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Aircraft maint issues

You have a choice to vote no if it forces anyone into it.

You always bring the point up that you outnumber the IAM

Apples and oranges. And the IAM never said there would be a vote.
There will be no horse trading.

Why are you and others in concessionary mode?

We kept it during several times US was on the brink of Chapter 7, they have had several opportunities to try and get it back.

AA’s lead negotiator is the same person who agreed to it each time and so was Doug.
So why is DP not ordering his negotiators to take it off the table? Almost three years and no contract.
Right...It's in the ASSOCIATION Q&A THAT STATES WE WILL NOT BE FORCED INTO IT. You know, the same Q&A that said we get to vote on the association.

You’re not going to be forced into it because your current negotiators on the TWU side have no interest in that honestly. And even though I’m not a fan of how Jim Little put this together years ago I don’t think he would have tried “forcing” anyone either.

Didn’t they vote 95% no just for the same type of thing over at UAL BTW?
Who cares what the company wants?

This is both sides first true bite of the apple after all the bankruptcies.

The have spent over $10 billion since 2015 buying back 37% of the stock.

They gave vast improvements to the APA and APFA outside of any negotiations.

It’s the Association’s represented employees to get theirs.
You have a choice to vote no if it forces anyone into it.

You always bring the point up that you outnumber the IAM

Apples and oranges. And the IAM never said there would be a vote.

The IAM did say there will be a vote via the ASSOCIATION proxy!

Q5: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?

A: Yes. Following the completion of the American – US Airways’ merger, the Associations will file representation applications with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, which will culminate in three separate elections, one for each of the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classifications. You will vote in the election of the classification in which you work with others from both carriers.
You’re not going to be forced into it because your current negotiators on the TWU side have no interest in that honestly. And even though I’m not a fan of how Jim Little put this together years ago I don’t think he would have tried “forcing” anyone either.

Didn’t they vote 95% no just for the same type of thing over at UAL BTW?
Never say never....The IAMNPF will need propping up. Just like Social Security.
The IAM did say there will be a vote via the ASSOCIATION proxy!

Q5: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?

A: Yes. Following the completion of the American – US Airways’ merger, the Associations will file representation applications with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, which will culminate in three separate elections, one for each of the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classifications. You will vote in the election of the classification in which you work with others from both carriers.
The IAM NEVER told its members there would be a vote.

Why focus on this?

It won’t help you get a contract, it will actually hurt it, company is playing the employees, divide and conquer and you play right into their hands.
You have the No vote.

Jeez, the way you think AA will play you, oh wait,they are doing it now and you fell for it.

No one is playing me. I can read and research. Maybe you should do the same. Do some digging into multi-employer pension plans. The TEAMSTERS are great case study.
Did you believe the IAM when they told you that you would lose your IAM pension if you voted them out and went for AMFA?