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Airline Targets Sick-pay Abuse

PITbull said:
And I know who you are as you know who I am.
Well, since you're on here so much, its pretty easy to figure out who you are. But what does it matter. Please speak to us in the third person a little further.

Anyhow, I won't debase this thread into the PitBull versus the world as you so often like to do. So typical.
I don't see where ITRADE shows any "intimate knowledge" issue about U. He simply staes true facts about sick time issues throughout the U.S. And to be perfectly honest, these are the same issues that leads to where we are now.
If it not for people that state and follow the "earn then and burn them" mentality. Companies would not have to focus on this issue.
I bet if things were like they are in other companies where you only get paid 4 hours for every 8 use lose, there won't be as many absences around here.

I completely agree with the company when they state that there is plenty of illegal use time usage. I hear about it all the time iin the break rooms. It seems to give weak people a feeling of control over the company.

I just shake my head and walk away when I hear it. And if you fail to see it, ignore it or even worse, support it, then you indeed are part of the problem. :down:
ITRADE said:
What I would like to know is why is it the focus is on the employees abusing when in fact this management team is blatantly abusing a benefit of trust called contracts? Why is it
But the problem is that you've got a documented abuse by a group of people that are more willing to place their selfish interests over those of the larger group as a whole. So, don't be blaming management. Blame those who take two days of sick live and magically utilize their employee passes for a weekend jaunt to CHS or TPA.
Would it be to much to ask for you to post facts instead of false information or accusations?

US Airways has a computer program that red flags anyone who flies when they are sick or on OJI. That information is immediately passed on to the employee's manager and if you don't have permission to fly your pass privileges are suspended for six months or you are terminated.

Don't let the facts get in your way!

Your jealousy shines through once again! Get over it. B)
ITRADE said:
Nice edit to your post there - noting the signature line. Quite apropos.
back to your corners and wait for the bell
Its one example of what can happen, but certainly is not an exclusive example of what happens. As PITMTC demonstated, the abuse does exist and does little to serve the greater employee interests.

You aren't part of the problem...YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

And many of the folks like yourself that point the fingers at everyone but yourself. YOU are the reason why morale is bad and U is losing money. And as long as YOUR attitude exists, there will be no faith or trust in managment who continues to abuse our contracts, and our people with scheming discipline minds like yours.
PITbull said:

Your jealousy shines through once again! Get over it. B)
I think you need to review the word jealosy in the dictionary.

'nuff said.
PITbull said:
You aren't part of the problem...YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

And many of the folks like yourself that point the fingers at everyone but yourself. YOU are the reason why morale is bad and U is losing money. And as long as YOUR attitude exists, there will be no faith or trust in managment who continues to abuse our contracts, and our people with scheming discipline minds like yours.
Amazing how if you don't follow PIT's party line, you are either a problem, management, or a combination of the two.
Just did.

ITRADE: One who alledges to be someone they are not. Comprised of union busting management ideology. Jealous of those who are perceived to have influence.
PITbull said:

You aren't part of the problem...YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

And many of the folks like yourself that point the fingers at everyone but yourself. YOU are the reason why morale is bad and U is losing money. And as long as YOUR attitude exists, there will be no faith or trust in managment who continues to abuse our contracts, and our people with scheming discipline minds like yours.
I am far from being the problem. I use my sick time when I CANT go to work , not when I dont feel like going to work.

And as far as the morale part of your comment. I don't go around pushing gloom and doom all day long as you do on this board and I assume at work as well. I just do my job, go to work as required and keep a positive outlook about my future. I also know damn well that spending all my time on this board and going on and on blaming the company for everything is going to change nothing.

That is why I have so little posts and you have soo many.

I am living my life and going to work, where are you most of the time. Right here.
ITRADE said:
Its one example of what can happen, but certainly is not an exclusive example of what happens. As PITMTC demonstated, the abuse does exist and does little to serve the greater employee interests.
Yes it is what happens, at my station it just occured and it is happening systemwide, like I said stick to the facts. In fact it is clearly spelled out in the Attendance Control Policy.
ITRADE said:
PITbull said:
You aren't part of the problem...YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

And many of the folks like yourself that point the fingers at everyone but yourself. YOU are the reason why morale is bad and U is losing money. And as long as YOUR attitude exists, there will be no faith or trust in managment who continues to abuse our contracts, and our people with scheming discipline minds like yours.
Amazing how if you don't follow PIT's party line, you are either a problem, management, or a combination of the two.
You are 100% correct with that statement. PITbull even told ME once to tell MY friends at CCY about something because I did not agree.

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