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Aircraft maint issues

I read a Bloomberg article that swa said that the mechanics were taking planes out of service for a tray table. Now that is funny. This is the first time I have ever heard of a plane being grounded for a tray table. Sounds more like the company is making up stories and using you as there company mouthpiece. I have yet to here anyone including you or swa say that these were not legitimate write ups. If these were not legitimate write ups management would have put the planes back in service.
Yea. The are also saying the mechanics are writing up only "cosmetic" write-ups in their lawsuit. If they were just "cosmetic" they would not be grounded now would they? Then they also said a group of a hundred mechanics were causing all these delays and cancellations. Another flat out lie. Weather, Pilots, fuel seals, fire safety, mechanical breakdowns etc. are the reasons for the write ups. They would not be grounded if they were not a safety of flight issue now would they? So why are the 100 mechanics not fired if this is a job action as the co has stated now? Because they know they are legit write ups and the FAA will come down so hard on them if they fire mechanics for writing up legit write ups and safety of flight write ups.
It still has not been proven that any of the a/c taken out of service lately are not legit. Where is the proof Southwest??
Where is this tray table write up that grounded this a/c?? there isn't one that was total BS by the co.
Company is on a mission guys. This was all brought on by the company to try and force an action by the union, DO NOT fall for it guys. Stay professional, stay focussed, and stay safe. We all want to go home to our loved ones each and every night as do our customers and fellow employees.
Jon Weaks "Managerial Emergency" was dead on and a great read.
Yea. The are also saying the mechanics are writing up only "cosmetic" write-ups in their lawsuit. If they were just "cosmetic" they would not be grounded now would they? Then they also said a group of a hundred mechanics were causing all these delays and cancellations. Another flat out lie. Weather, Pilots, fuel seals, fire safety, mechanical breakdowns etc. are the reasons for the write ups. They would not be grounded if they were not a safety of flight issue now would they? So why are the 100 mechanics not fired if this is a job action as the co has stated now? Because they know they are legit write ups and the FAA will come down so hard on them if they fire mechanics for writing up legit write ups and safety of flight write ups.
It still has not been proven that any of the a/c taken out of service lately are not legit. Where is the proof Southwest??
Where is this tray table write up that grounded this a/c?? there isn't one that was total BS by the co.
Company is on a mission guys. This was all brought on by the company to try and force an action by the union, DO NOT fall for it guys. Stay professional, stay focussed, and stay safe. We all want to go home to our loved ones each and every night as do our customers and fellow employees.
Jon Weaks "Managerial Emergency" was dead on and a great read.
Sorry 767 mechanic, forgot to attach this letter from SWAPA President Jon Weaks...

February 25 – SWAPA President Jon Weaks State of Managerial Emergency
The last few weeks have highlighted how poorly upper management at Southwest Airlines is performing, how it truly views labor, how ineffective its communication and execution of our daily operation are, and how everyone at OUR airline should be concerned.

Last week, Southwest declared a State of Operational Emergency (SOE), a veiled attempt designed to intimidate our mechanics that has instead caused unnecessary fear and safety concerns in our passengers and the flying public. When the nation saw Southwest blaming an employee group wedded to the safety of our aircraft for our maintenance issues, the questions and concerns intensified. What followed this declaration is perhaps the most egregious display by management of tribalizing and scapegoating our employees in the history of our Company.

On Thursday, February 19, Mr. Van de Ven, Chief Operating Officer (COO), sent a company-wide update on our out-of-service aircraft. In it, he stated, “On February 12, just days after our last negotiation session with AMFA, we experienced an unprecedented number of out-of-service aircraft in four specific maintenance locations.” By doing so, he was not subtle in his implication that the number of aircraft out of service was directly correlated with negotiations, and thus, AMFA was hurting our Company over negotiations. Our COO completed throwing our mechanics under the bus with, “Unfortunately, AMFA has a history of work disruptions, and Southwest has two pending lawsuits against the union,” while citing no evidence of a “work disruption” other than the number of aircraft out of service. As the saying goes, correlation is not causation.

What did Mr. Van de Ven conveniently leave out? …
Read the letter here
Different union and in the IAM CBA at NW clearly stated ancillary duties were to be performed by the ramp when not in conflict with the AMFA CBA, so systemwide ramp did more ancillary duties before the strike and when NW imposed a CBA they took away ancillary work from maintenance. So refusing to do your job is insubordination and that is a terminating offense. And the IBT represented employees at Champion Air flew flights for NW during the strike.
Different union? No sir, it was the IAM, the TWU as well as other unions. The ONLY union that DID NOT cross the picket lines were the teamster truck drivers. I was there and saw it all happen. Please get a clue newbie, you are only here for one reason.

Do you really think WN would file a lawsuit if they didn’t have the data showing what’s going on?
Absolutely. They do it all the time. Anyone can file a suit for any reason. Just for the mere scare tactic alone and later be removed or dismissed. They have done it before.
You do realize scab lists are illegal?

Law enforcement must protect workers against UAW's 'scab lists' and other forms of workplace bullying. ... The intimidation is in the guise of producing so-called scab liststo alert union workers about which of their colleagues have exercised their legal right to choose not to be a member.Oct 9, 2014
Law enforcement must protect workers against UAW's 'scab lists' ...
Yea yea yea whatever. They are out there and you know it. All unions have them including yours. Your so funny. Scab list are illegal, now that's funny.
Different union and in the IAM CBA at NW clearly stated ancillary duties were to be performed by the ramp when not in conflict with the AMFA CBA, so systemwide ramp did more ancillary duties before the strike and when NW imposed a CBA they took away ancillary work from maintenance. So refusing to do your job is insubordination and that is a terminating offense. And the IBT represented employees at Champion Air flew flights for NW during the strike.

This sounds very familiar!!!!!! 700uw used the same terminology. Didn't the moderator ban you from this site. Moderator would you please look into this guy. I believe he is the old 700uw.
You have a backwards thought process, and serious lack of comprehension.

Different unions, AMFA was on strike, not the IAM.

No shite sherlock!! IAM crossed the AMFA picket line to do AMFA work. Get a clue!!!
This sounds very familiar!!!!!! 700uw used the same terminology. Didn't the moderator ban you from this site. Moderator would you please look into this guy. I believe he is the old 700uw.
He and the other newbie are on a mission just like 700 was.
You read them right. They know what really happened, they are here to confuse and spread misinformation, that's all. Later 767.
Oh no dfw gen and Rogallo, it's ok that the IAM scabbed at Northwest when AMFA striked, but now he wants to call out all the scabs. C'mon newbie you can't have it both ways. And yes, AMFA does have the names of those who scabbed. The teamster truck drivers were the ONLY ones who would NOT cross the AMFA picket line, period. IAM, TWU, and other unions scabbed across the picket line. And here you are asking if someone would scab. C'mon man...
It only counts in the association, when the association decides it does.
Once again, class is in session, read and comprehend is today’s lesson.

Different union and in the IAM CBA at NW clearly stated ancillary duties were to be performed by the ramp when not in conflict with the AMFA CBA, so systemwide ramp did more ancillary duties before the strike and when NW imposed a CBA they took away ancillary work from maintenance. So refusing to do your job is insubordination and that is a terminating offense. And the IBT represented employees at Champion Air flew flights for NW during the strike.
Very convenient.
Once again, class is in session, read and comprehend is today’s lesson.

Different union and in the IAM CBA at NW clearly stated ancillary duties were to be performed by the ramp when not in conflict with the AMFA CBA, so systemwide ramp did more ancillary duties before the strike and when NW imposed a CBA they took away ancillary work from maintenance. So refusing to do your job is insubordination and that is a terminating offense. And the IBT represented employees at Champion Air flew flights for NW during the strike.
Since class is in session, the iam had every opportunity to stand with us. The iam chose to sit down, fat dumb and happy. Ignore the protest, pass on written letters of support etc.. you made a deal with the devil so this take over would go thru. Now after demonstrating the lack of support and unity to your association partners, the devil drove the wedge right down the middle. Now after 5 years sooner or later the mediator wil get tired of the iam saying no declare an impasse. The company will impose there last best offer, and quote frankly at this point we can only gain, the iam not so much. The iam leadership tragically misjudged their position and security, you have no one to blame but yourself. We have been fighting for years with a 30% anchor as an associate.
Again i ask what plan does the iam have to turn it around? Or are you so confident that you can just sit there and say no forever?
He and the other newbie are on a mission just like 700 was.
You read them right. They know what really happened, they are here to confuse and spread misinformation, that's all. Later 767.
Why is everyone on a mission Swampy, when they don't tote the line that AMFA is all wise, and is never flawed? And when someone points out the obvious with evidence they are on a mission, sad.
It only counts in the association, when the association decides it does.
Obviously so. He also forgets how the other unions including his, also set out and helped the AMFA fiasco fail along with the company. We watched it all happen in person. Not only did they not support them they encouraged members to cross the picket lines even told them to do so at meetings and I think one Pres. put it in a memo to his membership. Pretty sad how that all came out.

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