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Airline Targets Sick-pay Abuse

PineyBob said:
Well PITbull, given the fact that sick time abuse does exist at US Airways does exist and has been confirmed several times on this very board. I think that a Dr's note is both warranted and appropriate.

I also find the "Earn 'em & burn 'em" attitude interesting to say the least. Some who post here are quick to point out EVERY ethical failure real or imagined from management but remain silent when co-workers abuse a system that my most standards is quite generous.
Why don't you just spell out CAVALIER Bobby

I know exactly what I am doing and you have no more room than the next to preach, do I need to remind you, AGAIN.
I have a question, How can something that is a benefit of mine be considered a loss..??

If we follow that thinking …U should post the est. value of everyone’s health care cost and call that a loss, or even flying privileges thats a loss...??? I guess we could even look at the use of The USAirways Clubs by the exec's as a loss...??

Who started looking at benefits and calling them losses..?? I don't understand.
I believe a lot of sick time is used by employees attempting to commute to work and get bumped off their commuting flight, in particular, the ones who commute at the last minute. If the company wants to stop the abuse, all they have to do is offer to pay any retiring employees their unused sick time when they retire. I'm willing to bet that would stop, or at least significantly slow the abuse of sick time.
boeingdriver213 said:
I believe a lot of sick time is used by employees attempting to commute to work and get bumped off their commuting flight, in particular, the ones who commute at the last minute. If the company wants to stop the abuse, all they have to do is offer to pay any retiring employees their unused sick time when they retire. I'm willing to bet that would stop, or at least significantly slow the abuse of sick time.
Why should they have to do that? It is NOT an entitlement. It is NOT part of your pay. It is NOT yours to use for anything other than being SICK.

It is the complete lack of integrety that has caused this whole problem. I get penalized for calling in sick because others refuse to use sick time as it was intended. The other side of the coin is U's poicy of dealing with problems corporately instead of individually. Penalize the sick time ABUSERS and leave the legitimate users ALONE.

A320 Driver :angry:
Hula Girl wrote:
Speaking of saving money, has WorkWell ever been audited?

Hi Hula Girl!

Am I reading this correctly? Has the company hired WorkWell to implement a sick-time control plan?

American did some sort of draconian sick-time thing recently, and I suspect they hired an outside consultant company to do it. Perhaps we should check in over on the American board and see what folks thought of the expeience.

A320 Driver,

I agree with you. It is NOT an entitlement. It is only a benefit if you should get ill to protect your loss. It is not meant to be a gain.
Those abuses are recognized. And they are in every single corporation today. From mangement abuse to rank and file abuse.

It is no longer about the issue of abuse. At U, it has become an issue of cost savings regardless of ligitamate illness. We have folks that are literally in the hspital that get harrassed. Literally.U masks their abuse of employees by saying its the employe abuse that they focus on. They are not forthright.
This is a trust issue - one that exists throughout the U.S. employment world.

While it is a benefit, the goal of sick leave is to allow employees time to recouperate from illness/sickness without the fear of reprisal or retribution from the employer.

That being said, sick time is not vacation. Vacation time is a separate class of allowance to employees that is an earned benefit/entitlement.

Employers assume that employees will use the sick time benefit when it is really needed. However, when you have mid-sized more massive-sized abuse of a benefit, the employer is going to become obviously suspect of any usage of the benefit. Sad to say, but the abuses of the few casts a taint upon the rest. Hence, you wind up with the requirement for doctor's notes for everything.

To this end, BOTH the company and the work groups should encourage the employees/members to use sick time only as needed - but certainly when needed. The employer certainly does not want sick employees coming to work - getting sicker and possibly infecting other employees. But the employer does not also want employees blatantly abusing a benefit that was designed for "as needed" purposes.
cavalier said:
Personally, I agree with the one poster...earn em and burn em, just like they burn us.
The problem is, "they" is "us." You're not stealing from Dave, you're stealing from the honest line employees. Congratulations. You've become part of the problem.
mweiss said:
The problem is, "they" is "us." You're not stealing from Dave, you're stealing from the honest line employees. Congratulations. You've become part of the problem.
sure I am
Thank you so much for the information “Iâ€￾, you’re a jewel on information and appreciated greatly.

What I would like to know is why is it the focus is on the employees abusing when in fact this management team is blatantly abusing a benefit of trust called contracts? Why is it everyone is quick to point the blame totally on the employees when this management team is not a pillar of virtue to be setting examples for how to treat and foster good will among employees?
Cavalier makes a very good point about the violation of trust (legally binding contracts and all that) as a context for all of this.

Given the context of 2 years of managerial abuse, unilateral rewriting of CBA's, harassment of employees (I'm not making this up), all y'all out there giving advice and clucking your tongues about folks calling in sick to watch the Superbowl and such need to sit up and take note that you are being taken in (some naively, some eagerly) by a management spin campaign.

If it is true that sick calls are higher than usual, it should come as no surprise. Any demoralized workforce is, on the balance, going to call in sick more frequently than an inspired and energized workforce.

Doing a lot of fingerpointing at already beleagered employees will only have the effect of driving morale down further. Of course, if the mysterious business plan includes upping the attrition rate on top of the payscale employees, then this approach makes sense. Seems to be another Plan 9 from Planet Glass.

There's a long and sordid history in "labor relations" of companies using this sort of thing to abuse their employees, and given US Airways recent track record, I don't think they have suddenly decided to go a benevolent route with this new plan.

-Airlineorphan (who has never used any sicktime at US Airways)

And you who is all knowing about U sick usage ad alledged abuse, ARE NOT AN EMPLOYEE OF U?????

How to you speak to the specifics of U sick policies and sick usage as a pax of U, so you alledge, BUT not as an employee of U.?

If you are NOT management, how is it you have an intimate knowledge of our sick issues from your alledged OUTSIDE perch????
PITbull said:

And you who is all knowing about U sick usage ad alledged abuse, ARE NOT AN EMPLOYEE OF U?????

How to you speak to the specifics of U sick policies and sick usage as a pax of U, so you alledge, BUT not as an employee of U.?

If you are NOT management, how is it you have an intimate knowledge of our sick issues from your alledged OUTSIDE perch????
Wow. A might bit defensive arent we?

I know a lot more than you think.
cavalier said:
Thank you so much for the information “Iâ€￾, you’re a jewel on information and appreciated greatly.

What I would like to know is why is it the focus is on the employees abusing when in fact this management team is blatantly abusing a benefit of trust called contracts? Why is it everyone is quick to point the blame totally on the employees when this management team is not a pillar of virtue to be setting examples for how to treat and foster good will among employees?
Interesting point.

But the problem is that you've got a documented abuse by a group of people that are more willing to place their selfish interests over those of the larger group as a whole. So, don't be blaming management. Blame those who take two days of sick live and magically utilize their employee passes for a weekend jaunt to CHS or TPA.
And I know who you are as you know who I am. And abuse runs rampid in the upper CCY department :angry:

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