too' provisions wouldn't be that permissive.
mwereplanes said:
Fear of the unknown . Fear they won't be able to make it in the real world. I personally think they are wrong. If you have the ability to do what we do, pass the checkrides, the line checks, the physicals, the ground schools, consistently make correct decisions on a daily basis and accept the responsiblities we accept then you can undoubtedly be successful in the other world. But many are not willing to take that chance. So they will vote to take less pay and work harder to avoid that unknown. I think it is wrong but I am in a minority. So our profession will suffer.
Give this man a cigar! This is EXACTLY why the TA will pass.
I dont think its fear of not being able to make it I believe its more along the lines of fear of the unknown.
mwereplanes said:
Insightful and somewhat correct Greeter. There will be no TA put out for a pilot vote IF the DC plan is not left intact with no stipulations. That you can count on. ......

…..Pilots are an interesting group. I could write a book.


I don't think you can count on anything except capitulation. I thought there were several things for which the pilots would have said "ENOUGH". But Alas.

When I saw a controlling majority acquiesce and idly watch the DB get stolen from men who have already invested 30+ years of sweat and tears... There is no honor.

If there is no honor, there is no line that they will defend. The top 51% have proven time and again that their vote is for sale, until of course they are themselves in danger of furlough.

The pilots are reactionary and manipulated by fear. Their shortsightedness has prevented them from seeing that the Boogieman was peddling expensive, empty promises of protection from the Reaper.

Strange thing is, they will wake up to find that they themselves are the Reaper, at the behest of the Boogieman.

Alas Alak