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Aircraft maint issues

All that Parker and isom know how to do is lie to employees sake there stock. Put aa in more debt . Drop way down in stock prices and the big other thing they only no how to run a regional airline. Not a world traveling airline aa used to be. Especially under Bob Crandall . I do not believe on minute that ord to Asia is losing money. And they have gave jfk to JetBlue and delta. Along with bos
All that Parker and isom know how to do is lie to employees sake there stock. Put aa in more debt . Drop way down in stock prices and the big other thing they only no how to run a regional airline. Not a world traveling airline aa used to be. Especially under Bob Crandall . I do not believe on minute that ord to Asia is losing money. And they have gave jfk to JetBlue and delta. Along with bos

AAs biggest competitor is Spirit and unfortunately we are fighting for those passengers and business pax at the same time. AA made $752m less then the year before.

All the airlines are less then they use to be, the rise of SWA and the like and the internet have driven prices to rock bottom. So in essence the pax of all airlines are getting what they asked for.

As far as our contract goes, we have mechs who say they vote no for everything and others saying they want restore and more. Now we have two unions with different cultures negotiating for one contract, not mention half this union representation has no incentive to get a new contract anytime soon or ever. Then here we are the mechs of AA with no say as far as anything goes.

The pilots and FAs made this merger happen because they didn’t like Horton.

Just the facts.
AAs biggest competitor is Spirit and unfortunately we are fighting for those passengers and business pax at the same time. AA made $752m less then the year before.

All the airlines are less then they use to be, the rise of SWA and the like and the internet have driven prices to rock bottom. So in essence the pax of all airlines are getting what they asked for.

As far as our contract goes, we have mechs who say they vote no for everything and others saying they want restore and more. Now we have two unions with different cultures negotiating for one contract, not mention half this union representation has no incentive to get a new contract anytime soon or ever. Then here we are the mechs of AA with no say as far as anything goes.

The pilots and FAs made this merger happen because they didn’t like Horton.

Just the facts.
And now we find ourselves in mediation because of the greed of both unions under the association.
You didn’t expand it so here it is
Expand what?

You literally did not say anything. You just quoted me.

I only wanted to know your motivation for doing so since you did not post anything of your own.

Parker is not the first to lie to employees and he won't be the last. I guess you forgot AA asked for concessions, took huge bonuses, then hit us again in bankruptcy court.

I agree the company has gone down hill. I think that has more to do with the people who employ Parker, not Parker himself.

All that Parker and isom know how to do is lie to employees sake there stock. Put aa in more debt .
That was happening LONG before Parker.

All the airlines are less then they use to be, the rise of SWA and the like and the internet have driven prices to rock bottom. So in essence the pax of all airlines are getting what they asked for.
You are right. ALL airlines. Not just American Airlines. This is the new normal for airlines due to internet competition.

As far as our contract goes, we have mechs who say they vote no for everything and others saying they want restore and more. Now we have two unions with different cultures negotiating for one contract, not mention half this union representation has no incentive to get a new contract anytime soon or ever.
Of course. It was engineered to work that way.

The pilots and FAs made this merger happen because they didn’t like Horton.
Nonsense. Horton was a UNION buster. He may not have "busted" the UNION but he got what he wanted out of them. Maybe a little less. He did his job then moved on down the road. Google Horton sometime. I think the results will be enlightening.
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And now we find ourselves in mediation because of the greed of both unions under the association.

I think mediation will come to an impass and both parties will agree to binding arbitration so both can blame the arbitrator. Our union couldn’t even agree on seniority. So they got an arbitrator.

Unfortunately that will probably take another year plus
I think mediation will come to an impass and both parties will agree to binding arbitration so both can blame the arbitrator. Our union couldn’t even agree on seniority. So they got an arbitrator.

Unfortunately that will probably take another year plus
Until my fellow M&E employees wake up and take a stand to represent ourselves we will have the association controlling us. Fleet service and the IAM run this Association. One size does not fit all. All I hear is issues that flow through all groups. The association wants similar articles in the JCBA regardless which group it is. Until our group can separate from the Association we will be told what's best for us. I could careless about the other groups contractual demands. Why should fleet get 7 weeks VC because maintenance has it at UAL? We can't as a group get what's industry standard because the association wants similar items for the other groups. So they don't get it and we don't get it and now comes mediation. Because of this one size fits all belief we in M&E are dragged into mediation. The IAM is not helping either with the idea that they will keep their cheap medical plans and continued funding of the IAMPF. My guess is we ever get through mediation the IAM medical insurance is gone and the IAMPF funding is either gone or continues for the IAM members only. Then all this time wasted over something that was inevitable. How much more money and other compensation are we going to lose over these loosing issues?
Until my fellow M&E employees wake up and take a stand to represent ourselves we will have the association controlling us. Fleet service and the IAM run this Association. One size does not fit all. All I hear is issues that flow through all groups. The association wants similar articles in the JCBA regardless which group it is. Until our group can separate from the Association we will be told what's best for us. I could careless about the other groups contractual demands. Why should fleet get 7 weeks VC because maintenance has it at UAL? We can't as a group get what's industry standard because the association wants similar items for the other groups. So they don't get it and we don't get it and now comes mediation. Because of this one size fits all belief we in M&E are dragged into mediation. The IAM is not helping either with the idea that they will keep their cheap medical plans and continued funding of the IAMPF. My guess is we ever get through mediation the IAM medical insurance is gone and the IAMPF funding is either gone or continues for the IAM members only. Then all this time wasted over something that was inevitable. How much more money and other compensation are we going to lose over these loosing issues?
Your 100 percent correct till amts and related wake up we will not get anything at all. Sign a amp card and lets take charge of our profession. And have a say not pinto and Alex controlling our future.
Expand what?

You literally did not say anything. You just quoted me.

I only wanted to know your motivation for doing so since you did not post anything of your own.

Parker is not the first to lie to employees and he won't be the last. I guess you forgot AA asked for concessions, took huge bonuses, then hit us again in bankruptcy court.

I agree the company has gone down hill. I think that has more to do with the people who employ Parker not Parker himself.

That was happening LONG before Parker.

You are right. ALL airlines. Not just American Airlines. This is the new normal for airlines do to internet competition.

Of course. It was engineered to work that way.

Nonsense. Horton was a UNION buster. He may not have "busted" the UNION but he got what he wanted out of them. Maybe a little less. He did his job then moved on down the road. Google Horton sometime. I think the results will be enlightening.
Because the twu is weak the pilots got SnapBack I bet Jim chicken little never asked for it. Plus the pilots had enough sense to turn down there first bk contract judge lane made both sides go back to work the twu was scared and didn’t fight for us. I voted no on the bk contract the twu as always took care of one group are another to get it to pass like stores getting 6 weeks where we have 5. The weak pos union is the blame for not standing up for its members in bk . At least Horton wasn’t a used car salesmen like Parker is. Parker tells anything to get the sale after the sell he broke his promises like dl plus 7. At least with Horton you knew what you would get Parker promises the store then dose not come thru I can’t believe the aa unions fell for his pitch after the way us air was ran my goodness after the east west merge the pilots never merged nor the flight attendants. There hate for Horton was what cost aa employees there airline. Now we are AMERICAN west and there regional airline management team can’t run the biggest airline. My God Parker charged for water for goodness sakes. The first class passengers are noticing also last time I got first paying passengers were complaining the aa flight attd told them to write to Doug Parker.
AAs biggest competitor is Spirit and unfortunately we are fighting for those passengers and business pax at the same time. AA made $752m less then the year before.

All the airlines are less then they use to be, the rise of SWA and the like and the internet have driven prices to rock bottom. So in essence the pax of all airlines are getting what they asked for.

As far as our contract goes, we have mechs who say they vote no for everything and others saying they want restore and more. Now we have two unions with different cultures negotiating for one contract, not mention half this union representation has no incentive to get a new contract anytime soon or ever. Then here we are the mechs of AA with no say as far as anything goes.

The pilots and FAs made this merger happen because they didn’t like Horton.

Just the facts.
Spirt is spirt there low coat and aa dose not need to go that route . AMERICAN needs to go back to there strength as a full service airline like when Crandall was here. I rember when Crandall and Baker we’re here a international delay baker would call and find out what caused it and if it was short man power are equipment are parts he told them fix it. There was accountability after Crandall the airline under carty the airline went down. Him investing in Canada pacific that merged are aircanda bought bailing out jal etc the big one buying twa. But jet blue is getting popular with passengers. AA should go more that rout then spirt. We are not are used to never be a low cost carrier and we should not be now those who want to fly spirt fly them but there’s other markets that don’t want a low cost airline and will pay. The money to fly if they get there money’s worth. With excellent service Parker had a chance to make things right at the new AA but he failed witch I figured since looking at us air there union contracts were a big mess with the east and west pilots flight attendants never merging. That shows me bad management that’s not willing to work with groups just like now with our jcba Parker dose not give a crap about us are pasengers just his stock buy backs. If he cared he would have went in the negotiations room and said I can I fix that. But since way before the merger the iam was overdue for a contract he dose not care then either instead of fixing his work groups he goes to aa unions and lies like a used car salesmen.
AAs biggest competitor is Spirit and unfortunately we are fighting for those passengers and business pax at the same time. AA made $752m less then the year before.

All the airlines are less then they use to be, the rise of SWA and the like and the internet have driven prices to rock bottom. So in essence the pax of all airlines are getting what they asked for.

As far as our contract goes, we have mechs who say they vote no for everything and others saying they want restore and more. Now we have two unions with different cultures negotiating for one contract, not mention half this union representation has no incentive to get a new contract anytime soon or ever. Then here we are the mechs of AA with no say as far as anything goes.

The pilots and FAs made this merger happen because they didn’t like Horton.

Just the facts.

Well if you read his response to you bigjets are you sure you want to continue?

You’re not going to get through to him.
And now we find ourselves in mediation because of the greed of both unions under the association.
The mediation is from the infighting and the same reason we at SWA ended up in mediation, not bringing the company proposal to a vote.
Spirt is spirt there low coat and aa dose not need to go that route . AMERICAN needs to go back to there strength as a full service airline like when Crandall was here. I rember when Crandall and Baker we’re here a international delay baker would call and find out what caused it and if it was short man power are equipment are parts he told them fix it. There was accountability after Crandall the airline under carty the airline went down. Him investing in Canada pacific that merged are aircanda bought bailing out jal etc the big one buying twa. But jet blue is getting popular with passengers. AA should go more that rout then spirt. We are not are used to never be a low cost carrier and we should not be now those who want to fly spirt fly them but there’s other markets that don’t want a low cost airline and will pay. The money to fly if they get there money’s worth. With excellent service Parker had a chance to make things right at the new AA but he failed witch I figured since looking at us air there union contracts were a big mess with the east and west pilots flight attendants never merging. That shows me bad management that’s not willing to work with groups just like now with our jcba Parker dose not give a crap about us are pasengers just his stock buy backs. If he cared he would have went in the negotiations room and said I can I fix that. But since way before the merger the iam was overdue for a contract he dose not care then either instead of fixing his work groups he goes to aa unions and lies like a used car salesmen.

Carty tried that approach, more room throughout. PAX went to SWA and our other competitors pax didn’t want to pay extra $5 and then AA put the seats back into aircraft, Parker is beating other airlines at their own game and AA is making billions a year in profit.

I’m guessing AA is carrying a lot of debt to stop a takeover and buying back stock to keep shareholders and future shareholders happy. This is trumps America and that does not mean take care of the union workers.

Strong economy, massive corporate tax cuts, largest ever spending bill, so of course it’s necessary to have a pay freeze for all government union workers.
Here is something to ponder, IAM pension, APA 16% APFA 9.5% 401k contribution TWU 5.5% 401k match

6 years of our association and half of the members best contract in industry the other half the worst contract in industry.
I personally think we should be highest paid AMTs, but I realize that the highest paid AMTs should be doing work that requires an A&P license.
AMERICAN needs to go back to there strength as a full service airline like when Crandall was here.
You don't get it friend. Those days are over.

Crandall's last year as the CEO was in 1998. That was 20 years ago.

20 years.

Crandall, for the most part, did not have to deal with the competition fueled by the internet like the CEO's that followed him.

I am not trying to disrespect you conehead777 but you are living in the past. The world changed and the airlines changed with it. Of course the passengers complain because the airline has gone down hill but the majority spoke with their spending habits and their search for the bottom dollar best deal. In essence they want the royal treatment they just don't want to pay for it.

You have reaped the benefits of the internet (low prices) but you have also suffered it's consequences (the race to lower cost, including labor).

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