Aircraft maint issues

If you didn't get the cards to get 51%. If I remember correctly AMFA got like 8 votes. If you guys wanted AMFA that bad, and you hated the TWU which has been there forever. Who ever was gathering the AMFA cards obviously screwed up. If SWA can kick the Teamsters out in 2 weeks. If you guys are as pissed as you claim you should be able to get the cards. If not it's just wishful thinking. However American is only going to give the contract they want to give. And if you guys have the same mentality as some as a few over at SWA do, it will be a long hard road with AMFA. If you are honestly as pissed as you guys claim you are, I doubt the membership would want to go 6 years or more to produce a T/A in section 6.
I replied to you about events at UAL and you talk about the card drive and NMB vote with USAIR. It's no secret that SWA had a quick drive. Smaller numbers prove that. Look what the AA Dispatchers did. They collected and filed so fast that the TWU'S head was spinning in the dust. We on the other hand have always had to deal with diversity in collecting cards. We had a tall order with overhaul in Tulsa. SWA had no overhaul.
It was outsourced. Tulsa (overhaul) and title 2 were strong supporters of the TWU. The line stations title 1 guys were the ones always pushing to get rid of the TWU. I guess you forgot about the two drives in the past where we had enough cards but NMB allowed management and dead people among others that were never in our work units and never represented by any union to be on the list.
Every group is different based on which airlines workers structure and size. If we had no overhaul like SWA due to 100% outsourcing, we would have had AMFA back around 1987 or 1988 where the line had more than enough cards. Not one size fits all as you may think.
Bottom line for us right now is we are stuck with the dysfunctional Association.
In my opinion I see current negotiations going on past September. After that it seems the Association and company will make things up as time moves on.
I replied to you about events at UAL and you talk about the card drive and NMB vote with USAIR. It's no secret that SWA had a quick drive. Smaller numbers prove that. Look what the AA Dispatchers did. They collected and filed so fast that the TWU'S head was spinning in the dust. We on the other hand have always had to deal with diversity in collecting cards. We had a tall order with overhaul in Tulsa. SWA had no overhaul.
It was outsourced. Tulsa (overhaul) and title 2 were strong supporters of the TWU. The line stations title 1 guys were the ones always pushing to get rid of the TWU. I guess you forgot about the two drives in the past where we had enough cards but NMB allowed management and dead people among others that were never in our work units and never represented by any union to be on the list.
Every group is different based on which airlines workers structure and size. If we had no overhaul like SWA due to 100% outsourcing, we would have had AMFA back around 1987 or 1988 where the line had more than enough cards. Not one size fits all as you may think.
Bottom line for us right now is we are stuck with the dysfunctional Association.
In my opinion I see current negotiations going on past September. After that it seems the Association and company will make things up as time moves on.
Then it sounds like most impossible odds. Not trying to tic you guys off. At SWA I am personally tired and alot of people are AMFA excuses. They are good at lawsuits, but not so much as producing a T/A to vote on. The rumor has it, they want control of this 91 million in backpay or bonus or whatever you want to call it. That's what the company is telling them no. SWA tells them give us a formula and we will distribute the money. I know this you never give a union 91 million dollars it will disappear. However to get any of our stuff you have to approve a contract. But they want us to vote no, Go Figure! :)
You are a pathetic individual. Bret is a standup guy. It sounds like you only care about yourself. Are you one of those people that needs to have labor cost explained to them?????? Sounds like you are taking the companies side again. As far as Bret goes at AA you have no clue what all of us went through and Bret was always there working his ass off. The same thing that he is doing at SWA for your ungrateful ASS.
Yup. He's a full blown IGM'er and has been from the start. He keeps repeating the same thing over and over and over again. Just like he is in this forum on the card drive.
Your right, Brett is a very up standing guy and IS working his arse off for the membership and getting good things done.
Notice he is the ONLY one on here screaming "gimme, gimme, gimme."
Here ya go for original Nutdriver, gimme my money, I want my money, it's been 6 years, money...gimme it, it's been 6 years. Where is my T/A, I want my money, gimme it.

Oh darn, that's you Nutdriver. We here at AA have been locked in a TWU bankruptcy contract for 15 years, except for Dippy Dave's buddy DUI Doug's pay raise in 2016.

You should start a Reamster card drive at SWA, since a full intact contract seems to not satisfy your greed while you wait for a T/A. The Reamsters would have sold out your scope about 6 years ago. Perfect. You could have had your money a long time ago, since that's all you care about.
On behalf of the SWA mechs I do apologize for his rantings. The IGM'ers always seems to pop up whenever the unikon is doing their due diligence. He's just still butt sore that the teamsters were fired and AMFA was brought in. It's just like the dems are about Trump. AMFA came in and has done such a good clean up after the teamsters were fired, brought in 3 lines of maint in Dal as well as new "C" checks that were removed under the teamsters, added several mechanics in headcount etc... It just drives the teamster lovers nuts how AMFA has out produced the teamsters 30 plus years here, just like Trump is doing as pres. It just kills the dems to see him produce so well. Driver is the perfect example of the dems, he can't stand it...

Not true, teamsters spent a hell of a lot of money on the last drive to divert interest away from the AMFA drive. They duplicated and forged cards. This was proven so don't go asking me for proof. And then they pulled out after the filing. It was all planned to keep AMFA off the property and the TWU in place. Our guys were stupid enough to believe the Teamsters crap. So yes they do waste money serious drives or not.
And he wonders how the teamsters got in at UAL, now that's funny. They forged cards there too, just didn't get caught like they did at AA. And BTW, the United mechanics can't stand the teamsters there as they have NOT produced a single promise that was guaranteed to them if they voted teamsters in, not ONE.
Again fellas, I do apologize for his antics, he just pissed that I wrote him off and no longer respond to him. Just start ignoring him, he's begging for me to respond to him over in the SWA thread, but I already told him I was done with him.
Hopefully we will hear something this month on our T/A, but a lot are now saying that they are expecting the company numbers to be lacking what they are expecting so we will see in time.
Good luck to you guys and if you guys do start a card drive with any class and craft union I will gladly donate to the cause, I don't care if it's not AMFA I will still donate if it's a mechanics specific class and craft union.
Yup. He's a full blown IGM'er and has been from the start. He keeps repeating the same thing over and over and over again. Just like he is in this forum on the card drive.
Your right, Brett is a very up standing guy and IS working his arse off for the membership and getting good things done.
Notice he is the ONLY one on here screaming "gimme, gimme, gimme."

On behalf of the SWA mechs I do apologize for his rantings. The IGM'ers always seems to pop up whenever the unikon is doing their due diligence. He's just still butt sore that the teamsters were fired and AMFA was brought in. It's just like the dems are about Trump. AMFA came in and has done such a good clean up after the teamsters were fired, brought in 3 lines of maint in Dal as well as new "C" checks that were removed under the teamsters, added several mechanics in headcount etc... It just drives the teamster lovers nuts how AMFA has out produced the teamsters 30 plus years here, just like Trump is doing as pres. It just kills the dems to see him produce so well. Driver is the perfect example of the dems, he can't stand it...

And he wonders how the teamsters got in at UAL, now that's funny. They forged cards there too, just didn't get caught like they did at AA. And BTW, the United mechanics can't stand the teamsters there as they have NOT produced a single promise that was guaranteed to them if they voted teamsters in, not ONE.
Again fellas, I do apologize for his antics, he just pissed that I wrote him off and no longer respond to him. Just start ignoring him, he's begging for me to respond to him over in the SWA thread, but I already told him I was done with him.
Hopefully we will hear something this month on our T/A, but a lot are now saying that they are expecting the company numbers to be lacking what they are expecting so we will see in time.
Good luck to you guys and if you guys do start a card drive with any class and craft union I will gladly donate to the cause, I don't care if it's not AMFA I will still donate if it's a mechanics specific class and craft union.
Antics what a joke dude, we lose money everyday. I will be so glad when this experiment self destructs, and you realize you have been lied to by our own Union. When that happens you will have absolutely nothing to say. And by the way stupid I am a moderate Republican and can think for myself, unlike you. And here's a another clue I don't give a rats ass if you respond to me or not. My goal is to let the American guys know AMFA is not the great white horse they so desperately need with Parker and company. You would never admit on here that AMFA is wrong.
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So why were the Teamsters able to get United Airlines, why would they not want you dues money. That makes no economic sense.

Sure they would want the dues money; obviously, that wasn't part of the deal. It is no secret the Teamsters hate the idea of a trade union like the AMFA, and would take any and every opportunity to prevent the spread of the AMFA. Not really a stretch for the TWU to invite the IBT over to muddy the water for the AMFA card drive that was going on at the time at AA. Add to that, AA didn't want to lose their dance partner in screwing AA's AMTs - the TWU. Why else would AA hand deliver the AMT verification signatures to the NMB office in DC - literally the same day that the IBT submitted all their forged authorization cards? AA doesn't do anything that fast! Conveniently enough then, the asshats at the NMB denied our AMFA organizers a chance to get the legitimate AMFA authorization cards to their office by the next day. They denied any other means of submitting the cards other than hand delivering. BTW, there were way more AMFA authorization cards than needed to call for a representational vote. When it became clear the IBT card drive was a sham, the NMB should have at the very least allowed the AMFA cards to be submitted. Then there was no legal ramifications against the Teamsters for fraud. Dig a little deeper, then look at the backgrounds of the folks at the NMB, and where they came from, and who their ties are with - it was an uphill battle for the grass roots AMFA organizers to say the least.
Sure they would want the dues money; obviously, that wasn't part of the deal. It is no secret the Teamsters hate the idea of a trade union like the AMFA, and would take any and every opportunity to prevent the spread of the AMFA. Not really a stretch for the TWU to invite the IBT over to muddy the water for the AMFA card drive that was going on at the time at AA. Add to that, AA didn't want to lose their dance partner in screwing AA's AMTs - the TWU. Why else would AA hand deliver the AMT verification signatures to the NMB office in DC - literally the same day that the IBT submitted all their forged authorization cards? AA doesn't do anything that fast! Conveniently enough then, the asshats at the NMB denied our AMFA organizers a chance to get the legitimate AMFA authorization cards to their office by the next day. They denied any other means of submitting the cards other than hand delivering. BTW, there were way more AMFA authorization cards than needed to call for a representational vote. When it became clear the IBT card drive was a sham, the NMB should have at the very least allowed the AMFA cards to be submitted. Then there was no legal ramifications against the Teamsters for fraud. Dig a little deeper, then look at the backgrounds of the folks at the NMB, and where they came from, and who their ties are with - it was an uphill battle for the grass roots AMFA organizers to say the least.
Sure they would want the dues money; obviously, that wasn't part of the deal. It is no secret the Teamsters hate the idea of a trade union like the AMFA, and would take any and every opportunity to prevent the spread of the AMFA. Not really a stretch for the TWU to invite the IBT over to muddy the water for the AMFA card drive that was going on at the time at AA. Add to that, AA didn't want to lose their dance partner in screwing AA's AMTs - the TWU. Why else would AA hand deliver the AMT verification signatures to the NMB office in DC - literally the same day that the IBT submitted all their forged authorization cards? AA doesn't do anything that fast! Conveniently enough then, the asshats at the NMB denied our AMFA organizers a chance to get the legitimate AMFA authorization cards to their office by the next day. They denied any other means of submitting the cards other than hand delivering. BTW, there were way more AMFA authorization cards than needed to call for a representational vote. When it became clear the IBT card drive was a sham, the NMB should have at the very least allowed the AMFA cards to be submitted. Then there was no legal ramifications against the Teamsters for fraud. Dig a little deeper, then look at the backgrounds of the folks at the NMB, and where they came from, and who their ties are with - it was an uphill battle for the grass roots AMFA organizers to say the least.
Then I would say try it again, and don't dwell in the past. If not then nothing changes.
Antics what a joke dude, we lose money everyday. I will be so glad when this experiment self destructs, and you realize you have been lied to by our own Union. When that happens you will have absolutely nothing to say. And by the way stupid I am a moderate Republican and can think for myself, unlike you. And here's a another clue I don't give a rats ass if you respond to me or not. My goal is to let the American guys know AMFA is not the great white horse they so desperately need with Parker and company. You would never admit on here that AMFA is wrong.
Would you like to walk in our shoes under the Association?
Would you like to walk in our shoes under the Association?
No I don't work for American I will never understand how you guys can complain your Association. Talk about how you want to do a card drive, that based on what you are facing will probably never happen. But if someone is upset that we have not had a T/A in 6-years , something is wrong if we are mad at our Union. And it's more than just me at this forum. Hope you guys don't go that long.
No I don't work for American I will never understand how you guys can complain your Association. Talk about how you want to do a card drive, that based on what you are facing will probably never happen. But if someone is upset that we have not had a T/A in 6-years , something is wrong if we are mad at our Union. And it's more than just me at this forum. Hope you guys don't go that long.

It doesn't matter if it's 3,4,5,6 or 10 years...under the TWU, we are still working under the 2003 substandard benefits...that's basically 15 years of a sh#t contract...AMFA has not done any wrong with u guys, u are always top in pay and benefits...were always at the bottom before we even start...ur lucky to say the least...and ur bashing AMFA ...give me a break..5 sick days a year and at 1/2 pay for first two days original agreed upon....that's worse than Mc Donald's..and were not loving it!!!
AMFA all the way!!!

Side note for Weaasle...yes it's a mechanic and related union...of course u r gonna knock it...get another union to represent fleet..
It doesn't matter if it's 3,4,5,6 or 10 years...under the TWU, we are still working under the 2003 substandard benefits...that's basically 15 years of a sh#t contract...AMFA has not done any wrong with u guys, u are always top in pay and benefits...were always at the bottom before we even start...ur lucky to say the least...and ur bashing AMFA ...give me a break..5 sick days a year and at 1/2 pay for first two days original agreed upon....that's worse than Mc Donald's..and were not loving it!!!
AMFA all the way!!!

Side note for Weaasle...yes it's a mechanic and related union...of course u r gonna knock it...get another union to represent fleet..
Then start your,card drive dude that's all you guys talk about, pull the trigger. The only reason you are under a bankruptcy contract , because you went bankrupt. Guess what Northwest went bankrupt AMFA was there and lost all the mechanics jobs. AMFA was at United allowed contracted out Heavy maintenance, they were kicked out. You claim the United guys hate the Teamsters, but they have a new contract, Continental, which is with United doesn't have a problem with them. AMFA under Alaska Airlines allowed the Oakland base closed. As far as 10 years or 6 years. It does matter it's my contract I have to live under, And it's my right as a Union member to be upset, when it takes Forever. If you guys want AMFA, then get them . If you never went bankrupt, your contract wouldn't been bad under the TWU. Oh and by the way I have Ex Northwest mechanics on my crew and they hate AMFA.
Then start your,card drive dude that's all you guys talk about, pull the trigger. The only reason you are under a bankruptcy contract , because you went bankrupt. Guess what Northwest went bankrupt AMFA was there and lost all the mechanics jobs. AMFA was at United allowed contracted out Heavy maintenance, they were kicked out. You claim the United guys hate the Teamsters, but they have a new contract, Continental, which is with United doesn't have a problem with them. AMFA under Alaska Airlines allowed the Oakland base closed. As far as 10 years or 6 years. It does matter it's my contract I have to live under, And it's my right as a Union member to be upset, when it takes Forever. If you guys want AMFA, then get them . If you never went bankrupt, your contract wouldn't been bad under the TWU. Oh and by the way I have Ex Northwest mechanics on my crew and they hate AMFA.
Then start a TWU drive if AMFA is that horrible.