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Aircraft maint issues

Metal watch this video and you tell me if the Company isn’t 100% following the script.

Just so I'm clear, you guys are ok when the company attrits your job...

I hear guys say, we used to do pushbacks and clean flight deck wind shields, now were gonna give up moves in and around hangars and to/from.. and for those if you that think they cant or wont, dont be so sure, if they can they will.. so, where does it stop?

Maybe fleet should be dumping oil too?
I don’t personally recall any update or Negotiator saying layoffs when it comes to what the Company has stated they want?

Everyone knows the Company “plans” for drawing down their numbers through attrition.

Of course the Company still could get rid of unwanted individuals using “Force Majeur” language but they also have to have a good reason to pull that trigger.

One thing that is for sure if the Company carries overages in any areas you can pretty much kiss Overtime goodbye until that number has shrunk.
Of course. The union does make it SOUND like thousands of jobs are gone sooner rather than later.
And never mind "Force Majeur." All of this can be easily settled with another trip to bankruptcy court.
Of course. The union does make it SOUND like thousands of jobs are gone sooner rather than later.
And never mind "Force Majeur." All of this can be easily settled with another trip to bankruptcy court.

I suppose you don’t feel the Company is playing games too what with posting Bullet Point proposals online and doing Medical Roadshows trying to directly engage IAM Members to convince them to pay a lot more. I’ve also heard a good amount of half truths and flat out lies coming out of those Parker and Isom Circus acts. Remember Parker telling me “No one is trying to abscond with your money” Uh huh, yea right.

And going back into Bankruptcy is not as easy as you think. The Company needs to pass a means test under the 1113 to claim it needs Labor relief.

Hard to go to BK court claiming poverty when you’re making multiple Billions in profit yearly.

12 TWELVE Billion so far spent on buying back shares and who has even a clue how much that new Headquarters monstrosity cost?
You weren’t wrong. At the time you had your opinions and that’s all that they were. But now that it looks like the Company is giving you a boatload of “Money” you’re claiming your Union is Christ reborn. Rather funny to watch frankly. I kinda always suspected you’d flip flop like a whore at a brothel who just got paid the right price to screw the ugly John.

You were like the fat chick who hangs around the Bar till 4 in the morning every weekend hoping some sloshed out hammered guy will pick you up and get you moist. And finally you got picked up even though your breath smells like an ashtray.

Anyway as for me I’m just letting the process (our process BTW) play out over here. Inevitably, eventually we will have somethings to vote on and I’ll make my decision what I think about it when it’s ripe and ready.

BTW now that you’re a happy and content little Tramp with ya money maybe a come in, are ya finally gonna put that AMFA Bumper sticker on the fender of your car?
I worked hard to get where I am, as am I sure you have. I actually had respect for you, but when you get angry you attack. I wanted my Union to bring this to a successful conclusion. The first offer wasn't that bad. I bitched and complained and was proven wrong. Some guys talked about card drive that's all it was, was talk.
I worked hard to get where I am, as am I sure you have. I actually had respect for you, but when you get angry you attack. I wanted my Union to bring this to a successful conclusion. The first offer wasn't that bad. I bitched and complained and was proven wrong. Some guys talked about card drive that's all it was, was talk.

I’m not angry. I will admit your SWA Laurel and Hardy routine with your new BFF is a bit bothersome and weird, and I hear BFF is still trying to get me to pay attention to him. (Pathetic actually)

Like I said I just knew when push came to shove you would fold like a house of cards if the John paid you the right price. You were happily pimped out and you know it. Just be honest about it bro.

Oh and your Card Drive talk was nothing but bull crap? So you’re FOS too then. (Just like these Card Dealers here too BTW) FOS. “Full of Doo Doo”

BTW are you going to convert the money to cash and roll all over your bed in it? You did get what you REALLY wanted all along didn’t ya.

I worked hard to get where I am, as am I sure you have. I actually had respect for you, but when you get angry you attack. I wanted my Union to bring this to a successful conclusion. The first offer wasn't that bad. I bitched and complained and was proven wrong. Some guys talked about card drive that's all it was, was talk.

BTW driver I watched you get attacked mercilessly for your opinion which you had every right to have. And now I read you over there on YOUR thread kissing the very asses of the guys who had ZERO respect for what you wanted and what you thought.

I actually “had” respect for you too.

I guess it’s easier to be a follower than a leader huh?
I remember hiring in this joint, all the A scalers station protected making way more then I ever could because I was a freaking C scaler. More vacation too. I remember we l said how ridiculous they were to vote that crap in, then the stories about bus loads of replacement workers. Here we are 35+ years later, company pulling the exact same crap except now they making WAY more money..

Have we learned nothing?
Oh... and btw, when people ask... how can there be a lay off, they're hiring people? They are freaking hiring yes votes! All of our contracts except 2001 have been passed by the narrowest of margins... Christ...
Just so I'm clear, you guys are ok when the company attrits your job...

I hear guys say, we used to do pushbacks and clean flight deck wind shields, now were gonna give up moves in and around hangars and to/from.. and for those if you that think they cant or wont, dont be so sure, if they can they will.. so, where does it stop?

Maybe fleet should be dumping oil too?

I remember hiring in this joint, all the A scalers station protected making way more then I ever could because I was a freaking C scaler. More vacation too. I remember we l said how ridiculous they were to vote that crap in, then the stories about bus loads of replacement workers. Here we are 35+ years later, company pulling the exact same crap except now they making WAY more money..

Have we learned nothing?

Oh... and btw, when people ask... how can there be a lay off, they're hiring people? They are freaking hiring yes votes! All of our contracts except 2001 have been passed by the narrowest of margins... Christ...

I remember hiring in this joint, all the A scalers station protected making way more then I ever could because I was a freaking C scaler. More vacation too. I remember we l said how ridiculous they were to vote that crap in, then the stories about bus loads of replacement workers. Here we are 35+ years later, company pulling the exact same crap except now they making WAY more money..

Have we learned nothing?

Isn’t it ironic that now that they’re in the very same position those people were who sold them out all those years ago and they hated them so much, they’re now ready to do the same damn thing to the next generation.

And I’m sure their “excuse” will be they aren’t as naive as they once were.
I suppose you don’t feel the Company is playing games too what with posting Bullet Point proposals online and doing Medical Roadshows trying to directly engage IAM Members to convince them to pay a lot more. I’ve also heard a good amount of half truths and flat out lies coming out of those Parker and Isom Circus acts. Remember Parker telling me “No one is trying to abscond with your money” Uh huh, yea right.

And going back into Bankruptcy is not as easy as you think. The Company needs to pass a means test under the 1113 to claim it needs Labor relief.

Hard to go to BK court claiming poverty when you’re making multiple Billions in profit yearly.

12 TWELVE Billion so far spent on buying back shares and who has even a clue how much that new Headquarters monstrosity cost?
I do not believe the company 100% nor do I believe the union 100%. Sorry, WeAAz. For all my tenure with the TWU, there has been too many "they can do that, brother." The company does not have the lock on half truths and lies, WeAAz.
And I do believe the ASSociation want so save jobs, but I do not care what you or anyone else says, the union(s) BIGGEST concern is their union dues which is their survival. Sorry, this is how I see it.
And between the IAM and TWU, they gladly moved mechanic's work to fleet service or ramp service or whatever they call it now years ago BEFORE any bankruptcies. I guess it was ok back then because it went to fellow union dues paying members. No one gave a sheet back then. No one gives a sheet now.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, WeAAZ...I shouldn't live in the past and the new regime, I.E. THE ASSOCIATION is not going to let that happen ever again.

Oh, as far as bankruptcy goes, any company can study for the "test" so they may pass it. Monstrosity costs equals debt.
Just so I'm clear, you guys are ok when the company attrits your job...

I hear guys say, we used to do pushbacks and clean flight deck wind shields, now were gonna give up moves in and around hangars and to/from.. and for those if you that think they cant or wont, dont be so sure, if they can they will.. so, where does it stop?

Maybe fleet should be dumping oil too?
A little history lesson, Mek….Both the IAM and TWU gladly moved once-mechanic jobs over to the ramp long before bankruptcies. It started in the early to mid 80's. And guess what, Mek? Fleet and ramp gladly jumped into those push tractors and deicing buckets. But the unions were happy because fellow union dues payers got the work.
And now we should all be up in arms because DEICING might be outsourced all together? No one will lose a job over deicing because it is NOT a daily function.
The big gripe is all that OVERTIME...That's the gripe.
When all is said and done, fleet or ramp will hop into those tractors and do all the aircraft moves. Happily might I add.
Isn’t it ironic that now that they’re in the very same position those people were who sold them out all those years ago and they hated them so much, they’re now ready to do the same damn thing to the next generation.

And I’m sure their “excuse” will be they aren’t as naive as they once were.

A little history lesson, Mek….Both the IAM and TWU gladly moved once-mechanic jobs over to the ramp long before bankruptcies. It started in the early to mid 80's. And guess what, Mek? Fleet and ramp gladly jumped into those push tractors and deicing buckets. But the unions were happy because fellow union dues payers got the work.
And now we should all be up in arms because DEICING might be outsourced all together? No one will lose a job over deicing because it is NOT a daily function.
The big gripe is all that OVERTIME...That's the gripe.
When all is said and done, fleet or ramp will hop into those tractors and do all the aircraft moves. Happily might I add.

Do you want to divulge what those Mechanics got in return back then to give up that work?

Isn’t it pretty similar to what the Company is offering today?

Lots of Money.