Aircraft maint issues

But I do recall you saying that you do want to be offered the IAMPF, for the pure sake of, not to be left out and not having a opportunity to have a choice, even tho the plan is poison. Some things shouldn't be left up to the members to decide. Democracy works sometimes but not always, remember, Trump is in office for 4 long years.
The TWU is NOT a Democracy.
Ugh, that did`t take long. A trackworker takes over the international. FSC take over yet another AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE thread....smh
Actually the topic is right on the money. Fleet service melding in aircraft maintenance is an issue. That's why many guys don't post here anymore. Myself included. Have at it all you Samsonite specialists.
Actually the topic is right on the money. Fleet service melding in aircraft maintenance is an issue. That's why many guys don't post here anymore. Myself included. Have at it all you Samsonite specialists.

Happy Saturday.

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Yeah, members should not be able to decide. Spoken like a true leftist. Maybe you forgot but the MEMBERS pay the UNION to represent THEM.

Better Trump than that traitorous "open borders" Hillary Clinton.

I guess you wanted another one of our presidents bowing to the Muslims.

I am sure the employees of American Airlines don't mind funding the invasion of a bunch of welfare loving Muslim "refugees" and low cost labor from third world countries while paying higher taxes.
I haven't issued any response to any your laughable post, because they are just that, so ludicrous it is amusing. You're just so blissfully ignorant, and I do enjoy reading reading those little blurbs, but King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, has been a allies to the United States for a long time, just one more thing, Saudi Arabia is not a third world country. Back to high school for you.
Unfortunately, I feel LAA, as a group, will be unable to prevent the IAMNPF.

Due to the fact that we were unable to resist the pre-JCBA, Letter of Agreement pay raise, there will be very few that would vote against a contract that included the IAMNPF and possibly risk losing that nice pay raise. There will be a small minority who resist, but the majority will not want to risk losing those payments for the nice new cars and trucks and boats and houses.

We've been bought and sold and played like fools.

The failing pension plan is a pyramid scheme, at best. Now all the AA folks have to do is find somebody else to buy in at the bottom to prop up your end.

The payback time on my investment in the IAMNPF is nearly 4 years before I make my first dime. I just hope I can a least get my initial investment back in the time the fund is still solvent.

Watch out, and keep your eyes and ears open because soon the snake oil salesmen will be coming to town on their covered wagons to sell you the magic elixir, the IAMNPF. Because, after all, you're too stupid to manage your own money.

Just like they told us.............
Any JCBA that includes the IAMNPF will not pass. And it's quite possible there will be no association by the time we have a JCBA. No association means no IAM and no IAMNPF. Coming soon to your station is a card drive to rid ourselves of the IAM and their broke pension. The best thing is that LUS can't stop us. After the association is gone LUS will be in the TWU which will mean they will live under our contract. Then we'll see how badly they want a JCBA.
Any JCBA that includes the IAMNPF will not pass. And it's quite possible there will be no association by the time we have a JCBA. No association means no IAM and no IAMNPF. Coming soon to your station is a card drive to rid ourselves of the IAM and their broke pension. The best thing is that LUS can't stop us. After the association is gone LUS will be in the TWU which will mean they will live under our contract. Then we'll see how badly they want a JCBA.
Oh no, not another card drive. You know guys aren't going to sign because they will be convinced it's not a good time. We are in the middle of negotiations. Then if we are not in negotiations they won't sign because we have a contract and no one is pissed enough. Then you have title two guys who just won't come onboard but yet ***** as much as the AMT'S. Then you might see the IBT jump in again for interference purposes. I'd love to see a card drive but we have way too many knuckleheads.
Oh no, not another card drive. You know guys aren't going to sign because they will be convinced it's not a good time. We are in the middle of negotiations. Then if we are not in negotiations they won't sign because we have a contract and no one is pissed enough. Then you have title two guys who just won't come onboard but yet ***** as much as the AMT'S. Then you might see the IBT jump in again for interference purposes. I'd love to see a card drive but we have way too many knuckleheads.

I hope and pray that what you say is true.

But if a JCBA were to come down soon, I don't know one LUS Fleet or Maintenance and Related that would vote it down.

We don't know how. We've never voted no for anything. Think about the numbers.
Oh no, not another card drive. You know guys aren't going to sign because they will be convinced it's not a good time. We are in the middle of negotiations. Then if we are not in negotiations they won't sign because we have a contract and no one is pissed enough. Then you have title two guys who just won't come onboard but yet ***** as much as the AMT'S. Then you might see the IBT jump in again for interference purposes. I'd love to see a card drive but we have way too many knuckleheads.
Don't be so sure. Everyone is sick and tired of no progress and the IAM happy to sit at status quo. I am hearing guys who wouldn't sign anything before saying they're ready to get rid of the association. We do have a lot of knuckleheads but they are getting tired of waiting. When Memorial Day comes around they'll be reminded that the IAM guys are happy to let us rot.
I haven't issued any response to any your laughable post, because they are just that, so ludicrous it is amusing. You're just so blissfully ignorant, and I do enjoy reading reading those little blurbs, but King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, has been a allies to the United States for a long time, just one more thing, Saudi Arabia is not a third world country. Back to high school for you.
King Abdallah was (king Salman now) no friend to the citizens of the United States. He simply has a lot of politicians on payroll, including Hillary.

European politicians are being paid to look the the other why while Muslim "migrants" slowly raid their countries, assault, rape, and murder their citizens, overload their welfare programs, and suppress their culture while the media ignores anything that doesn't further the leftist agenda. Maybe you should open your eyes to the reality of what is actually going on.

I never said Saudi Arabia was third world. I said when you bust open the border prepare for more competition for jobs from migrants of third world countries.

Hillary wants to invite into this country exactly what is happening in Europe, all to the thunderous applause of fools.

Can you think of any more of a threat to a UNION than being flooded by cheap laborers providing cheap domestic labor?

The best thing you can do to protect yourself is avoid an oversaturation of cheap labor.

You would think the last thing someone like you, and by that I mean highly paid unskilled labor, would want is an influx of cheap labor. The mechanics are no safer. How long do you think it will take the government to start funding A&P's for migrants because some liberal sold the public another "income inequality" con job?

The Tyson factory provides about 1,600 jobs to Noel residents. The influx in refugees to the region has, however, cramped the local labor market.

“These meat-packing companies undermine the union jobs,” Mehlman told Breitbart Texas. “They’ve brought in illegal aliens and refugees, but essentially, they’ve used this to replace their unionized workforce. It’s a labor subsidy for the employers.”

“There’s a myth that illegal aliens are a source of cheap labor,” Mehlman continued. “It’s cheap only to the direct employer. The rest of us have to pay for healthcare, education, and other social services.”


As we have reported on many previous occasions, the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program works closely with large companies like Tyson Foods and others to supply them with cheap immigrant labor. Those laborers are further subsidized by your tax dollars including those used to expand low-income housing.
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Any JCBA that includes the IAMNPF will not pass.
So what the hell does this mean? Samuelsen wants to help us but wont attend meetings?

He just pointed out exactly what some on here brought up. He doesn't work in the Airlines so how would he know the exact in's and out's of our contracts.

I'm sure the author misspelled and meant to write "intend" not "attend"

Whether he shows up to "chair" any of the finalities of Negotiations, nothing personal to the man but does it really matter?

Doug Parker is CEO of the Airline and I haven't heard if he's ever stepped in to any of the formal negotiations either?
Another reason we need a union that represents AMT'S at the table and on the floor. Too bad this one size catch all industrial loser association is what we have. They even stated they know nothing about aircraft maintenance issues, American Airlines and the commercial aviation industry. Yet we have guys that won't move forward to better our representation with a class and craft union.